Decisions to Open Schools Should be Made Locally | Jonathan Butcher
Will your neighborhood school open on schedule in the fall? The answer should vary by location, but some headline-grabbing declarations are prolonging the uncertainty for families and students.
And uncertainty leads to fear—an infectious state of mind best treated with a dose of common sense.
Here’s the thing — a return to school is necessary for economic recovery, and education is also the key to upward mobility and better long-term health. Common sense must prevail.
Jonathan Butcher joined One America News on July 8, 2020, to discuss how we can reopen schools safely and breaks down why the need is so critical.
Read more here: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/school-reopenings-national-consensus-strategy-jonathan-butcher
Jonathan Butcher serves as senior policy analyst in the Center for Education Policy at the Heritage Foundation. He has researched and testified on education policy and school choice programs around the U.S., and his work has appeared in journals such as Education Next and the Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/jonathan-butcher
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I totally agree Decisions to Open Schools Should be Made Locally. The Fed needs to be kept in check.
Vouchers for ALL!
This is the one chance we'll get to win those kids to the truth. You send them back, and they will be lost. Schools are indoctrination camps. The country is falling apart BECAUSE of the schools.
Read Jonathan Butcher's piece in which he lays out the case for reopening, here: https://www.heritage.org/education/commentary/living-fear-unacceptable-risk-schoolchildren
While you're at it, get rid of teachers using political views to indoctrinate students to follow their ideals. Mainly the radical Marxist ideology.