Deep State Behind The Deep State: Alex Newman on the Alex Jones Show
In this segment of an interview on the Alex Jones Show, internationalist journalist Alex Newman exposes the Deep State–as well as the Deep State Behind the Deep State. Newman discusses the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, the secret society Skull and Bones, the Bohemian Grove, the New World Order, and more. Watch to learn about where the globalist conspirators are at in their quest to enslave humanity under a totalitarian world government–and to learn what you can do!
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The elites have declared war on humanity.
Princess Diana from Wales talked in her secret tapes about the evil…..
Alex Newman's personal integrity is so far superior to Jones they cannot be compared in the same universe. Is Alex Jones a Mossad agent as Matt Drudge is or Bill Kristol is? These Mossad agents will have to disappear if Israel is going to become a morally upright nation. Ezekiel 37 has not yet to be fulfilled.