Dems New Abortion Bill
In response to pro-life policy victories like the Texas Heartbeat Act, pro-abortion legislators in Congress are advancing a deceptively named piece of legislation called the Women’s Health Protection Act.
Leftists say the bill is simply “codifying Roe v. Wade,” but the truth is far worse.
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you people aren't a medical organization, why would you actively seek to prevent people from seeking healthcare?
We must continue to not support actual children and only protect fetus!!!! It’s gods will, merica 🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸
Modern human sacrifice at it's finest, did you know that for every abortion there is a witch performing a satanic ritual in the room directly beside it
What a crock…tell the whole truth or you're a liar just the same…just sayin….Republican women choose abortion when they feel it's necessary too….we are all women and we all get one uterus…one body…tend to your own as you see fit and leave others to do the same. And exactly NO ONE has suggested, approved or lobbied for abortion up to the due date. What an incredibly stupid thing to say, especially when you know it isn't true.
Pro life 👶🏾👶🏿👶🏽👶🏼
the abortion holocaust throughout the world!
Wouldn't be that great? It means there are no new liberals will be born in America. 😂😂
Super stoked for this new bill. Now, our rights as women will be affirmingly protected and no one can take our rights away. Ha take that Pro lifers. We just one upped you.
Infanticide..all participating must be held legally accountable for such an abominable crime
Abortion Is Big Business!!.
It is necessary for their "Scientific Researches", their creation of Super Viruses and to develop Some of their "Vaccines".
It is also necessary for their "Anti-Aging" & "Skin Rejuvenation" Cosmetics, among other Abominables.
Most Politicians who are in support of Abortion are Heavily Invested in those "industries" and are Securing their Financial Interests through the Laws & Policies they put forth.
Follow The Money…
Be Mindful Of The Companies In Which You Invest.
Your ROI Could Be "Blood Money".
I would like to turn the tables on these demonic authoritarians🇺🇸
Democrats are a death cult.
Former Facebook employee on what actually drives the company's agenda: https://youtu.be/wYcGIjFlsvs
We could turn "A Modest Proposal" into a "Modern Proposal."
And why stop there? Graveyards take up so much money and space. It's "just cells." We could even use corpses for research!
We could feed the poor with unwanted "babies" and the recently deceased (of course being careful to not consume brain or spine matter.) Hell, the brain dead could be sold for high prices as their meat is super fresh. We could build factories where graveyards once stood to properly mass dismantle and distribute meat.
It's all "just cells," what moral ground could anyone possibly stand on to oppose this brilliant solution? Don't you want to feed the poor?? Of course you do, and so do your recently dead relatives.
This isn't satirical, it's totally totty tot totters so ceral. In 10 years time, this plan will be accepted and implemented with only objections from Nazi bigot necro-loving republicans.
When democrats force these laws through will Republican law makers finally wake up? The federal gov’t is too big we gotta break it up!!
After watching this lecture by G. Edward Griffin "More Deadly Than War,"
I finally understand what's happening to us!
Can't just leave it up to the states, can they? Authoritarians.
abortion isnt about protecting women its about population control