Design Patterns in Biblical Narrative
Design patterns are one of the key ways the biblical authors have unified the storyline of the Bible. Individual stories across the Old and New Testaments have been coordinated through repeated words and parallel themes. These patterns highlight core themes of the biblical story and show how it all leads to Jesus.
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Fascinating. You could have added more too, like Moses being saved by water as a baby or Revelation saying there was no sea.
You guys are the blessings from God! Thank you so much for creating this series.
Mind blown.
So this god is smuggling in a message for this time period?
It's laughable and rather sad that people scrabble around for such meaningless nonsense to prop up their shaky unscientific world view. You can take that however you choose but know that it is just simply pareidolia. If you didn't know, you are engaging in pareidolia which is seeing false patterns in random data. Just like the faces in toast, these bible codes and conspiracy theories.
Not growing up in a Christian home I came to the Lord at age 30. 40 years later I have been very simple in reading the Word from Genesis to Revelation. I enjoyed this video today as I'm doing the Bible Project read the Bible in a year. I am no scholar, but I've seen the types and shadows from the beginning of reading HIS Word. I have titled it "the silver thread of redemption" that doesn't change from Genesis to Revelation!
There's also a parallel theme in the Bible, to what I noticed. The characters all fell for temptations but the chosen ones always got back to God. Additionally, God always has compassion to the ones who still chose not to get back to God. For instance, Cain killed Abel. God still protected him (not letting anyone kill him) after he pleaded to God. Esau and Jacob both did wrong things. Jacob got back to God while Esau kept going. Jonah got upset over repented people in Nineveh. God still cared for him. Sol and David both got crooked over time. David saught after God. Sadly, Sol did not. The stories repeated this pattern up to the coming of Jesus Christ.
I wish you were my sons! So proud of you!!!
Amen 🙏❤🔥
It wasn't the human writers doing that!!!
This is a highly inaccurate presentation of the structure of the Bible. While the key points being highlighted do in fact appear, they can't be said to have been designed or even copied by the various writers! This is because the design patterns aren't artificially constructed by the writers; instead they are artifacts of the source. The easiest way to elucidate this is to consider patterns such as prophecy and heptadic codes. In the case of heptadic codes (wherein each of the books in the New Testament includes anomolies that follow a pattern of multiples of seven), it would be impossible for any of the writers to artificially manifest all the heptadic features because they are relative to other books (e.g. each of the four gospels contains a certain number of words that only appear in that gospel, and each of these number counts is an EXACT multiple of seven without remainder. The only way to accomplish this artificially is if the other three gospels have already been written; but since all four have this same feature, they must've either been written at the same time or else the pattern has appeared due to something outside the writer's control. While it may be possible for all the gospels to be written at the same time, this is not the case for the entire Bible since it is well established that the Bible was written over thousands of years by multiple writers who didn't live concurrently). The same basic principle applies to prophecy: if the prophecies only consisted of predictions which were fulfilled within one or maybe two lifetimes, then it may be possible for them to be artificially crafted; however, it simply is beyond all reason and rational thinking to assert that a prophecy like Daniel's prediction of the arrival of the Messiah in Daniel 9 could possibly be artificial, since there is simply no way for Daniel to know enough about the logistics and circumstances of a single day several hundred years in the future. For instance, how would he know what the political atmosphere would be at that time? Or even the weather? If it were Daniel just making up a story based on literary patterns, then a simple rainstorm could've destroyed his entire prophecy because there would've been no one outside that day to receive Him! There are literally well over a thousand examples of similarly impossible-to-manufacture prophetic verses).
Right! His favorites sin, Adam, David, etc. And the "extra" people suffer because of their choices and God let them do it or he just does it himself (David's baby). Why didn't God kill David instead of the baby who did nothing. Because David was one of Gods favorites so all he had to do was cry a little bit.
I love how y'all are equipping believers to see the many ways the Holy Spirit orchestrated the Bible through so many ppl. When you showed the parallel between Jesus' baptism and His crucifixion, I was amazed at what I had never seen before! Particularly the in both instances, God personally responds from Heaven. Thank you for the equipment!
I love the bible
All those waters (4:20)—baptism now saves you!
Very grateful for your Bible studies, and illustrations.
As a reader, I can appreciate more the wonder of the Bible because of you, guys. Thanks!
Moses was drawn from the water. He was actually put into the water as a means of salvation, but he wound up being taken and rescued from the waters by pharaoh’s daughter. If I follow biblical narrative, Moses was born in the chaos of Egypt but it is through pharaoh that God offers him his rescue.
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Just love you guys!! Feeling so THANKFUL for your incredible, beautiful work this Holy Week!! Blessings on you, your work and your loved ones this Resurrection Weekend!!! ✝️ 📖 🙏🏼 🙌🏼
Breathtaking truths… Thanks. Mayeerah from South Africa…
Thank you.
Jesus is Lord 👑
You guys made my understanding of God's Word ema lot easier through your innovative presentation of the Truth. Thank you!
May God bless your endeavors more ☝️🙏
thank you this is amazing😁😃😄
These are the kind of videos that really help the Bible come alive and spark my hunger for more of God's word. You guys are really advancing the Kingdom in great ways. I'd love to see a video or series about God's wrath/atonement. Keep up the great work!
better than any other way to spend 6 minutes
I thought this was amazing guys! Keep it up!!!
Love the simple easy to follow pictures and word selection. Very nice job. This makes my heart happy knowing children of all ages can understand the true story of God the Father and Lord Jesus Christ who dies for ALL our sins. May God bless you for many generations.
Thank you!
God bless you, God bless you!
Love u guys for your steadfast love for God