Did Jesus Equate Anger With Murder and Lust With Adultery? • Sermon on the Mount (Episode 4)
Join us for the fourth episode exploring the most well-known collection of Jesus’ teachings, the Sermon on the Mount. In this video, you’ll learn:
– How we know how to do right by others
– How Jesus reveals God’s wisdom underneath the Torah’s commands
– How Jesus used hyperbole to make points
– How Jesus took aim at our core desires and motivations in the Sermon on the Mount
Watch the Sermon on the Mount video series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH0Szn1yYNefD9pHcnyRivKRGpYGc2yfB
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lol, so in today's society it's women engaging in all the divorcing going on.
Thank you so much for this.
Christ condemned all divorce with no exceptions for infidelity
You all twist scripture so hard. It’s not about the oppression of women or objectifying them. As if Jesus had the talking points of a liberal today. It’s just about the condition of the heart.
good explain
One small gripe, please don't say "Jesus believed" about God's wisdom; being God incarnate, he KNEW.
Our sins comes from the origin of our heart… Our heart (emotion) is a DECIEVER!!
6 Things the Lord hates but 7 is abomination to HIM!.. (Proverbs 6:16-17) MAJOR sins
PRIDE = WRATH correlates to commit sin of KILLING
Amém 🙏❤️✝️
Dear California in the west, how is your compassion and righteousness fixing the homeless problems? How is the immigration helping with crime rates?
Why is one video hidden?
Lost me at Torah, or I’m just really mistaken 😂 someone educate if needed lol
"You can see how this could play out in a society where only men can initiate divorce for any reason." We now live in a society where any one can initiate divorce for any reason.
God bless you guys!
Blessed these illustrators as well Wow 😀 <3
Nancy said he wants a divorce from his Wife after she broke his window in front of his client.
Nicky agreed. In that period both were still Muslim. Nicky started having encounters with the holy spirit and felt like a conviction. Sandra at Nickys work spoke to her and said the salvation prayer with Nicky. Nicky kept it a secret from the family However it came to light and when it did Nicky realized that all her life she had someone with her but and financially it is quite alot,already they started divorce process but Nicky ended up calling Nancy to give it another try in there marriage, she also went back to Islam not because she loves him but really needed helo financially and that was the only reason.
One day Nicky felt a conviction again and her friend spoke to her at work. She did not tell anyone she went back to Muslim however she prayed again with Nicky. Nicky went home to tell her family but Nancy did not agree. He immediately moved out of the room 2022 said he need to divorce she agreed and this time she said God I'm with you…3 years later she want to get married but the person she like gave her some scripture I'm Romans,1 Corinthians,and Mathw. Talking about Divorce and how she can't get married again because it would be adultery caused by her and the man she want to marry.
I feel sad! She was emotionally abused,cheated on for 13years and also he kept from her ,her needs.
Please can she ever get married again? 😢
Yeah but Palestinians never felt the love of Christians.
Where can i find the story of the video in the bible??😮
lovely art
Where can I find the sources for this cultural study of biblical times? I’ve been looking for a good tool to help further my studies.
Anger is a God given emotion. (We can be angry at the murder of a child.). It’s not bad at itself.
It’s what you do with anger can determine if it’s a sin or not.
1. You can spew it
2. Hold it in
3. Study it
Studying it is the only healthy and Godly way. Understand why and how to deal with it.