Discerning Truth in a Divided World
Greg gives advice for discerning truth in a world where people have such wildly different understandings of what is happening.
Listen to the full podcast here: https://www.str.org/w/how-can-we-discern-truth-in-this-divided-world-
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When someone is watching genocide occur, as was the case in Nazi germany… I would hope they would be emotional in the ways you describe.
Sometimes they are falsely accusing you as you are explaining things and veer you off track and you end up getting noticeably emotionally defensive. Be careful of that trap, you’ll make yourself look bad to those who can’t see what’s happening and they may not know you enough and can’t fathom what it’s like to deal with these narcissistic types who aren’t doing this to protect anyone from you.
Appreciate you very much. Thank you for truth in boldness. Praying for you always.
John10:29ASV"29My Father, who hath given them unto me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand." Note please that the God and Father of Jesus (JEHOVAH) is greater than all others,not many/most others. Thus JEHOVAH'S union with his Son/Servant is not a union of equals.
Divide, Dissent, Differ, Develop, … Cf. divisive, deriding, degrading, deluding, deceiving. Cf. pronunciation of a word – dem·a·gog·uer·y
A cult member talking about discerning truth… that is a laugh.
The forgiveness video has comments turned off so I will comment here instead. I consider Greg a mentor of mine highly respected though I disagree sometimes. I can forgive people who are t repentant due to the abundance of love. Perhaps it is easier to understand this when your child harms you. I was born with this ability and find it easier to forgive than others around me. I actually cant help it. Love makes this natural.
Shutting your comments off on some videos yeah I'm not going to subscribe
Hello I love Stand To Reason and have been wanting y’all to release apparel for a while I don’t know if you’re ever planning to but would it be alright if I made my own custom to represent?
I came here from your video on questions that stop Christians think it's funny you have the comments turned off because you literally made no point in that video and I think that you know that. The video only states that their are judges and that people should be judged. But in the metaphor you give, you use judges giving pardons as the example and a judge sacrificing himself for the person. As if other religions don't have this because they do lots of them do so what makes Christianity the correct one because the specific metaphor you gave there's no difference between Christianity and a lot of other religions out there…..
Dont put your faith or trust in man because man will always fail you..God will not .
Bible says you will know what is evil by the fruits they bare
God can tell you who and what to trust.
God's light will cast on the darkness and lies and show there true form..he will expose them to the world and bring them into the light
This was a great question. Thanks caller and thank you Greg.