DivestU | 5 Minute Video
It’s no longer a secret that many college campuses today are nothing more than leftist indoctrination camps. But what can we do about it? Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, offers a simple and effective solution.
This video was made possible by a generous grant from Colorado Christian University. Learn more at https://www.PragerU.com/CCU
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Year after year, Americans pour billions of dollars into colleges and universities.
I’m not talking about the outrageous tuition costs, living expenses, and fees – the debt pit students fall into. And I’m not talking about the tax money – our money – colleges and universities get from federal and state governments. I’m talking about the money Americans are handing over to these institutions of their own free will.
In 2017, that number was $44 billion. $44 billion in donations in one year from alumni and other donors. And for what? To enhance the education of America’s youth?
Do you really think our college graduates are better educated, more literate, more versed in classical philosophy and American history than they were ten, twenty, or fifty years ago?
If your child goes to college and spends four years partying, skipping class, and playing video games, consider yourself lucky. It’s when they actually listen to their radical professors that you’re in trouble.
So what have our institutions been doing with all this money?
Well, the University of Michigan’s Vice Provost of Equity and Inclusion makes $400,000 a year. The university spends close to eleven million dollars annually on diversity and inclusion staff and programs, according to a recent report.
What do you think Vice Provosts of Equity and Inclusion (and almost all schools have one now) do all day? They, and the small armies they supervise, spend all day, every day, looking for racism, sexism, classism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia and any other phobias they can dream up. If they don’t find some bias somewhere, they’re out of a job. So, guess what? They find it – even where it doesn’t exist.
The University of California at Santa Cruz now has an “activist-in-residence.” His job is to mint new leftist activists – as if we have a shortage.
Why are we voluntarily giving billions and billions of dollars to hopelessly corrupt institutions that overcharge, underdeliver and undermine the most basic values of Western Civilization?
We should be starving this beast. Instead, we’re feeding it.
Are there exceptions to this rule? Colleges that are actually dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom? Of course, there are – and they are worthy of your financial support. But you can count them on two hands. The rest have a different mission. And they have more than enough coin to carry it out.
The aforementioned University of Michigan has an endowment of 12 billion dollars. But that’s small potatoes compared to Yale’s $30 billion or Harvard’s $40 billion. And donors keep giving them more.
It’s time to stop.
You’d be better throwing your money into a bonfire. That’s just a waste. But when you donate to your average university, you’re actually hurting your society.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/divestu

I wish Prageru built a university and own it
Hilarious how PragerU made all of these college hate videos, but there are only 2,832 four-year universities in the U.S.
Yeah, I am 10x more learned about history in God of War and Call of Duty than boring study in school and college.
It should be clear that the Left has started something akin to world war three in the USA and normal people are losing the battles.
Fix Yourself (Personal Responsibility):
-Make sure you do not sleep too late.
-Get up early.
-Clean and organize your house.
-Do exercise to stay fit and healthy.
-Stop interrupting random people.
-Stop forcing random people to love you.
-Stop comparing yourself to others.
-Stop being a spoiled narcissist.
-Have delayed gratification.
-Have gratitude.
-Have self-discipline.
-Make peace with your family and your friends.
-Take every opportunity that is given to you.
-Get to school on time.
-Get to college on time.
-Get to work on time.
-Stay educated.
-Save up money without wasting it.
-Pay your house bills on time.
-Drive responsibly.
-Do not drink alcohol.
-Do not do drugs.
-Do not gamble.
-Do not smoke.
-Do not have too much sugar.
-Do not have too much sex.
-Do not have kids out of wedlock.
-Do not join any radical groups.
-Do not commit crimes.
I have a message for confused human beings around the world of every generation especially the younger generation coming from a young man myself born in 1998. I believe the younger generation needs to fix themselves rather than trying to fix other people in this world because in my honest opinion you cannot fix people it is up to people to fix themselves period.
Subsidies artificially inflate prices.
Government loan guarantees also artificially inflate the demand and prices, and entice subprime lending.
The answer is to get government out of the school business altogether.
Excellent video! Prager University would,be a good place to redirect those dollars!!
Good advice. I don't like funding the destruction of my children and country.
Education should be free for all .
Excellent delivery! Blessings from Tony, Sydney, Australia.
This guy's face unsettles me
The University is using it's money to teach by force it's view of what we can say or what not to say (the threat of fine or exspellment). That's the whole point of the difference between the Left and Rght. The Right uses freedom of speech without reprimand. Capitalism and Free Speach! Thank you Prager U.
And you whine why the Chinese are outpacing the USA. While spoiled white kids were partying and wasting away their college years, the Chinese foreign students diligently learned everything they need to learn, from technology to economics, and when they brought that knowledge home to China, they were able to replicate it. And ignorant racists keep crying China stole American intellectual property.
No, there is no theft of technology, there is no plagiarism. The Chinese students legally studied all the scientific development in American universities, and just recreated it, with limited success, when they went home and get their knowledge into good use for the Party.
Enjoy culture revolution folks. We had one 50 years ago in China. Let me assure you it's fun.
I go to community College, i've only had one encounter with a real liberal professor. Other than that nothing really.
I agree 100% with the money allocated to the taxpayers and to be spent by parents on schools of their choice
where is Prager U?
you had me until the Israel comment. Israel defending itself from a country that barely exists that they've pretty much wiped out lol.
Also concentrate your efforts on schools and libraries. The damage caused to our children starts in kindergarten. Go to your library and check the children, young adult, and teen shelves to see the trash available to minor children. Go to http://www.ala.org and learn libraries' anti-Conservative, anti-family agenda. David Horowitz exposes them: https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/organizations/american-library-association-ala. And read Horowitz's excellent article: https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/2019/12/ending-library-fines-new-social-justice-daniel-greenfield.
Great work! Who are the good colleges?
BTW if you didn't enjoy college life, you are your own fault.
There was a time when I enjoyed PU a lot. However, I have realized PU is far more negative than positive. This 'episode' of PU is way off the mark. They claim… "only a handfull" of colleges and universities do a good job. Come on! The top 200 + colleges and universities do a fantastic job educating young people. The 'party' aspect is determined by the individual. A student can learn as little or as much as they choose to learn. There is a reason why Harvard has a 40 + billion endowment. The university prepares it's students for life after college. Their alumni, like alumni from hundreds of institutions are successful. Consequently alumni show their appreciation. Every institution has pros and cons. This report had little if anything positive to say. Hey, PU…..say something positive. Otherwise you're just complaining.
Great propaganda piece Charlie Kirk! 😎
This is the best truth video ever,I am so sick of college and others
You only live once,don't waste time in college
yes, listen to the dude who couldn't even finish community college
watch Prager!
Do Green River College and Pierce College count?
Here in Argentina all of the universities are adoctrination centers. If you talk about freedom or capitalism they are going to say you that you are the worst in the world and you never are going to get your degree.
This is why parents should send their kids to tech schools. Where they will get an education and training that they will actually use.
Hi, PragerU, in the Script, you said "In 2017, that number was $44 billion", and then "compared to Yale's $30 billion or Harvard's $40 billion" —— Are those numbers compatible? Thanks.
how the hell am i supposed to know wich college to pick? how do i know wich ones teach instead of indoctrinate?
HAHAHAHA …omg the number one school in the land ……#GOBLUE !!!….AND this alum is also half blk and half Pac islander too. ..ah. The salty conservative tears taste so good. ..
ALSO my roomate BFF says I should make it aware that she is a white woman and she is gay. And I'm datimg her sister. (I can feeeel the hate from here…now I get the whole anger dark side thing the empirical bad guy got off on in star wars )
I would like to see someone investigate their non-profit 501c3's. I would be willing to help.
I learned less at UC Santa Cruz than watching a Prager U video, taking LSD, or reading old high school notes.
I went to UC Santa Cruz. It was truly weird being a conservative student their. They actually got upset that a dining hall served Mexican food on alien night (space alien themed). They took “alien” to mean illegal alien, then bridged an imaginary connection between the type of food and claimed it to be racist!
conservatives getting triggered over a narrative they've made up, what's new
It's a spin on the old Soviet Axiom show me the man I'll show you the crime….urbanresearchgroup495@gmail