Doctor Busts #Coronavirus Myths
Americans everywhere are battling COVID-19 — and while there’s plenty of good info on what you should and shouldn’t do, there’s unfortunately a lot of misinformation as well.
We know you want to sift through it all, so we decided to ask Dr. Kevin Pham to bust some big myths regarding how we deal with the virus.
As a medical doctor, contributor to @DailySignal , and a former graduate fellow in health policy at The Heritage Foundation, he’s offering sound wisdom for combating the #coronavirus and keeping not only yourself, but those around you, safe and healthy.
Here are links to videos of Dr. Pham busting each myth:
Myth 1: Social Distancing means staying inside at all times
Myth 2: We should avoid elderly neighbors
Myth 3: It is safe to play sports
Myth 4: It’s OK to let your kids play with their friends
Myth 5: You don’t need to disinfect your groceries
Myth 6: I don’t need to wear a mask and gloves when I leave home
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Bust the myths of Covid
Check out Dr. Pham's piece on COVID-19, here: https://www.heritage.org/public-health/commentary/doctor-explains-what-you-need-know-about-coronavirus
what about building immunity? I work in a grocery store as a checker. For 4 months I have not worn a mask and only sometimes wear gloves. Not one worker has been sick in our store. Looked for any stories of sick and dying retail workers and found not much info. Let people go to work and whoever doesn't want to they can stay home. This is going to kill us in other ways. I'm 64 years old and I don't live in a small town. People are all around me every day. Get rid of WHO. They misled us from the start.
The masks idea are to see how many people are virtue signalling and/by showing compliance and gullibility. Social distancing is silly. It assumes a ‘web’ of possible/unavoidable probable/possible interactions and therefore contaminations. Instead of being concerned with PREVENTING interactions, and therefore crippling human activity, we should assume these a given. What we SHOULD BE concerned about is the ‘last hop’ to an elederly person. Therefore someone who is a carer should cordon off a section of the vulnerable person’s home and use a cleansing routine. Eg wash their hands before coming in. Put on a mask. Ensure the ‘target’ wears a mask and washes their hands. Wash the groceries b4 handing them over. The vulnerable person should be on lockdown, not everyone else.
I would guess you could play tennis with very little risk. Lots of social distance there.
What about non contact sports. Tennis? Golf? Kicking a ball. Frisbee with gloves?
My suspicious nature makes me wonder if in fact this was a planned event to somehow give the Globalist a better shot of getting Trump out and at the same time kill off older folks that only cost society money paying out retirement health care and all the stuff they need. The CCP in my view would also do anything to get rid of Trump along with our own ruling elite. Look at how Romney has turned as well as others that seem to stab him in the back at every opportunity. My community has only had one death and 36 cases and a few hospitalized so the shut down in the long run may be more harmful when the suicides likely to come from the economic costs are realized. If we did have an enemy trying to destroy our nation what better way could it be done. Destroy the economy and let folks kill off themselves?
huh …
can we say chinavirus
If this doesn't end by 1 May, expect another great depression.
I've heard all about how people are dying sick being tested the hospital being over but I've watched a video were journalist went to hospital urgent care test sites across the country so we're all the sick people people getting tested.
"Coronavirus could be ‘exterminated’
if lockdowns were lifted"
‘Going outdoors is what stops every respiratory disease’
A veteran scholar of epidemiology has warned that the ongoing lockdowns throughout the United States and the rest of the world are almost certainly just prolonging the coronavirus outbreak rather than doing anything to truly mitigate it…"
Charles M LIEBER was arrested for Working with Chinese lab, in Wuhan
He worked as a Scientist at Harvard! Not many people are talking about this ,but if you look this up you will see it's true!
Stipends for reporting.
Those that are afraid or sick should self-quarantine and let the rest of society get on with living. Shut down the hospitals to those if you must.
A follow-up video should better, more clearly discuss the 'life span' of the virus, with focus on how long a person is infectious/can transmit the virus to others. This is important because as our nation returns to the outdoors and (hopefully) work, those who have been isolated from virus will probably become infected (the virus will still be present and society has not developed immunity and the evil 'second wave' will hit). While practicing respectful social distancing, especially regarding the at-risk members of the community, and personal hygiene protocols, we will slowly develop 'herd immunity'; 98-99% of people will not die from this virus. The period of transmissibility is important for individuals to understand as antibody testing will reveal who has had and recovered from the virus. This data will salve anxiety and better guide public policy that will allow our society to restore our economy, our invididual livelihoods, and support the focus-isolated at-risk community until such a time as technology/pharma R&D has responded with a vaccination.
Very good information. So sport should be banned also. Sounds very sensible to me.
Children should not be socialising. so why are they going back to school after Easter
How are you helping to slow the spread of COVID-19?