Does God Punish Women with Pain in Childbirth?
This session is from the BibleProject Classroom class Adam to Noah, taught by Dr. Tim Mackie. The entire class is available for free on the BibleProject app at https://classroom-beta.bibleproject.com/adam-to-noah.
The word often translated as “childbirth” or “childbearing” (Heb. “herayon”) in Genesis 3:16 is explicitly not the word for “labor” or “childbirth.” How does this shift our understanding of the consequences of humanity’s choice in the garden? Join Dr. Tim Mackie and students as they practice their biblical interpretation skills in the Adam to Noah class.
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You don't have to put on so many layers of "armors". You are spending at least half of the time (which I m rolling my eyeballs) to explain how you are not offending any authority or implying any negative views on previous translations.
I m Chinese and I know humble, but this is not it, you are working hard, no disrespect toward any individuals or parties, that is clear. Just do the cross reference and say it out loud.
Good job!
It can also be postpartum depression?
What a feminist piece of crap. A woman shall have and does have great pain in childbirth. It is the desire for a woman to rule over her head before you even say hello to a woman. You spend so much time trying to make a feminist thing out of this and thank God your wrong.
What me and my husband have been living since we got married seems to make so much sense now…
It doesn't matter if Eve sinned. There's no way she can squeeze something the size of a watermelon out of a hole the size of a small grapefruit without some discomfort.
That would be a design issue not a sin issue. Mary was probably having discomfort when Jesus was born and she was without sin, right?
I think the miracle of childbirth may bring pain, but the strength and resilience of women shines brightest in those moments.😊😊
Hi! Not sure if anyone will respond, but this search for Hebrew words in the verses within bible, what is that being done through? I think that’d be so helpful to help deepen studies!
L love both channels. Really enjoy Google maps like the archaeological and history content. I guess I like the apologetics of our faith Susan it’s more Susan I have more confidence in sharing the content.
Just thinking about this logically. This passage is part of the Torah and has been preserved in the original Hebrew text since it's creation. Do the native Hebrew speaking Jews agree with this interpretation? I find it hard to believe that after thousands of years where we have Jewish scholars whose native tongue is Hebrew, and who have spent their entire lives studying the original Hebrew text did not not come to this same conclusion.
Loved this explanation!
" That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil– this is the gift of God." ~Ecclesiastes 3:12
If the traditional interpretation of Gen 3:16 is incorrect as suggested in this video, the implication is that severe pain in childbirth was part of God's original intention in creation, which God called very good. Would this not malign the character of God rather than the idea that God would punish humanity for their sin and rebellion?
“Oooh snap!” Me too brother, me too.
This is so interesting as the way Dr.Tim puts up the things..Like this addressings..
It's also a perfect metaphor for the loss of the protection of the Garden and Sabbath Rest in God! Now you will have Pain/Anxiety of/over your children born and raised outside of God's perfection. Brilliant study
It would be nice if the translators could give their reasoning for why they translated this passage as such.
What about not just pain but having more babies birth same time
I never thought god wanted that. It’s the consequences of eating from that tree and gaining consciousness. We dwell and think too much so pain must be worse for us than other non “conscious” animals.
This is profound for me in terms of interpreting a spiritual dream. Thank you for bringing clarity and peace❤