Does Science Argue for or against God? | 5 Minute Video
Why are we here? Literally. The latest science says we shouldn’t be. It says that the chance life exists at all is less than zero. So, is science the greatest threat to the idea of Intelligent Design or is science its greatest advocate? Best-selling author and lecturer, Eric Metaxas, poses this intriguing question and comes up with a very unexpected and challenging answer.
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In 1966 Time magazine ran a cover story asking: “Is God Dead?” The cover reflected the fact that many people had accepted the cultural narrative that God is obsolete — that, as science progresses there is less need for a “God” to explain the universe. It turns out, though, that the rumors of God’s death were premature. In fact, perhaps the best arguments for his existence come from — of all places — science itself.
Here’s the story: The same year Time featured its now-famous headline, the astronomer Carl Sagan announced that there were two necessary criteria for a planet to support life: The right kind of star, and a planet the right distance from that star. Given the roughly octillion planets in the universe — that’s 1 followed by 24 zeros — there should have been about septillion planets — that’s 1 followed by 21 zeros — capable of supporting life.
With such spectacular odds, scientists were optimistic that the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, known by its initials, SETI, an ambitious project launched in the 1960’s, was sure to turn up something soon. With a vast radio telescopic network, scientists listened for signals that resembled coded intelligence. But as the years passed, the silence from the universe was deafening. As of 2014, researchers have discovered precisely bubkis, nada, zilch, which is to say zero followed by an infinite number of zeros.
What happened? As our knowledge of the universe increased, it became clear that there were, in fact, far more factors necessary for life — let alone intelligent life — than Sagan supposed. His two parameters grew to 10, then 20, and then 50, which meant that the number of potentially life-supporting planets decreased accordingly. The number dropped to a few thousand planets and kept on plummeting.
Even SETI proponents acknowledged the problem. Peter Schenkel wrote in a 2006 piece for Skeptical Inquirer, a magazine that strongly affirms atheism: “In light of new findings and insights . . . . We should quietly admit that the early estimates . . . may no longer be tenable.”
Today there are more than 200 known parameters necessary for a planet to support life–every single one of which must be perfectly met, or the whole thing falls apart. For example, without a massive, gravity-rich planet like Jupiter nearby to draw away asteroids, Earth would be more like an interstellar dartboard than the verdant orb that it is.
Simply put, the odds against life in the universe are astonishing.
Yet here we are, not only existing, but talking about existing. What can account for it? Can every one of those many parameters have been perfectly met by accident? At what point is it fair to admit that it is science itself that suggests that we cannot be the result of random forces? Doesn’t assuming that an intelligence created these perfect conditions in fact require far less faith than believing that a life-sustaining Earth just happened to beat the inconceivable odds?
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/does-science-argue-or-against-god

Thank you for creating this video. I find the exposition and logic are refreshingly clear. The conclusions, either way one goes, are either immensely comforting or infinitely terrifying.
Where did the information come from that made it possible to assemble the first life form?
Information always has a creator.be it original or compiler.
The odds of winning the lottery are also very low and there’s always a winner
All things denote there is a God.
Oh yeah, I once stumbled across a computer in the woods. Just sitting there, no owner in sight. Obviously, it must've just evolved over millions of years, right? I mean, why not? Piece by piece, it magically formed itself into a functional PC, probably because that’s what happens when you leave nature alone long enough. It couldn’t have taken too long—it's way simpler than, say, the entire universe or this little thing we call life on Earth. Sure, all signs point to a designer, but nah, that’s way too obvious. I’ll just roll with the idea that this thing somehow sprang up from the dirt. Makes total sense.
Two things. There may be life on other planets or moons in the universe, but there is no guarantee that it would be "intelligent" life. The vast majority of life on earth is not "intelligent". There could be billions of planets with life forms, none of which got beyond the bacteria stage, and therefore undetectable by anyone searching the sky for transmissons. Two, the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light. Any transmission of electromagnetic waves from some far off planet will likely never reach earth. There is one other thing. Let's say the universe is not expanding, and there's a planet out there where intelligent life emerged at the same time as humans on earth. We've only been sending man made electromagnetic waves from earth for just over 100 years. If that other planet with intelligent life started sending electromagnetic waves at the same time we did, and if they're ten billion light years away, their signals won't get here for ten billion years.That's roughly 5 billion years after our Sun expands to consume its first three planets. Which will put paid to the human race. There won't be anyone here to receive the transmission.
Years ago I had a coin with heads on both sides. It always landed on heads. It was a novelty coin of course. The heads I win tails you lose coin, a joke. God exists and created it all. Seems the more we learn through science, the more we realize how little we know.
I don't know what's more depressing, the terrifyingly nihilistic arguments atheists make, or the fact religious people can't immediately refute them. 😒
The nihilism of atheists is just insane. Here's how a conversation would go if we applied the logic they are using in the comments to every day life:
Theist: There is a bullet in the back of that person's brain. The odds of a bullet landing there by accident are astronomically low, so it is evidence of a murderer.
Atheist: No it's not! Just because you can't explain and it seems unlikely doesn't mean there's any reason to believe in a murderer!
The non-theist comments on this video are full of CRAP!
Many people, atheists in particular, of course think that science can argue AGAINST God. Hmm …
But what's the problem with that? The PROBLEM is that scientists have nothing which they can examine which disproves God. Nor can God be proven. How so? Because God can't be examined with science, nor can the wisdom of any spiritual matters revealed by God himself. The problem with a limited comprehension of God is on account of a very limited comprehension of self.
This s classic religious fallacy-peddling. All the facts are right, but the argument is silly.
Science argues for grant money.
This argument is called fine-tuning and what the presenter does not realize is that it argues against the existence of God.
Sorry, no cigar.
Solution: Don't use the fine-tuning argument for the existence of God.
The term 'Design" comes from "Intelligent Design," which is a relabeling of Creationism which is not science, but theology.
Why, if god is omniscient and all knowing, can he not prove himself simply and undeniably his existence, so that even the dumbest human can believe in his existence without resorting to faith?
you just don t know !!! so you assumed ( as you mentioned ) it has to be god!!!! I love when religious people try to convince you about the creator is the best explanation ( not the right explanation ) 🙂
In the past 24 hours I've been trying to formulate in simply way what Eric just said, not knowing I would come across this video just now. There is a God! He invented, designed and created everything. And this God loves us, cares for us, DIED on the cross bearing our sins.
The assumption that life doesnt exist because we did not get any radio signals from them is like saying the aztecs didnt exist because they didn't write a physics textbook in modern english.
It's amazing how you can bear so much false witness in a single video.
There is a fairly rational argument for a supervisory God who oversees the universe.
Remarkably, Einstein himself was aware of and even spoke of the necessity of a supervisory intelligence in the universe (though he never acknowledged the existence of a personal God, as in the Judeo-Christian Bible).
The sum-total of matter and energy in the universe could not possibly have existed eternally – for some infinite length of time. Infinity is only theoretical and constitutes a purely mathematical concept.
The time concept itself can be rationalized only in the presence of matter and energy. Time is the duration of an event, and the event of interest is the continuing expansion of the universe. There had to have been a finite beginning to the very existence of the sum-total of matter and energy, prior to which it did not exist. Furthermore, it could not have materialized, either gradually or abruptly, out of a total void. There thus had to have been a first cause of some sort.
The second law of thermodynamics would hardy allow the coalescence of matter into stable planetary systems such as exist, especially like that of the earth and moon, both of which possess certain particular features that favor a life-supporting environment that can only be explained as a consequence of willful purpose and intention. In addition, the presence of a mega-planet Jupiter is crucial to the protection of the Earth from asteroids, which are gravitationally prevented from being drawn into a collision with Earth by the Earth’s own gravity.
The formation of earth’s habitation was not an accidental consequence of mere resident forces, but resulted from the supervisory guidance of an intellect vastly superior to that of humans.
“Earth is well equipped as a planet and ideally placed in Earth is well equipped as a planet and ideally placed in our solar system and galaxy to support life as we know it. The product of some 4.6 billion years of cosmic construction, our planet is flush with life thanks to a fortuitous set of conditions. construction, our planet is flush with life thanks to a fortuitous set of conditions.”
Notice, for instance, that . . .
The solar system is comfortably nestled in a safe harbour
between major spiral arms, and its nearly circular orbit helps
it avoid the galaxy’s perilous inner regions. There are
relatively few stars near the sun, reducing risks to Earth
from gravitational tugs, gamma-ray bursts, or collapsing
stars called supernovae.
Stars more massive than the sun burn hotter and usually
don’t live long enough for planets to develop life. Less
massive, younger stars are often unstable and are prone to
blasting their planets with bursts of radiation.
Earth orbits in the so-called Goldilocks zone, where the planet
receives enough energy to allow water to exist as a liquid
on its surface. Too far, and the vital compound stays locked
up as ice. Too close, and the water would rapidly
evaporate into the atmosphere.
The interstellar cloud of gas and dust that gave rise to
an Earth with enough radioactive elements to power a
churning core for billions of years. Their presence creates a magnetic
field that protects the planet from
such hazards as solar flares.
Earth is tilted with respect to the sun, and teeters as it spins.
This tiny wobble can shift the climate from hot to icy every
41,000 years—and might vary more without the
stabilizing tractive force of the moon.
Ancient plantlike organisms in the oceans added oxygen to the
atmosphere and created a high-altitude layer of ozone that
shielded early land species from lethal radiation.
Even if there was a creator, how does that support religion?
Are sceptics ever sceptical of their scepticism? A terrific tutorial. I would also recommend his marvellous book on miracles.
All Religions Are False!
Soul does not exist! afterlife does not exist! jesus does not exist! satan does not exist! God does not exist!
hope nonsense does exist!.
everything has a cause! Can you make yourself? no! how can god make his own? can't!
evidence! god doesn't exist!
energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed, that is to say, it has always existed! and will always exist!
universe has always existed and will always exist!
evidence! god didn't create universe!
can you prove or explain that god exists! no!
then god doesn't exist!
everything has a cause! but god has no cause? what nonsense!
god making his own out of nothing! and god who makes everything out of nothing! without evidence! or explaining anything! is logic? no!
is madness!
Soul and afterlife!
People talk about energy! and a soul! that goes to afterlife! while that energy which is nothing more than body heat!
What cannot be destroyed that's right! spreading everywhere! and perishes in everything! so what!
Not going anywhere specific! is not consciousness either!
There is no evidence for soul! and there is no evidence for afterlife!
You have to prove something like that first before you can say that!
Evolution and origin of life!
You really think god made a man in sand blew on it and there's adam grab a rib from adam and there you have eva!
That's how it went? because that's nonsense
You never looked up origin of life!
You never looked up evolution!
Even if they don't know everything yet! they try to explain! and prove things! which isn't easy! is better than nothing!
And claim things without evidence or explanation! that's the easiest thing to do, but that doesn't make it true!
Origin of life talk about blocks of life! who by circumstances! originated!
Step by step! small changes over time!
And small mutation over time!
And that counts for evolution too! they don't claim that something came out of nothing!
The bible does that without explanation! without evidence!
Debate real and truth!
There is no good or bad is illusion!
There are no winners! there are no losers!
everything that is made! is fake!
made truth is not truth!
Is no more than I say everything people think! or made!
is fake and cannot be real or truth!
Otherwise we wouldn't have had to make it! and think about it!
that also means that god does not exist!
Because they have to made it! thought about it!
So that's fake! and can't be real or truth!
Burden Of Proof is for everyone!
Claim! you believe in god! why? try to explain! try to prove!
They don't know! they just believe in god!
Claim! that you don't believe in the claim! why? try to explain! try to prove!
They don't know! they just dont believe the claim!
Claim! you don't believe in god! why? try to explain! try to prove!
They don't know! they just don't believe in god!
Claim! you know god doesn't exist! why? try to explain! try to prove!
They know more! and that's why they don't believe in god anymore!
Every claim must be explained! they all think they don't have to explain it!
Doesn't mean they don't have to explain it!
you need evidence first! that god exists! and has always existed!
you need evidence first! that god has created something! especially what cannot be created! energy! matter!
you need evidence first! how god made his own out of nothing! and made everything out of nothing!
you need evidence first! what does it matter to anyone in this world!
you still have a very long way to go! for proving something!
let alone explain something!
before you can say anything about it!
This video makes me feel amazing…… I'm the only person who TRULY understands what Scientific Thinking is….. 🙂🙂🙂 while all those "Neanderthals" believe in their God, Santa, Easter Bunny and other fairy tales…. 🙂🙂🙂 even if we are living in a virtual reality – you can still read Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan…… it's about Scientific Worldview VS ancient superstition…… ✌
I am sorry but we can't use the argument that us being here is incredibly unlikely because we are here.
The simple fact is that we just can't have a scientific argument for or against God
God made this little planet just for us.
greatly done . Thank u all very much . in need of little more on emerging humanism .. visuals and illustrations really add up to the fine understanding . THANK U ALL
Actually at what point can religión admit that we are the result of random forces? 🤷♂️
The odds are overwhelmingly against winning the lottery too, but it happens.
this is plagarized. i literally read this on another website