Does the Gender Wage Gap Exist?
The Gender Wage Gap has become a major political talking point that has even inspired an “Equal Pay Day.” Despite what the liberal politicians say, however, does a Gender Wage Gap really exist in America?
This week, Samantha Renck talks with Romina Boccia, a leading fiscal and economic expert at the Heritage Foundation. They discuss the difference between the gender wage gap and the gender choice gap, victimhood mentality, and much more.
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I actually agree with a feminist for once. Finally, facts and logic
You can see how these kids are being brainwashed by liberal gender studies professors. The main reason men get paid more ON AVERAGE is because women spend years away from careers, raising children, calling in or leaving early to go to their children's piano recital or baseball game, they're more likely to call in when sick, take more vacation time and ETO, are less likely to ask or demand a raise, etc. Just think how we evolved.. the women stayed at home and the men went out and got shit done. That's why we're better bread winners and that's why women lean more towards caregiving careers. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with that. A well functioning family has two heads of the household working together to achieve goals and to raise responsible, hard working children with a good moral compass. How many women start a career, get married and pregnant, take off several years, come back to work when the child is older, and then complain because they make less than the guy that has been there grinding and working his ass off for the company? Why should women earn the same as a man that's dedicated his entire life and most of his free time to his career? She shouldnt. But feminists will keep whining and it will become more and more prosperous to be a woman. Yall can already have a completely free ride through life.
My mind when people complain about the "wage Gap" https://youtu.be/X-bogN0V8RM
June 10, 1963
Look it up
My dad is a CEO. He knows the gender pay gap is bullshit but we are thinking of using it as an excuse to pay the male workers less to get more money for ourselves.
This is a challenge to anybody who believes in the gender wage gap. Please, find me a man and a woman, who both work in the same industry, in the same company, in the same role, working the same hours, with the same experience, the same education/qualifications and at the same age that are paid unequally. These are just 7 of the many factors which determine your salary. There are many more, but I've made it easier for you. Don't worry, I'll wait for you. Anyone?
One of the misunderstandings of the leftists is that they believe the gender pay gap means all women earn x dollars and all men earn x times 1.20 dollars. The gender pay gap is about the arithmetic mean. The arithmetic mean of a set of observed data is defined as being equal to the sum of the numerical values of each and every observation divided by the total number of observations. You just add the incomes of all men no matter how many hours they work, how hard they work and what jobs they are doing and devide them by the total number of working men. You do the same with women. The difference you see now is the gender pay gap.
This doesn't necessarily imply an injustice.
Men and women on average are different.
For instance men have to aim for status to be attractive for women and for many men it is a necessity to even be able find a partner to have a good job.
In STEM fields there are many well paid jobs and more than 80% of the students are male. In fields that are not paid well the majority of the students are female. Women just don't have this necessity to earn a lot of money to be seen attractive to the opposite sex.
That's also why men do all the dangerous jobs. 94% of all work place fatalities are men. More than 80% of work place injuries are men. All the jobs that are inconvenient are majority male like coal mining, jobs where you get concrete in your nose, where you have to lift heavy, working 8 hours a day in frozen foods warehouses where it is colder than in Sibiria etc. etc. etc.
It is not that absolutely every men works harder than every women, but on average men do work harder than women.
Also the entire discussion about the gender wage gap becomes bs when you look at other statistics like the fact that women do more than 70% of the domestic spendings.
Hours work gap gap is the same.
94% of all work place deaths are men – 80% of all homeless people are men
Just zoom in on the guy in the front. That expression…..
"Why are we still here? Just to suffer?"
It has already been examined and proven that there is no pay gap. So why is this still being talked about?
Sounds like you're interviewing the same guy over and over.
We need to get more line women to work utilitie poles. My bill would go down with the savings in pay. All companies should hire women to bring cost down. Men don't like to pay much for labor or beer.
if feminists want women to earn more then they need to convince them to work longer and in less desirable and / or higher qualified jobs.
strange that when you divide your population by sex women earn less yet spend more… they also don't pay more into the system than they get back.
oh the oppression. these brainwashed retards need to do a little research then grow some balls and call out the socialists who are manipulating them.
Anythig… smh