Does the Word Matter? (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S8E23)
For more information, read Person of Interest: Why Jesus Still Matters in a World that Rejects the Bible (https://amzn.to/3nDriN2)
Read: Is The Bible Relevant Today?
Does biblical authority still matter? Given all the changes in culture and human thought, why should anyone still trust what the ancient Bible has to say? Can we still stand with confidence on the Word of God? In this interview, J. Warner talks with Dave Jenkins (https://servantsofgrace.org/author/admin/) from Servants of Grace (https://servantsofgrace.org/) about his new book, The Word Matters: Defending Biblical Authority Against the Spirit of the Age (https://tinyurl.com/4sfb33pk).
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Great interview! Hope this channel gets lots more subscribers
During the break you talked about how there's a place for everyone in evangelism. I agree. While I find your material easiest to present, I have a friend who is trying to get into real estate investment. He was going through presenting one of the aspects about real estate investment when I turned it back on him and it became a teaching, not about real estate, but about how to defend the Gospel. I think each of us needs to stay with the Bible in prayer and ask God to show us how we can do this with what we are gifted with. Because if we do we will be more powerful in His army.
Where is Wallace's argument that the NT authors ever intended audiences broader than the 1st century contemporaries they obviously wrote to?
If Wallace cannot make a prima facie case that NT authors intended a 21st century audience, then trying to argue biblical authority for today is sort of like arguing Mayflower-Compact authority for today. Such arguments would never impose the least bit of intellectual obligation upon the skeptic to "refute", since the arguments do not even rise to the level of prima facie showing. Such arguments do nothing but convince those who are already Christian.
I don't care how often Wallace can find something in the bible to guide that group of people who still think the bible is god's word. That does not constitute a showing that the bible "applies to us today" anymore than Catholic ability to find things in the Apocrypha that can be lived out today is supposed to mean the Apocrypha "applies to us today".
Great comments from both sides. My counsel to people is to take notes of a sermon or whatever, then go back to the Bible and check it out. You do this for 2 reasons. First, you want to check the teachings out to make sure they aren't false. Too many people are just accepting what they hear without checking the Bible. Second, if you find the teachings to be true you are now following God, not some human. This is huge. Many people hear a preacher say something and may even turn to the verse at the time, but they don't give it the consideration it deserves. Because of this many people are not following God, but some minister that makes the Word of God sound appealing to us. I have a saying, "The pastor can only preach half of the sermon, it's up to those who have heard it to finish the sermon in their own study time."
Hi ☺️☺️ J