Don’t Compare Yourself to Others | 5 Minute Video
Have you ever envied someone else’s success? Do you sometimes wish you had another person’s life? Well, comedian Tom Shillue explains why comparing yourself to other people will put you on the fast track to an unhappy life.
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Do you ever look at the lives of people around you and say, “Man, I wish that was me!”?
You know you do. Everybody does. But I bet you never compared yourself to me. Haven’t heard of me? I do have my own TV show…in the middle of the night.
When I started I wanted to be as big as Jerry Seinfeld.
I’m not. And yet, I’m a pretty happy guy.
Here’s why: I stopped comparing myself to other people. Seriously, that’s the whole trick. Here’s what I mean.
If my happiness were based on being the biggest comedian in the business, I’d be mad at whoever was getting more Netflix specials than me. (I have zero.)
If it were based on having the best TV ratings, I’d be mad at Jimmy Fallon. He beats me every night.
And if it were based on being rich, I’d be mad at a lot of people.
And even if I were rich – really rich, like #10 on the Forbes 400 rich – I’d be mad that there were nine other people richer than me. It never ends.
Comparing yourself to others creates a totally unrealistic measure for what constitutes success. And I know, because the entertainment business is all about unrealistic expectations.
All through my career I’d meet with satisfied customers after my shows and they’d say,“Hey, you’re good! Maybe someday you’ll be successful like Jerry Seinfeld.” He’s the measure of success? The top guy?
When someone tells you they’re a doctor, you don’t say, “Well, maybe someday you’ll cure a disease and save millions of lives, just like Jonas Salk did for polio.”
Or a lawyer: “Oh, wow, so what’s your ultimate goal? The Supreme Court?”
Do you see how crazy that sounds?
Professional success is about making a living, pursuing excellence, and finding meaning in what you do.
When I first started doing standup, I was a nobody. It took more than a decade of playing in front of tuned-out crowds before it started paying the bills. Ten years is a lot of time to tell jokes for no money to people who aren’t laughing.
In those days, I spent a lot of time thinking about the comedians I admired. The guys at the top. I wanted those big, sold out houses I wasn’t playing. The big paydays I wasn’t making. The TV specials I wasn’t doing.
And not just their success; their talent. I’d look at comics like George Carlin, Robin Williams and Louis C.K. They were all able to turn their dark, personal struggles into brilliant comedy. I envy their talent, but I wouldn’t want the dark personal struggles that went along with it.
If you don’t factor in everything about whoever you’re comparing yourself to, you’re playing a sort of mix-and-match game that doesn’t exist in the real world.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/dont-compare-yourself-others

“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken “ Oscar Wilde.
me and my dog 🙂
It’s funny considering how big the houses and rich these people who speak for this are, when they say “don’t compare yourself” they mean “don’t bog yourself down with how rich we are just keep preaching and defending the system that makes us rich and keeps you poor”
You dont have to be mad that there are people more richer, or funnier, or successful than you, it is likely that you will be, but rather that can be used as motivation to push harder.
Dont compare yourself with anyone if you do it you insult yourself
This video came too late in life for me
A wise man told me once to never compare my insides to somebody else's outsides.
Amazing and so inspiring!! Thank you for making my day Tom!:))
Is it okay to try to be like everyone else to be normal? I mean, somehow, there are people who are "different different," and therefore aren't considered normal.
It's extremely hard for me bc my family always compare me to others since I was a kid. Now I'm lost. I feel like I have lost my original identity. I keep feeling sad bc I'm not as lucky as other ppl who have family that support them financially and mentally so they can grow to be best version of themselves and improve themselves. Now I'm lost and lonely. Grumpy sick woman
Old saying: "If you envy your neighbor's shoes, be prepared to share his corns and calluses." Meaning even if you could experience what they did, or do, you wouldn't "have it made" as much as you may think. You'd also have experience the tragedies, hardships, etc. that they suffered too.
All this sounds like coping, like you know you failed and didn't succeed so you wanna lie to yourself so you avoid the truth
"Comparison is the thief of joy." – Theodore Roosevelt
When I was young I was made to read ‘Hope for the Flowers’ which is all about going your own way and not following the expectations of others. Essentially becoming a butterfly instead of climbing the caterpillar pillars.
Wow. Elon Musk wasn’t even in the top 10 richest list yet.
Very well put!
Males are ultimately taught to Compete in just about Every aspect of Life
Be Hard, Strong, Tough
Why are Women so surprised at this?
Your man was brought up to be like that from childhood!
Some people struggle with envy.
it's a stumbling block for many ( If They Care to Admit It!)
The World says You NEED THIS to feel happy and good…
no wonder so many young people are on Drugs!!
Society, Politics, Mainstream Media
All conspire to teach that you're inadequate unless you follow Their lead.
MSM purports that Your body and life appear a certain way, otherwise you're a Loser!
How does 1 do this?
From early childhood, we're taught to compete and aquire things to ensure productivity and personal happiness.
The problem is our parents taught this toxicity til we grow up… It takes me 32 years old of my life to escape this kind of toxic thinking… I also analyze that comparing is the cause of shyness and low self-esteem and insecurities… If your not confident, and want to become confident and socialize human being the first step you do is STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS! the most effective way…
1:46 is that mr bean?
Thanks for this video, it puts things into perspective
Thank you PragerU. It's amazing how one little word can set you free. Just that little word "envy", not lack of self-esteem, etc. We moderns have so many euphemisms for what used to be very common terms. Today, everything is a disease that requires therapy or a pill when all you really need to do is face the fact that as sinners in need of God's mercy, we are all prone to the seven deadly sins: envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath.
Always compare yourself to who you was yesterday than who someone else is today
Best Prager University video I have ever seen.
It is self destructive. The world is rough and mean. As Jordan Peterson said, "the world is against you . . . obviously." But as I told my own subscribers, many times the greatest enemy in life can be yourself. And you make yourself an enemy by comparision to others. If you make 80K a year and have 200K in the investment arenas you will feel badly if you have a friend who makes 250K and has a million in his. But you will feel good about yourself if you compare yourself to someone who makes 30K and has nothing in his accounts. But maybe that 250K person works 80 hours a week and hasn't had a vacation in ten years. The point is, your journey is yours. How much you want to work and gain to get the greatest benefits you can from your short time on earth—and most of those benefits, my friends, are not financial. Hope this helps someone—-Charles
once i stopped comparing, i stopped feeling envious! its so freeing🥰
I compare myself to my idol thinking I won't become as good as him
Robin Williams ended his own life. Phil Hartman was killed by his mentally ill wife. Tom's advice applies to all of us.
I have just subscribed to your great channel. I am very grateful to you for your superb advice. I should try it. Have a happy and peaceful life, ladies, gentlemen and others
It Is hard to stop comparing yourself to other people
Pursuing excellence and finding meaning.
One time I was offended that this guy asked me if I lived in section 8 but now I realize it was never an insult it was because I lived alone and didn't work a job because I was a student off campus. I really should have been on section 8.
Another time an older Gentleman that was my volunteer coordinator when I volunteered for hospice asked me if I had a hard life, I said no but I was lying and felt offended by the question, like do I look that ugly? I'm still not sure what made him ask that question because he didn't know a lot about me and I actually dressed better back then, but I don't think he meant to insult me. I think it's the way my mother socially conditioned me, she seems to be self-hating poor and classist. Then again there is a lot of propaganda against poor people too
This was amplified to social media.
Tom does a great Biden impersonation.
It’s just so difficult to stop comparing yourself to others because you feel the pressure from others or within as you can’t do it at your pace like you expect to be something or do something at this age like for example I’m 21 with a few bucks in my bank account since I was scammed and it really put me into in a depression state as many people laughed at me for this since I need it for college or long term savings and I’m so behind financially and I suck at making friends like why is that someone take advantage of me for everything and little in return and sometimes I have a difficult time looking for the right group. I may sound like I complain a lot and I tried not to. It’s just so frustrating
alt yazılar 1:35'ten sonra yok TÜrkçe olarak.
People were more happy before social media, it's a fact.
This is wisdom that everyone needs!
Thank you for your honesty. Great video. BTW, When is Seinfeld gonna do a PragerU video?
great video
short video to be happy
Never settle.
This is brilliant man ! You are brilliant !!!
This video wasn’t very helpful at some parts…
You make it seem like success isn’t an indicator of our worth yet you call yourself a “NOBODY” before you’ve gotten some recognition? Not the best choice of words since the people who searched for this video already feel bad about themselves.
Even if I wasn't jealous at all. I can still feel the pain of it !
The competition is with yourself, not with anyone else. Do what makes your her happy. Do it as excellent as you can. Dare to dreams and work every day to make those dreams a reality.
The root cause of insecurities first occurs inside our family environment. It doesnt mean you did not respect your parents but its necessary to live and develop your own mindset and dont rely to others peoples advice and peoples point of view even with your own parents.