Don’t Judge Blacks Differently | 5 Minute Video
Does race trump truth? In a confrontation between police and perpetrators, what is more important? Facts or skin color? When protests morph into riots, do we excuse bad behavior based on race? If we do, how are we ever going to end racism? Chloe Valdary, a student at the University of New Orleans, confronts these critical questions and offers a compelling answer.
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Many people believed that the election of a black President would advance America to a new era of racial harmony.
That belief proved to be mistaken. In retrospect it was naive to think that a single event — even the election of a black president — would wash away a stain so deeply ingrained in our culture. The debate about how much racism there is in America — and specifically the disparity between the races — is just as fierce as ever. That’s okay with me. Discrimination still exists. Let’s deal with it openly and honestly. Unfortunately, that’s very hard to do.
One reason, I’ve discovered, is that many people feel that they have to treat blacks with kid gloves. They think this is noble… enlightened… progressive. It’s not. It’s demeaning and condescending. In fact, it’s racist.
A recent experience brought this home to me. In an anthropology class, my professor decided to discuss the shooting of Michael Brown, a black teenager, by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Before I tell you what transpired, I need to tell you something about this professor. First of all, I like her very much. She’s interesting and engaging. But more importantly, she took a non-PC approach to the class, which I found refreshing. She encouraged us to study the data dispassionately and draw our conclusions from that.
But when the subject of Ferguson came up, all this objectivity went out the window. When a classmate said, following a debate over the details of the case, that the facts “ultimately don’t matter,” my professor agreed. All that matters, this classmate added, is that a “black boy was killed by a white cop.” Another example of racism in a racist society. Pure and simple.
So, therefore, riots that followed the grand jury decision not to indict the officer were the legitimate reactions of people who “just couldn’t take it anymore.” And that’s when I knew that what I was really hearing was not an expression of compassion and understanding, but something else.
Rioting and looting are acceptable forms of behavior? Why? Because the rioters and looters have no other options? Really? In free, democratic America, you have no other options? Does this apply to all ethnic groups? Hispanics? Southeast Asians? Pacific Islanders? Of course not.
But we — the enlightened ones — are ready with a pre-packaged list of excuses when blacks riot and loot. Worse, when it comes to judging black behavior, even facts don’t matter. All that matters is the skin color of the teenager and the skin color of the cop.
Well, not in my world. If a white cop kills a white kid, the facts matter. If a black cop kills a black kid, the facts matter. If a black cop kills a white kid, the facts matter. And if a white cop kills a black kid, the facts matters. To suggest anything else is to perpetuate discrimination, the very thing that those who espouse social justice claim to want to end.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/dont-judge-blacks-differently

Just view people as people; unbiased, as God is (Acts 10:34, 35).
Treat everyone with love and respect.
Intelligent young woman.
How do you treat foreigners? Especially those foreigners who aren't very white and aren't from the West? Pay attention next time to how you're treating them, then we'll talk about racism fairly.
Don’t judge people
Facts do matter.
BL males make up only 6% of the US population, yet they are responsible for over half of the marbles, and other violent crimes.
It has been this way for as long as the US government has been keeping records, google it, and be amazed, they have records going back 20 years.
So, there are far more run-ins with the Law. So, there are more convictions.
This is not the law's fault. It is doing its job. Stop being the most lawless, and the statistics will follow.
Unfortunately the statistics show a genetic pre-disposition.
That was awesome.
I call this Nice White People Know Best- decent Whites who want to do the Right Thing. But as the beautiful Chloe makes clear, NWP are actually racist because they are saying Blacks don't know any better. Go Chloe!😅
Yes 💯
Amen to that.
There are quit a few white people who patronize black people but blacks love it, ive seen it online and in person! 🤷
You are correct.
nope it just made blacks more racist towards whites.
An honest enemy is better than them a fake friend
Judge all black people around the world as individuals not as a collective group period.
OK, Let's see the DOJ appropriately investigate BLM.
Wow watching this in 2022, She freekin nailed it 7 years ago. So amazing.
Thank you keep educating the citizens of these united States require information to stay free
Chloe, thanks for enlightening us.
Strong, courageous woman.
This is so relevant today. To think we have not make any progress on the opposite race relations are at their worst and it’s not because white are inherently racist but because a few are pushing this division so they can remain in power. What is happening is this country is truly disgusting!
the problem is: how a structurally under-privileged and withholded race (previously but with repercussins extended to Now) is being expected to be treated as equal as the privileged (previously withhoder race)? Racism is not systemic anymore, but it is still structural (first & formost economically). isn't it?
I'm alt right, and I completely understand SJWs when they say that being color blind is not good enough and "racist". They sort of have a point.
She said " Judge Black's equality ." Well then let's find out the meaning of equal.
3:24 oh god my sides
Finally the truth
She nailed that one 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿
Please enter a career in politics. Your country needs you.
Listen, Michael Brown got what he deserved. You don't rob a shopkeeper. Nor do you assault a police officer and you don't try to take his gun in the process. Life is a myriad of bad choices. Mr. Brown made a bad one that day.
Same thing happens with withh wwomen, if you reaslly want equallity , there has to be equallity in everything, if women want men to be courteous and kind, they have tto be courteous and kind, and women should receive they same kind of punishment for the same kind of crime, women shouldn't be treated worse than men, but they shouldn't be trteated better either, that's equality.
Wow! That was great! Thank you!
A very good video. Is there a video that addresses the large number of people who are black that expect equal outcomes but don't want to put in equal effort? There are enough people who are black that will "pull the race card" when expected to do more than they feel they should do because of how their ancestors, whom they've never met, may have been treated long before their parents were born. I was raised not to discriminate because of someone's ethnicity. But the number of people who are black that shout "racism" when their efforts are expected are high enough to make it difficult for some not to treat people who are black differently.
Facts Matter
Just because they are black it dose not mean they are all bad every kind jenaraction can be bad some kids have to suffer just because we think they are bad
My super liberal friend actually used that analogy!!!! 3:17
Viewing blacks as children.
He’s like imagine if a kid is acting out in class. Instead of just punishing the kid figure out why the kid is acting out.
*I’m like why not do both!!!?
Finding stuff like this in 2021 makes me feel like there is hope for an actual end to racism.
Also the irony nowadays is that the white people were rioting over the black persons deaths last year.
Thank you. The issue of race did get worse under Obama. I voted for him and still love him. I don't think it was his fault though. That year, many more blacks finally voted and simply because he was black.
I think both races at that time began deciding their fate. Blacks felt they could begin an aggressive movement. Brown vs Ferguson… totally on the cops side. The earlier attempts at dividing did not catch me. I was mostly indifferent. Brown caught me. Major reason was because people ignored all the facts. The physics. Females love forensics am I right?
Anyway, the hate definitely was not helped by Trump. That was the whipping on the pie. He fed on the hate that the racial divide caused and only for his own interest. But literally, the hate was caused by white racist refusing a black president. Obama felt he could not offend the black community with disagreement of behaviors.
This is true
She is so beautiful and smart. I hope we will hear about her as a writer or journalist or sth
My father is the most non racist person I have ever known. He has a special gift, he speaks to everyone exactly the same no matter what political platform they stand on, the color of their skin, age, sexual preference, religious belief, job or what social status they hold. He talks to them all in the same way every time. He is such an amazing and TRUE person.
She makes such a great point that equality doesn’t just mean treating everyone with respect, but also that everyone will be judged the same. That is true equality and the left doesn’t want it. It’s so condescending when they argue that things like voter ID laws are racist (saying that black Americans are incapable of getting something as basic as an ID? Are you kidding me?) and how affirmative action is needed (says that blacks are not capable of meeting the same requirements of everyone else for getting a job or into college; literally saying they’re not good enough to meet the basics so companies and schools have to lower the standards just for them). The left is notorious for the racism and bigotry of low expectations. I was taught to treat everyone with respect and to not care about skin color, but now that is considered racist? What has our society come to?
It's sad, because this should be obvious!
Crazy how relevant this video is today.
The racists on both sides couldn't handle it.
The sad part is the Haters will still be hating, even after watching this very intelligent example of systematic racism of the Left.
the ignorance here is very very very strong