Don’t Trust China, Hold Them Accountable: Dakota Wood on Fox Business
Dakota Wood joined Fox Business, Monday, May 4, to talk about the latest from China, the Chinese effort to coverup the coronavirus outbreak, and the need for the Trump administration to hold them accountable.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvZA1BZME68
Dakota L. Wood, who served America for two decades in the U.S. Marine Corps, is the Senior Research Fellow for Defense Programs at The Heritage Foundation. Wood’s research and writing at The Heritage Foundation focus on programs, capabilities, operational concepts, and strategies of the U.S. Department of Defense and military services to assess their utility in ensuring the United States has the ability to protect and promote its critical national security interests.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/dakota-wood
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bull shit
Dont trust china . They are still working on dangerous viruses. Afrer corona ..world can not survive with other pandemic again . Close all their resources take over by UN.
Fking trudeau still helping china with the vaccine, sometimes i am ashamed to be canadian
Make Tshirt " Not use Made in China " Product
Time to banned China s cheap goodies!! And held them accountable!!
It’s intolerable that China have been manipulating to achieve their own benefits by spreading the conoravirus to the world and killing thousands of human life. The world must stand firm together to punish China for their inhuman acts and bring them to justice ones and for all.
Don't believe one single thing Trump or anyone in his Administration tells you about China and the Coronavirus. One thing we know about Trump and that is he is a bareface LIAR. that has told over SIXTEEN THOUSAND LIES in just 3.5 years! Everyone in his Administration covers for his CRIMES, his LIES and his CORRUPTION…….. His INCOMPETENCE and lies are the reason why the USA has suffered with more Coronavirus DEATHS than any other country in the WHOLE WORLD by the TENS OF THOUSANDS!!!
The first 16 people who deslikes are CCP…
no have nothing to do with them
This channel spikes the football before the game. I quit watching
Pride goes before a fall and ignorance before destruction….. China will know the cost of false propaganda.
Bring all western manufacturing and pharmaceutical prescription companies back to America and other western countries. Cut payroll taxes completely. Subidize businesses so that they can hire local people in western countries. It is time to support our own country because if you get greedy for profits ;you eventually get burned and china is a master manipulator and thief in every way possible. Get their attention by selling to taiwan,vietnam ,Australia and other nations. Political correctness be damned. They are a rogue Communist nation!J. Fuselier.
Trump must not rely and trust his intet agencies too much.
CCP days are SHORT numbered! Chinese Nationalists people will have their freedom soon! It's Very Sad What C.C.P. CHINA can't understand, about how ,We the people of the world are having a very hard time with China and hold the Chinese C.C.P regime accountable, our governments, our representatives calling for C.C.P. CHINA to be held officially accountable and responsible for the CCP-VIRUS pandemic, they are speaking per the desires of their constituents and they go out and carry them forward. They speak as their constituents wish not as they them self wish, they are simply representative of their constituents..
If all constituents loved china so would our representatives i.e. Donald Trump. But we do not so our representatives do not…
Totalitarian C.C.P not realizing that Totalitarian C.C.P will ultimately be held accountable by the people of the world including the citizens of C.C.P. CHINA, Representatives of constituents of non-communist country's are just speaking as their constituents we the people wish and want
CCP-VIRUS marks the beginning-of-the-end-of-Totalitarian C.C.P….
285,00+ deaths due to Totalitarian C.C.P's serious inaction – furthermore, everyone Man Woman Child in the whole world still alive has been effected in a seriously negative and drastic way, "lives and way of life forever unwillingly changed",,,,,
This is in it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being , live out their lives, how frequent their misunderstandings, how fervent their hatreds. The delusion that some have a privileged position .For the moment this is where we make our stand. we have a responsibility to deal more kindly with one another to preserve and cherish our home…
There is overwhelming evidence that the Chinese Totalitarian Communist Party’s lies, deceit, and incompetence caused CCP-VIRUS to transform from a local disease outbreak into a global pandemic. We need an international investigation to learn the full extent of the damage the Totalitarian CCP has inflicted on the world and then we need to empower Americans and other victims around the world to recover damages. The Totalitarian CCP unleashed this pandemic. They must be held accountable to their victims Moreover, isn't it just time for the world to bring Totalitarian CCP to a end, Is it not enough their social experiment as a government has with the CCP-VIRUS proven this. Do they somehow have a privileged position over the rest of the world
It saddens my soul thinking of the eminence suffering Totalitarian C.C.P have brought onto the world Totalitarian C.C.P has become the new untouchables, <<< I see noway C.C.P. CHINA can avoid a serious shunning, Folk will turn away and not buy , sell or exchange any type of commerce . I even know of folk so upset with Totalitarian C.C.P. CHINA, the are throwing things out they own marked MADE IN CHINA..Some are re-leaving stress.
Folk for maybe even a few hundred years are going to persistently avoid, ignore, and reject china and their products through tremendous antipathy and caution. This has to be the biggest and cruelest screw-up ever in the history of the world .
I'm so satisfied with the cause in which I have engaged, I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.– nathan hale I say this due to due to noticing the C.C.P passing out threats to not only individuals but heads of state to all country's for pointing out the obvious, Well C.C.P it would be an insult to all that come before us in the free world that have dyed in war, riot, movement engaging in support of human rights and freedom.
CCP-VIRUS / until we have a vaccine, it will be there for a long while, maybe. A vaccine at best will take six months to a year and six months or longer to materialize probably and hopefully. When it comes to going back to work, here is what I know>>
Comparing CCP-VIRUS to smallpox: smallpox started ""in CHINA in 1500 "" , it killed 500 million people in the last 100 years alone.. The last naturally occurring case of smallpox was diagnosed in October 1977, so smallpox took almost 500 years to nip it in the bud so really there is nothing small about small pox accept for the pox,,, So anyone that thinks their world won't be harmed by sheltering in place until we have a vaccine / cure for CCP-VIRUS comes along , I wish you the best of luck…
CCP-VIRUS marks the beginning-of-the-end-of-Totalitarian C.C.P.. What Totalitarian C.C.P can't understand about how ,We the people of the world , our governments, our representatives . are calling for Totalitarian C.C.P to be held accountable and responsible for the CCP-VIRUS pandemic, they are speaking per the desires of their constituents and they go out and carry them forward.
Totalitarian C.C.P not realizing that Totalitarian C.C.P will ultimately be held accountable by the people of the world including the citizens of Totalitarian C.C.P,
Representatives of non-communist country's are just speaking for their constituents : CCP-VIRUS marks the beginning of the end of communistic china…. 250,000+ deaths due to their serious inaction, everyone in the whole world still alive has been effected in a drastic way, lives forever changed,,,,, There are well trained folk that become shadow in dark, I personally would have to sleep with light on, both eye open wide…
I see noway Totalitarian C.C.P can avoid a serious shunning, Folk will turn away and not buy , sell or exchange any type of commerce .… Folk for maybe even a few hundred years are going to persistently avoid, ignore, and reject china and their products through tremendous antipathy or caution, Totalitarian C.C.P.
"#Ban all imports from Totalitarian C.C.P"
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What Doctors Are Learning From Autopsy Findings of Coronavirus (CCP-VIRUS ) Patients
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" in late November word had already gotten off of the mainland that there was a
virus in Wuhan six weeks later the trade truce was signed with an out clause a
very clever out clause that said if there was any kind of act of God
pandemic then they didn't have to make good on what they had committed to buy
from the United States within days they announced the first CCP-VIRUS, the
World Health Organization should be held accountable for not holding China
accountable to providing good valid data so that the rest of the world could
prepare for fewer people to die ……………."
“Danielle DiMartino Booth of Quill Intelligence”
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Wuhan Virus Lab Quietly Deletes Photos to Avoid Responsibility ccp COVID-19
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in my and everyone I communicate with become
with fervent their hatreds has brought about onto the sovereign Nationalists people of China, They
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read The Book of War : Sun-Tzu's The Art of War from chine, they play mind games and
are really broke, if folk banish and shun them over ccp-covid, it's a
rice diet for ccp-china for a very long time to come, all the big
company are leaving like rats getting off a sinking ship…..
It's the CIA Lab 🔬 that leak that Coronavirus in Wuhan China to slow down China's progress against the US and now in desperation to cover it track by defunding WHO and veto the UN as the Virus was spreading beyond control ☠️☠️⚰️⚰️🤣🤣😂
Yes dont trust china maybe you daiying.
WAKE UP PEOPLE! People of the world, wake up! All nations should gather together and stand up against China, don't deal with China ever. All nations can survive without China? Nobody owes a cent to CHina, they owed us and their soul for kiiling our people, killing our livelihood, killing our freedom! They knowingly and deliberately didn't stop this pandemic from happening. They saved only themselves and let the whole globe infected by their China Virus. When are we going to realize this? We can live without CHina, we did that before and we can do it now. If we keep them in the loop, they would only get stronger and richer and swallow us like an alligator! Stop dealing with CHina, take out all investments from China, they have no room in this civilized world. ENough of their lies, arrogance and craziness to own the whole world. Wake up, People of China, join us!
US corporations are so Greedy…. they won't move anything out of China… Its all empty talk…. unless US government forces US companies to not do business with China, nothing will happen…. And Trump is not going to risk that…. Biden is even worse…….
Voters should make it clear that they will not get their vote unless US Corporations at the minimum reduce their business with China Significantly.
China is number 1 dragon,never trust them
Burn the dragon!
Don't trust CCP! china itself cry!
Don't do business with anyone willing to take advantage of the nation and behave in that manner
Yes, ladies n gentlemen, the CCP has bred n spread the killing virus which is now killing the whole world now. And Yes, they have hoarded these medical supplies. Yes, they hv done all these evil things. But why the US n its Allies havent done any thing to punish them, these CCP monster? Why?
No such thing as an innocent Chinese.
China is evil, and yes that includes the Chinese people who would take up arms against the U.S. in a heartbeat.
1 Belt, 1 Road, 1 CCP Virus.
Hard to understand while small countries like Korea and Taiwan can contain the spread of virus by now but the world most powerful nation USA still cannot stop this flu like virus?
78,000+ Americans Dead and Counting…,
275,000+ People died Worldwide 🌍 due to CCP 🇨🇳 Wuhan Virus…!!
Where is the Worldwide Outrage….?
The PRC spread this bio weapon around the world intentionally.
They did not like the way things were going, they did not like it that Trump was standing up for the American people, the first president to do so in the face of relentless Chinese aggression, and they did not like it that the world was sympathizing with the freedom loving peoples of Hong Kong.
China must be destroyed.
The gangster entity known as the PRC should never have been allowed into the WTO.
It must be removed immediately. China must be destroyed or it WILL destroy us.
Boycott all Chinese services and products. Boycott all American companies that produce or sell in China.
Communist China is a tumor and it must be eradicated before it chokes off the life of the world.
World "Health" Organization is controlled by the Communist Chinese, of course they won't let whistleblowers like Taiwan be a member.
Boycott China. Forever ☠️
Yes China. The enemy of the world.
too little too late.. the china man owns half of silicon valley
All lies. No evidence! US didn’t even to order PPE until March ! Lol! US manufacturers even export overseas! All fabrication by conspirators.
Chinese Civil War is coming Boycott China and stop supporting the Communist Murderers
China is biggest Liar. Xi jinping is evil Butcher. Boycott chinese made products
One critical question need to be answered by the world; "Does the world needs intellectual property thieves, virus exporter, arrogance, persecution & organ harvesting practice to minorities (Falun Gong, Tibetan, Uyghurs etc), destruction of religions & places of worships, unlawfull sea territory claims, virus cover up, biggest Firewall (internet censor), one that like to trap poor countries in heavy debt ?? ".
Perhaps the world will be much better without China…?