Dr. Baruch Korman: Revelation Chapter 13 Part 2
Bible Teaching from the book of Revelation Chapter 13 Part 2
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Bible Teaching from the book of Revelation Chapter 13 Part 2
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Given to me to share by the HOLY SPIRIT.
Rev. 12:1 was in the heavens on September 23, 2017, on the Feast of Trumpets. Literally, Virgo was bathed in the sun with the moon at her feet and three planets in Leo. This is such a rare alignment, last alignment being in 3973 BC at the fall of Adam. The sign was on the feast of trumpets in 2017. It does not set a date, but it does tell us the season and we are the last generation. HIS Mazzaroth was HIS plan of salvation written in the constellations lost to time. Virgo and Leo are the two constellations full circle from the fall to the Kingdom or Gen. 3:15 to CHRIST seated on HIS throne in the Millennium.
Rev. 12:2 look at Isa. 66:7 Israel didn't travail when JESUS was born, the woman did travail In holocaust before the Nation of Israel was born May 14th, 1948.
Rev. 12:3 says to look at the constellation Dragon. The 7 heads are the states that became the Arab League of States. They make a pact with the Nazis in 1939 against the Jewish people aka "woman". The constellation dragon has in its tail Ursa Minor where we get the swastika symbol. Polaris is surrounded by the dragon making it visible both day and night, Rev. 12:10 accusing.
Rev. 12:4 "And the tail (with swastika) drew (into ghettos and death camps) the one third (6 million) of the stars of heaven (Abraham's seed; Gen. 22:17) and did cast them to the ground (murdered and burned in holocaust), and the dragon (Arab League of States) stood before the woman (children of Israel) which was ready to be delivered (Isa.66:8) so to devour her child (Newborn Nation of Israel) as soon as it was born (the dragon beast attacked the day Israel was born).
Rev.12:5 is the Rapture "Harpazo" of the Body of Christ aka the Gentile Church. JESUS was not Harpazo: violently snatched away HE was "eperthe" slowly lifted up in the clouds. Second, JESUS was a man at HIS ascension. We are to be like a child to enter the Kingdom of GOD, hence "man child"; Mat. 18:2-5.
Rev. 12:6 the 70th week of Daniel begins.
Rev. 12:7-10 is a war of accusations over the man child. aka just Raptured Body of CHRIST aka Gentile Church; Jude 9. Like Moses was accused with railing accusations so will satan accuse us.
Rev. 12:11 in Heaven the Testimony of the Blood of CHRIST on the Mercy Seat is presented to satan and he is rebuked by our Testimony confidence in GOD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.
Rev. 12:12 we rejoice at the Wedding supper of the Lamb dwelling in Heaven. Woe to the inhabitants on the earth satan knows his time is 7 years short.
What will happen to me as I am a quadriplegic? My husband and I also remember and honour the biblical feast!
Listen to his teaching.
It's all about worship. Im trying to RISE THE CHURCH before the rise of this government. I have team of worshipers of Christ. I have people's lives and souls in my hands. I'm responsible for them and their ministries. They know me and know I don't take any of this lightly.
You listen to me. You are a nation under a lie. It started as a joke and has bit you in the ass. You had to lie to me, betray me, and deceive to get here. You have lied, deceived, and lied again to stay here. We are dealing with the empire of the Beast. I WILL NOT BOW. YOU WILL TELL ME THE TRUTH or die by your sword.
I will not yield my life or the lives of those I love and know to this devilish puppetry.
"Forced to live in a way that is loyal to the antichrist the false messiah. This evil empire."
"With this is the patience and the faith of the saints."
Save Everyone That Hears.
"It has to do with where their allegiance is."
"They are shocked to find out."
Thank you so very much our Dear Dr. Baruch Sir our Moreh.
Irwin Baxter of Endtime Ministries says the lion (UK), bear (Russia), leopard (German), eagle wings (USA), fowls wings (France), form the seven-horn beast (United Nations). Also interesting is the head that was injured unto death is the Third Reich. It was wounded when Germany was divided into two but was healed when the Berlin Wall came down (which is the start the new world order).
that evil empire in the future is usa as she defends many anti-God positions in the past, today and future. It is so bad today as I cannot write it because I may get kicked out of this channel
Thank you and God bless you for these videos!
Wow. Indeed I have benefited a lot and thank u Dr. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ b with u
thank you brother Baruch for all of your teachings.
These teachings on Revelation have been very impacting thank you Baruch 🙏✝️✡️
Thank you very much for these truthful teachings which prepares us for what is to come as perseverance and faith will keep us on the Narrow Path as Our Master Yeshua said that we must strive to enter through that narrow gate.
The second beast sounds like the false prophet not the Antichrist , Rev 19:20 “But the beast was captured along with the false prophet, who on its behalf had performed signs deceiving those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.”
How do you worship an “empire” ? It’s clearly talking about the antichrist who is the first beast.
The empire must be communism or Marxism, which both seem to be resurfacing.
Thanks Lord Jesus!!!Thank you
Praise God, blessings to you Brother in the name of the Lord. It will bring great joy and glory to our God and Father when Israel will declare, "" Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord"" what a privilege to co-labor with Him, to bring about the eternal purposes of God in the name of Christ Jesus!!!
Blessings from Canada.
Thank you so much.GOD Bless ISRAEL.
At the time of seeing this video it is 15-05-2020 and the "corona virus" is known in the whole world.
Already governments are working on vaccines (which will take a few month's) while at the same time, when the vaccine will be given, the people also get some inprint for recognizing the vaccine.
This inprint is an enzym with the name "luciferase" and it will send a code to a controlling special mobile cellphone and this code consist of the numbers 060606.
basic principle 100%
Always the Best from Dr. Baruch, Very informative!
I am very grateful for your work. Thank you.