Dr. Baruch Korman: Revelation Chapter 14 Part 1
Bible Teaching from the book of Revelation Chapter 14 Part 1
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Bible Teaching from the book of Revelation Chapter 14 Part 1
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"The Way"
Dr. Baruch you are such a blessing. I am in a fasting season including fasting from all media, with the exception of your teachings.
Through studying the book of Revelation and Daniel with you I now have a biblical overview of both books. Revelation is now my favourite book.
I have never heard the book of Revelation being taught on in any church I attended over a period of 30 years.
I just continually thank God for you, you have richly blessed my life. Una (Ireland)
Vs. 5-8
Their code "school" can not save. They're in trouble.
Thank you so much sir
I've loved every minute spent watching and studying the Revelation book. However, I kind of lost the timeline when it is spoken of the 144,000 in heaven before the throne. How many raptures are there? It was said that the rapture takes place in chapter 7 and that the 144,000 are sealed to be protected from the wrath of God to be poured out during the last 42 weeks. At what point are the 144,000 taken to heaven?
Good teaching, thank you!
Be blessed servent of the Lord! The Lord will guide you always;
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail. Isaiah 58:11
How God calls people to listen to his Words! I do family research on my family and my spouses family. This important because I just out that I am from a “Hebrew family! “I have always loved the culture but had no idea that I was Hebrew! Last week I was reviewing my lengthy family research. And after reading all the fine print on each person and a careful research of my Family, I discovered that One of my grandmother and grandfather’s family were of Hebrew Origin! I know now why I was given a desire to seek to learn more about Biblical research! Dr Baruch was the only person that was educated at the level of “real research people”!Thank G-d for his love for me and his desire to speak to me about His personal love for me! I became a student again! After earning several degrees, I submitted to G-D’s plan! And His real love led me to a real Religion!
Oh how i love this brother. I needed to hear this!!!
The body of Christ comes out of the great tribulation to heaven in Rev. 7 not 14!
The great tribulation of the Saints by the beast will take place before the rapture of the church!
Revelation has always been difficult for me, even with a Godly teacher —— thank you so much, I learned so much with how you taught & explained this important chapter – BLESS YOU BARUCH 🕊
The Lord bless you for teaching of truth. Thank you very much.
Great teacher! Thank you dr. Baruch, God bless you forever!
Still following the message. God bless you Dr. korman