Economic Growth Will Come from Lower Taxes, Free Trade | Joel Griffith on CNBC
Joel Griffith joined CNBC Squawk Box on August 25, 2020, to discuss the economic messages coming out of day 1 of the Republican National Convention.
Joel Griffith is a research fellow in the Roe Institute at The Heritage Foundation. He is a research fellow for the Institute for Economic Freedom and Opportunity at The Heritage Foundation. Previously, he worked as a researcher for a former member of The Wall Street Journal editorial board. Joel also was Deputy Research Director at the National Association of Counties.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/joel-griffith
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yes! finally says it right!!! Joel Griffith is correct!
The Heritage Foundation used to be conservative. Now it appears they are Never Trump Stupid.
They've earned from this long time subscriber a solid unsubscribe.
Of course, they won't care. I'm just a 65-year-old with a near photographic memory and a solid history of understanding the underpinning of politics.
This Guy & this Gal know nothing about how finances work or how to solve our current "financial" situation.
Can we “Afford” to let Americans keep their own money…how nice of them to consider letting Americans keep and spend their own money..how sweet…
A MUST WATCH >>> Jordan Peterson EXPOSES the left's oppressive ideology: https://youtu.be/R2Wmwr1tJxs
I’d swear she said “we need to listen to chairman Mao”
Good job Heritage!
What more would you expect from a CNBC commentator all have TDS!
If Trump falls so does the Entire World!
Stimulating the economy is easy , vote out Democrats , problem solved !
Who’s really the benefit of this economic growth?
What taxes are planned to be lowered?
What are those taxes currently being utilized for?
Maybe she one of those black lives matter Marxist communist sympathizers and don't love America we have the best economic growth under President Donald Trump leadership woman please come back to reality
Best vote for Jo Jorgensen of the Libertarian Party then. She is promising free trade, while Trump wants tariffs. joj2020.com