Economic Recovery Lagging Behind in Liberal States: Joel Griffith on OAN
Joel Griffith joined One America News on October 8, 2020 to discuss the latest with coronavirus stimulus negotiations.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.heritage.org/budget-and-spending/report/the-promise-fiscal-consolidation-how-cutting-spending-can-help-return
Joel Griffith is a research fellow in the Roe Institute at The Heritage Foundation. He is a research fellow for the Institute for Economic Freedom and Opportunity at The Heritage Foundation. Previously, he worked as a researcher for a former member of The Wall Street Journal editorial board. Joel also was Deputy Research Director at the National Association of Counties.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/joel-griffith
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This Canadian laughs at this channel full of misinformation😂😂😂😂😂😂
The “billionaire” who hides his tax returns.
The “genius” who hides his college grades.
The “businessman” who bankrupted 3 casinos and lost over $1B in 10 years.
The “playboy” who pays for sex.
The “Christian” who doesn’t go to church.
The “philanthropist” who defrauds charity.
The “patriot” who dodged the draft. And attacks dead Veterans and their widows.
The “innocent man” who refuses to testify.
Trump Translator:
"Many People have told me" = Voices in my head and fictional people have complimented me
"A lot of people don't know" = I just learned something most people already knew
"Believe me" = I just lied
"In Fact" = I'm about to lie
"He's a great guy" = I will deny ever knowing this person after they begin to tell the truth about me
"MAGA" = Making my pockets fatter off the American tax payers
"Nobody knew" = Everyone knew except me
"Huge" = moderate to below average in size
"Loser" = someone who makes me feel inferior due to their talent or accomplishments
"Policy Briefing" = Turning on Fox News
"Liar" = Someone telling the truth about me
"Fake News" = Real news
This is a stimulus bill. You cant give money only to specific states. And this whole report is just wrong. Biggest and most robust economies are blue. Hey check out Kentucky and Mississippi and their economies.
Oh and you guys cant seem to get it, that dead people dont help the economy. Trump lost because he blew it with Covid. Deficit skyrocketed under Trump! Hypocrites.
being from a liberal democratic state. we care more about our health than someone elses business. businesses have open but we are staying home for our health and not supporting the businesses
Wha does the future hold for the U.S. and world-wide indebtedness? The following video is a must-watch for every U.S. citizen:
A Bigger Crisis Is On The Horizon, And It Will Last For Decades!
Jack Chapple – Apr 6, 2020 – 10:21 – 3,987,902 views
As the news talks about enforcing mandatory lockdowns, and handing out money to citizens
there has been a problem that has been rapidly expanding in the background of all of this news.
…And It is a problem that the world has never really seen before.
In fact… it might create a crisis that won’t just be felt in the next week, the next month, or even the next year… but it might be felt for several decades to come…
Get Woke, Go Broke. California is the best example of this in the world. California is facing a $54 billion budget shortfall in 2021. If Biden doesn't win, the state will go broke.
Why is this not come up on the presidential rebates?
NY, California, Washington, and Oregon are destroying the country. That’s why we should never allow abolishing electoral college.
Gee, imagine that.
Trump 2020 MAGA
Funny how this works out….Democrats Vs Republicans….funny
Here are some Solutions to Government! Legalize Privacy, Freedom, & Liberty! TRUMP 2020
01. Reduce the Size of Government by 10% a year for the Next 20 Years
02. End all of the Warmongering around the world
03. Cut all Spending by 15% (Real Cuts… NO BS)
04. Close 990 of the 1000 Foreign Military Bases
05. End All the "Aid" to Foreign Countries (No Buying off Governments)
06. Get out of NATO and all Global Political Associations
07. End all Tariffs and Sanctions
08. Eliminate the "Tax Code" and Tax everyone and every company at 10% (Amounts above 50k) until the National Debt is Paid in Full then cut the rate to 2% (No Exemptions, No Subsidies, No BS)
09. The FED shall be Abolished and the USA will go back on the Gold Standard
10. Set a term limit of 3 terms in the House and 1 term in the Senate; eliminate all of the "Benefits" (It is a Part Time Job)
11. All Congressmen (State & Federal) shall provide their TAX returns every year on April 15 and shall be published on May 1! To include an itemized list of all current assets with values and all Income with dollar amount and source!
12. Facial Recognition shall be Illegal, All Spying, Data Collection, and Surveillance of US Citizens shall cease immediately! This shall be incorporated into the Bill of Rights! Any Violation shall be punishable by a Mandatory Minimum of 5 years in prison and 5 million dollar fine (Paid to the Victims).
13. Eliminate All the "Bonuses" in Government Employment/Service
14. Sell Amtrak or Close it
15. The US Post Office shall NOT receive any more Government Funding or Government Rules/Regulations (It shall operate as an Independent Business or Close… the private sector will pick up the slack)
16. All Federal Laws and Regulations shall be made by Congress (No Government Agency shall make Regulations or Laws… All Votes shall be on the Record!)
17. The Federal Government shall NOT provide Funds to any State for any Reason except the Stafford Act (the States shall remain sovereign and Independent without Federal Pressure or Funding). The Federal Government Shall NOT Buy the State Blood Suckers to screw the pesky citizens that have had enough freedom. Federal Taxes shall be spent to operate the Federal Government ONLY.
18. The Freedom of Information Act Statute shall be amended to be Free from all or any charges for FOIA request. No government body or agency may Charge for providing and fulfilling freedom of Information request. Any noncompliance by any government body or agency or person(s) shall be punishable by a Mandatory Minimum of 5 years in prison and 5 million dollar fine.
19. End the 1033 Program! NO Military Weapons shall be used by the Police or any other government agency!
20. Title 18 USC 241 Conspiracy Against Rights & 18 USC 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law… Needs to be amended: Punishment shall be a Mandatory Minimum of 5 years in Prison and 5 Million Dollar Fine (Paid to the Victims) including all reasonable attorney fees. Ignorance, misinterpretation, misunderstanding, or mistake of the LAW shall not be an EXCUSE or Defense by any Government, Agency, or representative thereof! This shall apply to all Governments… Federal, State, and Local. No Immunity!
I am sure there should be more but this should take care of the vast majority of Federal, State, and Local Government Abuses!
Albert Einstein – “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”
The Left has gone Full Retard!
If you can't win fair CHEAT & Change the Rules!
Democrats wanted to collapse the whole economy