El reverendo Samuel Rodríguez lanza un anuncio de servicio público en español
Los datos nos muestra que el Coronavirus ha impactado desproporcionadamente a las comunidades minoritarias. Los datos disponibles indican que las tasas de mortalidad de las personas hispanas son 164% más altas que las tasas de mortalidad de las personas blancas.
El reverendo Samuel Rodríguez, presidente de la Conferencia Nacional de Liderazgo Cristiano Hispano y miembro de la Comisión Nacional de Recuperación de Coronavirus, lanzó hoy un anuncio de servicio público en español que alienta las medidas de salud y seguridad.
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Anyone who doesn't already know everything that is in this video has been living under a rock. Is it presented in Spanish because the people creating figure the whole problem is that we've heard this so much in English that it must be the hispanics who haven't heard it yet? Hopefully this whole video is just the results of a horrible misclick somewhere…
I like this! More videos should be published in Spanish, but about political topics. This will spread the message to others throughout the world and the United States.
Vamos a reduce our own immunity, and look like a fool wearing a mask that doesn't do much. And hot water? Really?
Does my phone think I’m in mexico?