Evaluating Threats to Religious Freedom in China
Threats to religious freedom in China were on the rise in 2018, especially after the Chinese government instituted its new Regulations on Religious Affairs in February 2018. Christians in China are facing newfound persecution. Between September and December of last year, three major churches, the Early Rain Covenant Church, Zion Church, and Rongguilli Church were shuttered. Muslims in Xinjiang are experiencing terrifying surveillance and between 800,000 to more than 1 million individuals are now held in political “reeducation” facilities facing unknown fates. Persecution of Tibetans likewise intensified with religious structures and homes of Tibetans destroyed. Persons of faith are increasingly under siege as China attempts to “Sinicize”, or secularize, religious practice so that it conforms to the values and priorities of the Chinese Communist Party. Promoting religious freedom has been in the U.S. ethos for generations, and over the past year the U.S. government has consistently condemned heightened threats to religious freedom in China. Please join us as we consider next steps the U.S. government can take to hold China accountable for its violations of religious freedom.
At it again I see!!!!!!. Far be it from China to make laws within THIER country. But, one must respect those religious fanaticsOther people are going to believe what you do OR ELSE. If those Asian students wanted asylum because of: being murdered – can’t help/don’t care. Being abused or tortured – can’t help/don’t care. sexual exploitation and/or human trafficking – can’t help/don’t care. BUT, if you cannot openly use YOUR personal beliefs to , manipulate or control other people and/or nations – WELL, that’s another thing altogether!!! That’s persecution and terrorism and a perfect reason to interfere or even go to WAR.
————- We certainly have very different understandings of rights of US citizens to “protect and preserve” our religious beliefs and freedoms.
中国共产党新闻网北京7月19日电 近期,美国有关方面先后通过编造不实报道,召集“促进宗教自由”第二届部长级会议等方式,炒作中国宗教自由问题,以“宗教自由”为幌子对中国进行抹黑,污蔑中国政府迫害宗教信仰自由,攻击中国民族宗教政策,企图拼凑“谴责中国政府迫害宗教自由”的“大合唱”。对此中国宗教界十分愤慨,予以强烈谴责,据实加以驳斥。
China, people are literally worshipping Trump as though he's a god. That's insane. His children hate him, it's obvious. If trump were my father I'd want to leave him, too. I feel bad for his children. What kind of fucked up future did their delusional father leave them with?
Irony, they have pedophiles with gambling problems and very deep pockets. China is an atheist nation. Their Marxism is obviously poisoned their culture. Shame, that lost. They chose to chase fame and riches instead of balance.
China, please take our psychopath, Trump, as tribute from us Americans. We don't want him and y'all seem to be big on trading humans as though slave commodities, anyway. So, since that's how you do business….. take Trump. He's all yours.
We will happily help Hispanics. Hispanics aren't the idiots china has touted us to be. I am of Puerto Rican heritage. The nazis in charge don't like that, -it offends their delicate ideas of white vs brown. I'm literally only white on the outside, dear nazis.
America has a Nazi problem, they are issuing fox news and the church to stupify society into seeing brown skin as somehow intellectually inferior.
Assholes get their feelings hurt, they prefer being at the top of their game of risk. That's some significant mental gymnastics.
Isn't perpetuating death then ridiculing it how enemies are made and legacies become curses?
Sent them to the hell!
Thank you for the upload please upload more videos on this important issue
And although this is very much a human rights violation. It gets to the point where if you they a step back and try to analyze it use see that it is not just the human rights violations in regards to religious persecution that take place at the hands of the Chinese Communist government but they commit other sketchy activities as well.
It’s not really even close in what the PRC is likely to do in regards to this. Like the stipulations and regulations they gave some Christian dominations just to keep the lights on , is ridiculous , doing such symbolic offenses like making some Catholic Church’s put pictures of Ji Jing Ping in places of mass viewership in the church. Then what they do to some of the Muslims in that country is literally terrifying, they put them in terrible dengy and human rights violating “concentration camps”