Everyone Should Stand for the National Anthem | 5 Minute Video
Why should every American stand for the National Anthem? Because the Anthem and the flag represent America, and America is a free nation. That alone is worth standing for. Joy Villa, singer, songwriter, and recording artist, explains.
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The national anthem stands for freedom—even the freedom to do foolish things…like protesting the national anthem.
But, like my mama always said, just because you are free to do the wrong thing, it doesn’t mean that you should.
Starting in 2016, some professional football players have refused to stand when the national anthem is played before a game. Some of them kneel, some of them sit on the bench, some of them raise their fist, and some don’t even come out of the locker room.
This was all started by San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick. His idea was to protest the alleged mistreatment of black people by police—and by America in general.
As he put it, “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.”
Kaepernick no longer plays in the league because, apparently, NFL owners are racist against backup quarterbacks who don’t throw well. But his protest lives on and has spread to college and high school athletes. Even elementary school kids have gotten into the act.
I like football, and I sing the anthem publicly at events. This doesn’t make me an expert, but I’ve got a problem with some things here. First, the protest is based on something that just isn’t true. And second, even if it were true, the protest is misdirected and self-defeating.
Let’s start with problem one.
Despite what we’re told by Black Lives Matter and their media allies, the police are not engaged in a coordinated campaign to destroy the black race.
As Harvard Professor Roland Fryer—who happens to be black—and others have shown, there is no evidence of racial bias in police shootings. In any case, the thing that makes headlines—police shootings of unarmed black men—is very rare. How rare? Statistics show that an unarmed black man is more likely to be killed by lightning than by a policeman.
So, if police are trying to persecute black folks, they’re doing a really bad job.
Am I saying racism doesn’t exist? Of course not.
Am I saying racist cops don’t exist? Of course not.
But I would say this: Blacks have a lot more to fear from black criminals than from the police. The police keep us safe. And they risk their lives every day doing it. That sounds like it’s a lot more deserving of a “thank you” than a “screw you.”
Now, problem two:
The protest is misdirected and self-defeating.
The American flag and the national anthem are symbols that represent our country. Even if some police officers are racist jerks, it doesn’t make sense to protest those particular jerks by demonstrating against the country as a whole.
Martin Luther King, Jr. protested discrimination against blacks on city busses by boycotting city busses. He never denigrated the flag or the anthem. In fact, he did the opposite. He argued that the people who oppress blacks are the ones denigrating the flag and what it stands for.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/everyone-should-stand-national-anthem

More white people trying to tell black people what to thlnk
A powerful speaker, thank you.
Lies lies😮
I will never ever stand for the national anthem you want to do something sing all of it even the third verse
Black people not standing for the national anthem is not a new trend. Its a song that could have been changed years ago. Instead of doing something inclusive for black people America stands firm on its racism
That was comical 😂😂😂
PragerU…Is this shit true? You better not be backing this shit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APNO3ZI5dzs
Back in HS, i remember taking part in a ceremony durring a football game in our school stadium, as a member of the Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps. Durring the ceremony, i could hear the crowd in the stands booing and jeering when the anthem was played. I couldn't see anything from where i was, but i imagine that playwrs were kneeling for the flag, or refusing to place their hands over they're hearts. Its disgusting.
Keapernickhaa never bee
N to china
"You gotta believe in something."- The Pointer Sisters
In Hong Kong, if you dare "took a knee", you would be extradited to the mainland.
Very well said!
Any athelete that does not honor our flag and national anthem should be fired by the owners and hire patriots to fill their positions.
In my youth my mother dragged me into the Jehovahs Witnesses so in High School I didn't stand for the anthem. I was led out of that as a senior (thank you God) and now stand, not very proudly today given the toxic Federal Government, but I stand for what America was.
My right to sit.
If the USA is so free , don't complain about someone not standing for the national anthem because it's someone's first amendment right.
This woman is fork tongued , and has no clue what the word free means she's definitely ignorant. But it's her right. She's wrong as Satan for thinking that way
I'm just too lazy to stand lol
I haven't stood or sung it since 1968
If you don't want to stand, you are free to leave.
I'm 40 years old, haven't stood for the anthem since grade school. It's just a song, a symbol, and I simply do not find it necessary to place any special meaning on or reserve any reverence for it.
Am I the only one who notices that it's only America that worships their national anthem apart from the Russians?
Make American greet again all lives matter
Love truth facts love American
This kind of video makes America's right and left more distrust and hate each other.
Partially correct, this video also shows the excessive right-wing bias of the PragerU channel. Is racial conflict in the United States an easy problem? And do you want those who resist national injustice to be loyal to the national symbol?
This has got to be my favorite PragerU video I've seen yet.
Jesus is the life
Jesus is the truth
Jesus is the way
Repent for your sins and turn to Jesus
Jesus is the life
Jesus is the truth
Jesus is the way
Jesus is lord
Jesus is king
Well spoken.
I thought there was some sort of paper or study or legislation back in the 1700s referring to something I think called "Freedom of speech"