Examining the Case for the Christian Faith (with Doug Groothuis)
How strong is the evidence for Christianity? How has the evidence, and issues, changed over the past few decades. Dr. Doug Groothuis is the author of the best-selling book, “Christian Apologetics,” which he just updated. In this interview we discuss his conversion to faith and his perspective of how the evidence for Christianity has grown over the past few decades.
READ: Christian Apologetics, by Douglas Groothuis (https://amzn.to/3S0Pdok)
READ: A Rebel’s Manifesto, by Sean McDowell (https://amzn.to/3u8s2Oz)
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*See our fully online UNDERGRAD DEGREE in Bible, Theology, and Apologetics: (https://bit.ly/448STKK)
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Sean, I'm not sure bringing up Nabeel Qureshi was a great idea. I am not a believer, but I do watch apologetic programs, and had come to follow Nabeel. So when his cancer was revealed I was concerned, and hoped for his recovery, all the more since he had a new wife and child. At the end, Nabeel made some videos in which he was positively begging God for a miracle. But it was all for nothing; Nabeel died, leaving a widow and an orphan. What a great apologetic miracle could have been wrought; instead, it almost seems like there is no God there at all.
Good grief what a load of horse manure, much like the bible itself. This is the utter nonsense that Christianity asserts is the truth:
That the Creator of the Universe, 13.8 billion years ago, decided to crawl up inside a virgin girl's poon hole in ancient Palestine, 2,000 years ago, and deposit his cosmic seed into her quivering uterus. Because apparently God felt fatherhood calling for the first time in nearly 14 billion years. Yep, God wanted to be a dad. And apparently none of the female Homo Sapiens who walked the Earth during the previous 300,000 years had poon-tang with a sweet enough smell to attract YAHWEH and arouse his mighty penis.
And the reason for God desiring a son, after 13.8 billion years of being childless, was because he needed the proper human to be nailed to a chunk of wood and be savagely beaten to death as some kind of idiotic and revolting blood sacrifice for the supposed sins of his own creation. Because nothing says forgiveness quite like the blood of a barbaric human sacrifice. Right?…… Don't 'ya just feel the love!!?
So then, supposedly 3 days after the sadistic human sacrifice, the Creator of the Cosmos reanimated the carcas of his son so he could trot around among a small group of ignorant, superstitious peasants as though to say.."Hey fellas, lookie here what I just did! I just brought a 3 day old sack of bones back to life! Aren't you impressed!!? Doesn't that prove what a bad ass God I am? And if you want, I can crawl up inside another virgin's poon hole and do it all again for you!"
This is the lunacy that Christians proclaim is 100% true. A god that ignores humankind for thousands and thousands of years before deciding that the time was right to start hanging out with a group of superstitious goat-herders in the Middle East desert, commanding them to adhere to primitive, evil beliefs, all while completely ignoring the lives of the other 170 million people who were living on Earth at that time.
Every part of the Christian story is absolute bat-shit crazy nonsense. Christianity is a cult of human sacrifice. Specifically the blood of a human sacrifice. And it's astonishing that any sane, rational person walking this Earth in 2024 should attach themselves to such irrational, immoral, caveman lunacy.
But there are 1 billion Hindus that worship monkey gods and elephant gods. And their beliefs are no more or less absurd than the nonsense of Christianity.
So fables are obviously comforting for people with a particular gullible mindset. And there are obviously no shortage of those on planet Earth.
Hey Christians, how about doing society a huge favor and find the nearest physician that specializes in lobotomies and schedule your appointment immediately! Perhaps they will offer you a discount due to your mental illness.
May Zeus bless you!
15:32 – 👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Very important! A key point!
Asking questions is one of the few effective ways to change a mindset!
Let’s practice it more and more!
To believe in Christianity one must believe men are so depraved by original sin, (Adam and Eve taking the bite out of a fruit, that God specifically placed near them and ordered them not to touch) and so forever, all people are born in a state of terrible sin for disobeying God’s order and because of it, must be tortured forever in Hell.
But God changed his mind a couple of millennia later and decided to forgive those who believed the following miraculous story:
1. God impregnated a poor bronze age Jewish virgin girl, in a backwoods part of the Roman Empire, so that she would have his son, (who was also really himself),
2. then God allowed his son/himself to be tortured to death
3. and then waited three days to bring him/himself back to life, spending some time on Earth talking with friends and then going back to Heaven.
4. And then, those people who were able to believe this amazing thing really happened, would spend eternity in Heaven praising God.
5. But if a person never heard about this or couldn’t believe it really happened, they would spend eternity in Hell being consumed forever by a never ending fire no matter how good a person that man or woman was.
6. And God loves you.
7. And the damn Jews were guilty of doing exactly what God arranged for them to do, so Christians should mistreat them for two thousand years.
I started to read the Bible every day, study it and go to church during the week and twice on Sundays as much as I could. I tried to be better but after a year I felt more sinful and instead of better, worst. One night I could not sleep and I felt depressed I started to cry out to the Lord and said: “Lord God I deserve Hell but I cannot for eternity be separated from You.” I saw that one who dies without Christ will instantly be separated from our Creator. Even the atheist and Jews are held up by the God they do not believe in. That is why Christ at the Cross cried out: “My God My God Why have you forsaken me” That we would never be FORSAKEN from our Lord God. It was the deepest point of His suffering. Then these words came in my heart: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
I saw that God The Father was well pleased with Jesus when He died at the cross and gave His Blood for many. I said Lord God If you are pleased with that scarifies at the Cross why Would I not be pleased with it. I saw that Christ was nailed to the Cross for my sins, and cried out: “My God My God why have You forsaken Me, so that I never will be forsaken by My Heavenly Father. Looking to Christ alone and not my righteousness. At that moment peace came into my heart. Peace With God that no one can understand except only through the Holy Spirit, I felt that the Blood of Christ had washed my sins away. I felt as if I was walking in Paradise without Sin. I was 17 at that time. I’m 82 now.
The Bible is the perfect Word of God, and is not only the world’s most widely sold but also most translated book in the world. Individual parts have been translated into 3,394 languages, and the complete Bible into 694 languages. No other book not to mention ancient books are coming even close. That is supernatural.
Those that read with faith have been given understanding of the Word of the Lord.
Those that want proof will get that in the after life, but then it is too late.
All thst those lying wklf deceivers do is talk about christianiy but clearly hsve*absolutely_no*idea what itm-e-ans to be a christian and that is where there*Are_no* christisnts by lying self-deceivers thst deceive themslves thst thy are able tobe able to be christans which they obviously cannot.
Now Ican be absolutelt_certain* that anyone claiming to be a christian can_only bee a lying self deceiver and that is why there are_no christisns just lots of lying self-deceivers that obviously csnnoy *Live christs precepts for the obvious and simple reason that they hsve no idea what chrisys precepts are ot were so they just lie and deceive themselves.
How could anyone love anyone if he has no_dea what love &is*
How could a dreaming machine and will less half wit kinderlander possibly be a christis? It is like a dog supposing it self to be a chrisyian
Anyone that imagines that christianity has anything to doo with that filthy weakness belief cannot possibly be a christian and that is why there Are_No* christians and why you *cannot encounter christians because lying self-deceivers cannot be christians.
christianity is extince because it is not possible to be a christian, byt the fat weakling kinderlander suppose they can fool othere-and incidentally themseld by lying and saying they are christians snd they are lying becuse those wiyjouyt wits or will simply_cannot be christians, so , dear reader, if you suppose you are a christian you are a lying self-deceiverand….. you….. know.. that
christanity is about being not saying or believing and the fat and will_les cannot be
You might* like* to be a christian but even that can only be empty words because you have yo be snle to be a chrisyian which hs*Fcuk_Nothing to do with saying or believing. Obviously obse weaklings canot be christians..
How could anyone Be* or Live* christ's precepts d if has not the faintest idea what they re or er and you just *Don't*, do you little lying is self -deceiver?
If you have an aim and something in the teaching of christ or the way of christ helps you to towards achieving that am. nonsense and it has to be said is complete lying bullshit about evidence which is irrelevant to your aim can be ignored.
Why re the kinderlander so thick md infantile?
Sean i want to thank you and lift you up in peayer, for your show it realy makes a difference, stick to the truth Brother
Pro-life is one thing, but in America it’s wrong to push our beliefs on others
I think black liberals lack wisdom after all 92.5% of them vote Democrat
So ridiculous!!! Jesus, the bible and Christianity are all inventions of the Roman Empire and the Catholic church. All three were implemented to control the citizens of the Empire through guilt and fear, pacifying them to get them to pay their taxes. All of Christianity is nothing but Pagan-rooted, dangerous, man-made garbage… Christianity has failed miserably at proving its god claim, nor can it prove its beliefs to be correct snd true above all other 3,999 brands of world religions… It's all unsubstantiated claims, IT'S ALL GARBAGE!!!
This is the first time I have related to an apologetics YT as he related it to the emotions of the illness of his first wife. Apologetics goes over my head most of the time. For the first time I could relate as he brought it down out of the clouds of academia and intellectualism into a relatable place for me. Do it like Jesus and Paul. Sometimes I think I am too dim to understand and use apologetics as usually discussed. I like pragmatic and concrete. Relatable.
I am increasingly becoming convinced is the most effective apologetics is the Christian life well lived, both individually and in community. This will occur only through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. What can I do? First repent, then pray, pray, pray!
Can anyone tell me what book he is talking about when he mentions the 7-8 new chapters in his book and around minute 48 discusses how to defend the atonement
No, the "evidence" (and, lack thereof) is only mounting more and more AGAINST Christianity… anyone who becomes a Christian nowadays is ignorant/willfully ignorant of reality. Period. This goes for all Abrahamic-type religions. The truth is beautiful and mysterious, but the truth steers FAR from Christianity.
Origen found none whatever. Ten thousand percent of zero remains zero.
How can I enroll in your apologetic school?
Imagine gatekeeping apologetics and calling it dangerous that someone engage in the great commission without a "degree" lol
Worst Televangelists, Faith Healers, and Religious People of all Time:
Kenneth Copeland $800 Million / Benny Hinn $100 Million / Billy Graham $25 Million / Jim Bakker $100 Million / Bill Gothard $100 Million / Shoko Asahara $5 Million / Tony Alamo $60 Million / Bob Coy $16.5 Million / Fred Phelps $55 Million / Dave Reynolds $122.9 Million / John Hagee $7 Million / Doug Phillips $23.4 Million / Jimmy Swaggart $15 Million / Mike Hintz $21.6 Million / Robert Tilton $500 Million / Mark Driscoll $12 Million / Pat Robertson
700 Club $500 Million to 1 Billion / Dr. Jesse Duplantis $30 Million / Bob Larson $11 Million / Joseph Prince $6.4 Million / Katherine Kuhlman $94 Million / Derek Prince $300 Million / Charles Stanley $10 Million / Ken Ham $55 Million / Kent Hovind $37.9 Million / Joel Osteen $140 Million / Dr. David Jeremiah $50 million / John MacArthur $14 Million / Max Lucato $10 Million / Vlad Savchuk over $2 million / Kenneth E. Hagin $17.5 Million / Andrew Wommack $25.9 Million in Debt / Dr. Frank Turek 11 Million… William Lane Craig $5 Million / Bishop Mari Mari Emmanuel 8.8 Million / And just for Fun the Vatican @ $33 Billion… And that's just a Small List… And it Keeps Growing Every Day… More Like 1000's… It's One Of The Biggest CONS Ever… And it's Tax Free… They All Lied, Cheated, and Robbed it's Followers of Billions of $$$$$… Religion, What a “JOKE”… Why Do They Need So Much Wealth, When God Should Be The One Providing Them With What They Need and it's Followers… If You Ask The Question: What Would Jesus Do… Well He's Not Going To Be Concerned About Being a MultiMillionaire Now Would He… And If You Believe In “Jesus” You Know How He Felt About “GREED” and “WEALTH” As Time has Shown, Man can't be Trusted… Man is Possessed by GREED, POWER, and CONTROL… (“EGO”) These People are Proof of This… Profit Over People… And This Shows How People at This Present Time are Still So Very Ignorant By Following These Types of People… Do The Research and You Can't Deny The Truth… (They Are All Just Greedy Motivational Speakers) Jesus Once Said, “It is Easier for a Camel to go Through the Eye of a Needle, Than for a Rich Man to Enter Into The Kingdom of God.” (Mark.10:25.) And by The Way Mark 10:25 Was Mistranslated… The Word Camel Was Found to be Rope…That's Just Another Mistranslation Out of 100'sIf You Can't Understand This It's Not My Problem…
Why do People Try to Use Thousands (1900 to 3400) of Years Old Story Books to Prove Things Today…
At the Time of The Writings They Didn't Even Know What the Moon, Sun, (As Planets & Solar and Lunar Eclipses) Thunder & Lighting, Earthquakes, Weather (Tornado's / Tsunami's / Hurricanes) Infections, Germs and Mental Illness Was… They Thought it Had Something to do With God or Gods… And The People That Wrote The Story's Where Very Ancient Societies and Spectacularly Ignorant… (Sacrificing Animals and Humans and Doing Other Ignorant Things to Please a God or Gods)
I Find it Hard to Believe That You Support The Story's and You Don't Understand The Reality of Evidence and Proof… The Biggest Question For Most Must Be: “What is The Purpose of Life?”
Planetary Scientist and Stardust Expert Dr Ashley King Explains. 'It is Totally 100% True: Nearly all the Elements in the Human Body Were Made in a Star and Many Have Come Through Several Supernovas. The body has Heavier Elements Like Copper and Zinc. These Atoms Were Created in the Dying Stage of an Exploding Stars called a Supernovas. These Elements Were Flung into Space as Dust and Gas (stardust). Eventually, They Coalesced to Become Part of a New Forming Solar System and our Planet Earth. "One can't Prove that God Does or Doesn't Exist, "But Science Makes God Unnecessary. "The laws of Physics can Explain the Universe without the Need for a Creator,"
If You Can't Understand This It's Not My Problem…
SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: Understanding That Since We Are Made Of Exploded Stars And It's Dust…
We Somehow Have Become At Least One Way The Universe Has Come To Know Itself…
(We Being The Universes Consciousness)
“If You Think You Know Everything, You’ll Never Learn Anything,”
As you can see Christianity is failing. The Bible is not a Scientific Text Book. Or is it a Historical Text Book. The Bible is a Book of Mythology… Examples are Fables, Fairy Tales, Folktales, Sagas, Epics, Legends, and Etiologic Tales (Which Refer to Causes or Explain Why a Thing is The Way It Is). Another form of Tale, the Parable, Differs from Myth in its Purpose and Character. Things That are Not To Be True…
Christianity, the largest religion in the United States, experienced a 20th-century high of 91% of the total population in 1976. This declined to 73.7% by 2016 and 64% in 2022. About 64% of Americans call themselves Christian today. That might sound like a lot, but 50 years ago that number was 90%, according to a 2020 Pew Research Center study. That same survey said the Christian majority in the US will disappear by 2070. Other World Religion's are Failing Even Faster… Relative to its own populations, Zuckerman ranks the top five countries with the highest possible ranges of atheists and agnostics: Sweden (85%), Vietnam (81%), Denmark (80%), Norway (72%), and Japan (65%) USA (43%) , The Presbyterian Church has had the sharpest decline in church membership: between 2000 and 2015 they lost over 40% of their congregation and 15.4% of their churches. Infant Baptism has also decreased; nationwide, Catholic Baptisms are down by nearly 34%, and ELCA baptisms by over 40%.
As you can see once you leave the Control of Information in America, Religions and Gods aren't The Way of The World… If You Have to Follow Something The Only Thing I Would Recommend is One Of The Oldest Religions…“JAINISM” Over Christianity…
Jainism Teaches that the Path to Enlightenment is through Nonviolence and Reducing Harm to living Things (including Plants and Animals) as Much as Possible. Like Hindus and Buddhists, Jains Believe in Reincarnation. This Cycle of Birth, Death, and Rebirth is Determined by One's Karma.
Emerging from these Three Jewels and Relating to Right Conduct are the five Abstinence's, which are the Vows of: 1)Ahimsa (non-violence) 2)Satya (truthfulness) 3)Asteya (not stealing) 4)Aparigraha (non-acquisition) 5)Brahmacarya (chaste living)
If Everyone Practiced “JAINISM” There Would Never Be Wars, Poverty, Greed, Genocide, Homelessness, Starvation, World Pollution's, The Killing of Any Creatures on Earth. Just Peace, and Harmony as One…
Christianity is Far From Any of This… Christianity Would Be Like Worshiping The Devil / Saturn,
Compared To “Jainism”… Sorry But It's True…Like all Mythology in time it all just fades away… I'm Sorry if You Can't Understand This it's Not My Problem…
All he is doing is using religious Bias… If your using religion to prove religion. Your not proving anything but religious Biases… The Bible can't prove the Bible to be True. Again that is religious Bias…
“Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence” was a Phrase made Popular by Carl Sagan Who Reworded Laplace's Principle, Which Says that “The Weight of Evidence for an Extraordinary Claim Must be Proportioned to its Strangeness” Witch means Claims and Evidence Have the Same Weight… Religions and Holy Books Does Not Do This… They Claim Supernatural Story's with No Real Evidence… The Bible is not a Scientific Text Book. Or is it a Historical Text Book.
The Bible is a Book of Mythology… Examples are Fables, Fairy Tales, Folktales, Sagas, Epics, Legends, and Etiologic Tales (Which Refer to Causes or Explain Why a Thing is The Way It Is). Another form of Tale, the Parable, Differs from Myth in its Purpose and Character. Things That are Not To Be True… If you can't Understand this it's Not my Problem…
To me, notbowing before down before ones image of God, means the same as truth being unknowable.
Of course I think truth also is knowable in a sense, but only in the heart, through the person of Christ. In the normal sense, all we can have are images, and they can be useful to guide the heart, but precisely when we are satisfied they ARE the truth, is when they stop having that function.
It's the difference of an icon vs an idol. Icons lead the heart towards truth, idols are substitutions for the truth.