FACTS EXIST — Your Life Depends on It!
Jeff Myers shares three reasons truth can be known.
Watch the complete interview: https://youtu.be/fCPB7KVeFA4
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Good and evil are not objective, nor is anything else. All is perceived from unique perspectives, all, actually, is subjective if anything.
'Good' and 'evil' have their existence in the unSaved judgmental dualistic mind of the beholder!
There are equal amounts of (whatever) 'good' (is) and the same for evil in the Universe.
The Universe is perfectly balanced;
The First Law of Soul Dynamics; "For every Perspective, there is an equal and opposite Perspective!"
For us to imagine/conceptualize 'good', we must imagine 'evil'.
Such judgment is not made by the Saved!
There is neither good nor evil, there is just God!
The very question of "why does God allow evil" (is so fraught with fallacious assumptions and ignorance that the pursuit of the question) is no more than vain mental/ego masturbation.
Which is what philosophy (without science) is; mental masturbation!
Like a 'proof', a 'fact' is anything that someone is willing to accept.
The Saved/Enlightened/Mystic know that Truth is all-inclusive! Everything is Truth, One Truth seen from innumerable Consciousness perspectives! All 'words' are the 'Word of God'!
Anyone can be 'Saved/Enlightened'!;
"Born again" into the state of Unconditional Love = Salvation = Enlightenment = Heaven = Immortality (non-duality/Singularity)
Unconditional Love is ALWAYS Known by It's Unconditional Virtues;
Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy, Gratitude, Humility, Charity (Charity is never taking more than your share of anything, ever!), Honesty, Happiness, Faith…
Facts exist,and the you fact is:
Jesus lives! ♥️ and is Yahweh God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑
There are a few misconceptions about the Problem of Evil that should be clarified:
1. It’s been named poorly. It should be the problem of suffering, which contains evil because it’s suffering caused by other people. Needless suffering is what’s unjustified because a loving, omnipotent God wouldn’t allow it.
2. It’s an internal critique. Even if we focus on evil, we can assume the position of the theist and arrive at a contradiction. God creates people who can defy His own nature and allows them far more freedom than any reasonable government would.
We do not have to assume the nature of morality to posit the Problem of Evil. Nonetheless, I’d like to point out that we know morality is subjective because it makes no sense in the absence of moral agents. You can only act morally if enough people agree that your actions were justified. (That is, good for them or people they are emotionally attached to.) People can do “bad” things for “good” reasons or “good” things for “bad” reasons. Whittling down morality into a single objective answer completely oversimplifies the issue.