Fake Socialism vs. Real Capitalism
Socialists fall prey to a common mistake. When defending the superiority of socialism over capitalism, they compare an idealized description of socialism, where people are imagined to behave and institutions to function as the socialist desires, to what they take to be a realistic depiction of capitalism. They compare an ideal to the real; big surprise; the ideal wins. But if we compare apples to apples, ideal capitalism to ideal socialism, and realistic capitalism to realistic socialism, capitalism “wins” hands down.
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Your definition of the "means of production", in the Marxian sense, is wrong.
From the Communist Manifesto: "We by no means intend to abolish this personal appropriation of the products of labour, an appropriation that is made for the maintenance and reproduction of human life, and that leaves no surplus wherewith to command the labour of others. All that we want to do away with is the miserable character of this appropriation, under which the labourer lives merely to increase capital, and is allowed to live only in so far as the interest of the ruling class requires it."
So by "means of production", Marx isn't talking about an artisan's tools or a cab driver's cab, he's talking about factories, mines, etc, where production takes a social character.
Excellent presentation, good points given
i love how the heritage foundation cited a source (the index of economic freedom) created by the heritage foundation
Excellent presentation. I learned much and gained insight. Hats off.
This guy is so wrong on so many levels it is ridiculous.
1- capitalism won by a landslide? In what sense. The "we kill less than you did" argument is downright stupid. Even if it could be demonstrated, which he does not, does it prove any moral superiority? If a person kills ten people and the other only 5, does that mean that the second killer is in some way better or more superior? Did he "win by a landslide?" If it were a soccer match, did he win by 5 goals? Ridiculous.
2- socialism has nothing to do with improving the lives of the poor. Socialism does not care about the poor. It is not for them. It has always been the political economy of the urban workers. If you are a poor peasant, socialism has nothing to say to you.
I could continue but I'm tired now
Capitalists also fall prey to the "ideal vs. actual" bias. Any comparison on any subject can generate this problem. This is a very interesting philosophical question, but it's not specific to the subject at hand.
However, the obvious difference here, is that capitalism can be observed readily right now. Socialism can't. Another difference is that the current state of capitalism is very often denied, qualified as being "not perfect" or "corrupted".
have you ever considered that the people putting up the no hate here sign or voting democrat because trump has an ideological repugnancy that wouldn't have been accepted twenty years ago before moral values went down the drain?
"most people in the US don't have a genuine ideological attachment to political party" or it's because you're rich & white and the policies don't affect you anyways there are people that actually have to choose and care HAHA
Sunglasses on the head, nice touch
I'm glad they got supporters of each side together to debate the issue!
So we need fewer flawed people? Could criminality be taken to be a proxy for flawed?
Forget socialism lets tax the rich classroom their income and ammased wealth ,fund free healthcare, education,raised wages,higher pensions, payed father/maternity leave like in Europe and Scandinavic nations and keep the capitalism. It works in most Europe and Scandinavia so why not in the US?
Socialism/Capitalism/Marxism is the DUMBEST idea of the west.
This is the ignorant Democrats agenda.
You’ll support the Democrats that’s so elated killing babies before and after full birth. Socialism and all the homeless people in the streets. So they can control the Americans. You’re just as bad as the ignorant Democrats. https://www.facebook.com/537534316395916/posts/1218732931609381?s=100023984062263&v=e&sfns=mo. The Democrats are the NAZI’s!!!!!!
Nope 👎 time to vote the Democrats O-U-T!!!!! They’re the ones that doesn’t care. All the homeless people in their states.
Yeah it sure does says a lot about you when you’re supporting the Democrats wanting to murder innocent babies full term. How the Democrats treating the U.S. Citizens for illegals. yeah do YOU care what the Democrats wants to turn our beautiful country into socialism??????? DO YOU CARE ???????? They’re making their own states looking like cesspool #shitholes. And they care for more the illegals!!!!!! Yeah the ignorant delusional Democrats needs to be voted out!!!!!! That’s what needs to happen!!!!! I’ll be damn I’m NOT living in a sickening socialism evil delusional sickening and twisted cancerous cult savages Democrats lifestyle!!!!!!! Yeah you’re for killing innocent 😇 babies. Yeah you don’t have any respect for yourself for supporting these psychos Democrats that wants to kill innocent 😇 babies 👶!!!!
And wants socialism.
And the psychos Democrats doesn’t care for their own US Citizens. Making their own states look like cesspool #shitholes
yeah you support the delusional Democrats politicians that doesn’t give a damn for the American Citizens. Homeless people in the streets.
The Democrats making sure the illegals uninvited invaders mobs have free health care.
I hate to break it to all my friends of Unregulated Capitalism. The Military, Police and Fire Dept are Socialist programs run by federal and local governments. We call it public service, financed by taxes from the Public (society) as opposed to private (individually) financed. Can't think of any greater service for society as a collective of individuals serving to protect society than Military, Law Enforcement and Fire Protection. This service is done without a profit motive attached making it a Socialist program. I would hate to see these programs privatized; the Fire and Police Dept's responding to calls which produces the greatest profit!
When speaking of the military, I'm referencing the individuals service in protection of the whole of society. Not the Capitalistic for profit military arms manufacturing. Technically it is a damaging type Socialism. A Socialism that does not serve society, instead it uses society as a means of capital. It is called Subsidized Capital. "We the People" subsidize the industry through government contracts. Contracts which are financed through the capital provided by taxes. Thus if this was truly a Capitalist venture then "We the People" are investors and should share in the profits gained from that capital. That capital enable the means of the production. As investors Not only did we not receive a dividend when these arms are sold to other nations, but we had no voice in how our investment should be allocated.
Capitalism works best when it serves the whole, as Adam Smith believed in his book the Wealth of Nations. Unregulated Capitalism serves the bottom line of the profit motive at all costs, including moving production overseas to take advantage of cheap non union labor. Unregulated Capitalism is like playing any type of game or sport without any rules which eventually leads to monopolies and chaos.
A hybrid of regulated Capitalism & Socialism has proven to be the most stable and beneficial to all. Maybe there needs to be a rebranding of this hybrid system. A system which looks at the citizens as investments and investors. Since taxes are generated by the citizens then let's embrace Capitalism and provide these citizen investors the fruits of their capital venture. The primary investment in the citizens portfolio needs to be in their wellbeing. If their wellbeing is the primary motive then profits will naturally increase. If driven to the point of despair by wealth inequalities then the cost to society will not only eat into profit but exceed it. Desperation and anxiety will lead to Crime and Civil unrest. Instability will become a cancer to the economy.
This is unfortunately magnified since this country does not control its own production of its own currency. It is at the mercy of a private central bank calling itself Federal which has the illusion of being part of the government due to the president nominates an individual from a predetermined list to head the board of directors. Since fiat currency requires faith alone to provide its value. The truth is the government needs to place an order to buy the currency from this private bank. This order is called a Treasury Bond. These bonds are traded for bills called Federal Reserve Notes. These notes are basically instruments of debt, meaning every dollar that exists is an I OWE YOU slip or A BILL which needs to be paid back to the Federal Reserve plus interest. Interest which physically cannot exist unless you print more bills to allow for some room to cover the existing bills, this expansion of the money supply creates inflation, and inflation is just like another tax which makes each bill worth less and less. This is essentially is a pyramid scheme, which needs the currency to flow. So hoarding or concentrated wealth is like a clogged artery, which ultimately leads to a heart attack and death. When billions of dollars sit in a bank and hidden in a tax shelter then it cannot generate anything.
Speaking of hoarded wealth. Ask yourself when an individual such as Jeff Bezos makes 22 million a day. That's $916,667 per hour, let's assume he sleeps 7 hours which means he makes $6,416,667 while asleep. I do believe he needs a tax break. I'm sure he cannot survive without one.
These Capitalist surely like the benefits of Socialism (tax breaks, subsidies) and the protection provided by public servants. They have exploited the myth that the are job creators, Maybe in other countries. Customers are the job creators. The myth of trickle down economy has been proven false. What good is it to have a supply of product or service that no one can afford. The supply not only loses value but there will be no need to have the labor to produce more supply. If a Demand exist then I guarantee their will be an incentive to provide the supply to satisfy the demand. This also creates value in that supply, that value attracts demand for more supply provided by labor.
The devil hates people, wants them all to die. Capitalism is a thorn in the side of evil because it makes more people. Populations grows. Of course, evil is still trying to destroy people by bringing in socialism or other nasty ideas that enslave people.
47:00 a good point here is that you are almost using as mutch as Sweeden, but if you compare sweeden's cost of living to the USA you are spending like 4 times as mutch.
I thought I was mistaken so I ran it again but did I here that USSR was trying both socialism and capitalism?
The way he describes socialism is the definition of fascism not socialism,this is kinda biased
This is the new low for The Heritage. I am use to seeing die-hand ideologues here, but at least lying intelligently.This one just straight up dumb.But then again, i am yet to meet a "grownup" libertarian.
Yeah. But the way it works in practice is 'those who have more than me that has stuff I want need to share their stuff without their permission with me and my friends. I don't hafta share anything at all, cause I still need and want stuff'. IOW, socialism is about 'you give me your stuff', and all the altruistic arguments are to cover that up
How says I am the owner of this or that land ? God?
To say that this characteristic or that is a natural tendency of humans, the natural tendency of rocks is to fall and the natural tendency of vapor is to ascend, jajaja this is prescie tific view point, to say that the natural tendency of humans beings is selfishness or alteuism is really an ambiguous way of framing a question. It is a fact that humans beings depend and need on the work and activity of other humans especially young children and babies, but continually, the question is what is the best way or form of organizing human activity that produces the most amount of wealth with the least.resources and contamination, and that the wealth is distributed equally, this are emirical questions established by trying out different forms and onservi g reaults, if a system based on selfishness is better or one based on altruism is an empirical question. But you cannot apriory say humans have a natural tendency for selfishness, when the simple fact.of childhood proves the contrary.
Capitalism may still get us all killed with run away technological advancement. We will just have to wait and see on that one.
The Left will say it's still not fair and climate change. Plus racism.