Fixing Border Security and Immigration: Advice for Obama
Jena Baker McNeill, Homeland Security Policy Analyst at The Heritage Foundation, discusses how President-elect Obama can keep his campaign pledge of controlling illegal immigration and strengthening America’s borders.
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“ 10 instances Mueller outlined in which Trump may have attempted to interfere with his investigation are worthy of impeachment. Several elected Democrats, including 2020 presidential contenders, are now saying that Congress has a legal obligation to impeach the president, as it is the only government body capable of holding him accountable.`
Apparently someone can't articulate their opposition to my logic, and rather turns to the ad hominem of clicking the down-thumb. Pathetic.
This Lady is so retarted that i would smack my self if i herd any more come out of my mouth…
1st. Do you know how much it would take to deport 10 million people?
2nd. Do you have any idea how much money you would loose in an economy that is already in recession?
3rd. Even if you were born here, your ancestors got here, so we are all immigrants.
…Accept it, live with it and move on.
Wow, if anyone needs evidence that this man is an ignorant intolerant imbecile, here it is.
Communism, HA! I do not believe in a magic man in the sky that cares what I murmur to him. Well then, I must be stupid. LOL. I don't believe that society requires a monopoly of coercion to operate, well then.. I must be… Communist?! You need to look up words before you use them.
I am shocked that you can spell correctly. Every other part of you brain is WAY under-developed.
How about the opening line.. you know: the one about LIBERTY.
Haha, predictable fucktard! So you think founders' actions have to reflect the document and ideas they present? What a strange person you are..
I am not a member of the constitution party. I am voluntarist. An Atheist Anarchist (anarcho-capitalist). Your attacks on the foundations of America don't hurt me because I know that supporting what is right for the people of the WORLD is the only moral dedication.
Oh, I know.. because Jefferson had slaves? because slavery is unconstitutional.. you're going to say I contradict myself? I don't know jefferson, I only see this manipulated version of history we have today.
To answer your questions: NO! NO!
So tell me: Why?
Ron Paul is not the figurehead of the libertarian party. The libertarian party is based on principles and proofs. 'Knowing the constitution' doesn't make you a good leader. Knowing what the constitution was FOR, and respecting the importance of minarchy really helps though. Jefferson has as much an influence on the libertarian movement as Paul.
Slavery? Tin foil? I suggest you see a doctor, there is clearly something wrong with your head. None of that came up, nor does it relate.
:eye roll:
You sir, are ridiculous.
My channel says Afghanistan because I am a REAL American, and that's where I was when I made this account.
And your ad hominem attacks don't change the fact that you don't understand what you're attacking.
The libertarian party is closer to the 'Constitution party' than the Republicrat parties.
That I don't know, but I do know they get something in which they are NOT entitled to.
Haha, you automatically assume that I am European because I reference something that resembles a nation in Europe. No. I am a Kansan, and 'Austrian Economics' is one tenet of libertarianism, the fastest growing, most American party in the USofA. Republicanism, like you, has failed.
Also, you can be 'shocked' because I have spent some time on farms/ranches.
Ha! I can protect my own 'freedom', And I intend on doing so when the system you want to put in place collapses. It cannot sustain itself. Check your views. Austrian School.
Excellent point..good luck, I think this creep is on record of stating he does not beleive English should be the National language..and a mulitude including reid, pelosi, boxer and fine swine all following close behind sayin' yes suh yes suh..dat be right suh.
Yeah, what kind of bullshit is that????
Epic FAIL. If you call yourself a 'conservative think tank', you have to understand austrian economics.
Heritage, you need to take a leaf
from the CATO institute's position on immigration.
Open borders could well solve the crisis we're in.
go away
Build the fence and support ICE in the job they are doing!!! Support the raids!!!