Former Labor Union Official discusses Government-imposed con
Rian Wathen, former Collective Bargaining Director for the UFCW Local 700, Indianapolis, discusses the binding arbitration provision in the Employee Free Choice Act. The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) gives government officials the power to impose contracts on employers if an acceptable contract with the union is not negotiated within 120 days. These government-imposed contracts would bankrupt companies and cost workers their jobs.
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shows you how everything is being flipped around -_-
the idea of people organizing in their own interest, scares the shit out of the owners of corporate fascist parasitism system
ask a Walmart employee if he is adequately compensated for his hard work for decent living.
half of Walmart workers get food stamps and medicaid
slavery is freedom
Typical fear mongering from the right wing.
My father made 12 dollars an hour in 1970 in a construction labor union.. how much you you making?… can you say class warfare?
80% of america would join a union in america if the choice was given to them.. fascism stinks…low pay , long hours, no benefits ,fired on the spot for any reason whatsoever… slavery is not freedom… its time to abolish the federal reserve system and free both the workers and the business owners from their economic tyranny.
The Unions have changed over the years. They are all political now. Similiar to communist countries. Take it from someone who knows.
unions have too much power
Nick, we are right behind you here in Illinois. This video is scarier than Janine Garafalo naked!