Former Transgender Activist: Transitioning Is Dangerous—Especially For Youth
Hacsi Horvath is an expert in systematic review methods, assessing bias in research studies and evaluating the certainty of evidence across studies in a given body of scientific literature. He is an adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California, San Francisco. Horvath formerly identified as transgender and presented as a woman for more than a dozen years.
Horvath explained why transition affirming therapies are so dangerous, especially for youth.
Watch the full event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMj9MOuRswc
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Questioning one's gender identity starts much earlier than coming out as a trans person. No one is coming out as non-binary just because it's "cool".
Within Heaven's Gates by Rebecca Springer 😇
It is crazy that 'trans' has essentially become a fashion trend. Not just a trend..but a fashion or social trend.
Im bi and its so sad to me because ive loved masculine women in my lifetime and i feel like theyre being erased 😢
Super interesting thank you I totally agree
my god you’re so fucking dumb. the categories of "male/female" are constructed–transgender people have ALWAYS existed. Look back at Baccus and the festivals for him in Ancient Greece. fuck you, let us exist, stop persecuting us you LOSERS
Leave the child alone. Let him or her decide on their own when they are adults.
A life style that invests in Big-Pharma, Doctors and leads to a lifetime of pain suffering and early mortality I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Any Parent /guardian, doctor involved in corrective surgery and puberty blockers is criminally negligent. If we have laws protecting children under the age of consent from smoking to pornography to voting, how then is medical mutilation and chemical castration, forced upon children that cannot understand the Irreversable long term affects, acceptable.
Stop anglobalist pedo-sodomite hysteria.
Whispers in your ear when your a child may seem like your own ideas, but those whispers wear off. If you agree at that age everything is decided, you may change your mind. If you don't agree you may decide for yourself as you grow older.
A lot of there’s trans people have internalized homophobia.
I would very venture to say that most of the trans people who were studied had childhood trauma
It’s like the people behind the transitioning medical industry have purposely pushed their gender ideology onto children because they know they’re easily influenced and can be manipulated. These people are not pushing hard for LGB tolerance and empathy, they are specifically pushing for trans medical transitioning. We need to question if there are other motives besides “compassion”?
Being transgender is absolutely not a choice — we're born this way. Also, transitioning is not dangerous as long as it's supervised by a qualified endocrinologist, and as long as psychological evaluation doesn't find any evidence that some event precipitated (inappropriately) the feeling of being "in the wrong [type of] body." A key fact is that people who are truly transgender come to a point in their lives where they KNOW ABSOLUTELY that they're transgender, and it's a powerful knowing. If you ask a truly transgender person if they might have some mental/emotional issues that make them think that they are or might be transgender, the answer will always be essentially (and confidently), "No, I know I'm trans." If they are hesitant, or express any degree of doubt, or don't say with absolute confidence and conviction that they ARE trans, then they're not. The problem I see is that for many kids these days, being straight cis-normative seems too "normal," and God knows, we all go through a phase where we very much do not want to be normal — it's not "cool," it doesn't set you apart or make you stand out, so it's "normal" for [most] people to question their sexuality or gender identity at some point in their life. For someone who thinks they may be gay, or bi, or non-binary, or even trans, there's no harm in exploring those feelings, and such people eventually "grow out of" that stage of their life. The only people for whom there is any potential danger are trans people, and then only for those who medically transition — everyone else can always return to a cis-normative lifestyle. Not all trans people transition medically — for some (many), transitioning socially is adequate. And the danger for trans people is only to people for whom some respected person in their life reinforces their speculation without any sound reason for doing so, or when the doctor or psychologist involved fails to do a thorough and accurate evaluation. The administration of hormones should be done ONLY by an endocrinologist who has educated themselves and is familiar with transgender people and issues. The same is true for the psychologist who makes the determination that the feeling someone has that they are trans is not due to some event in their life that made them hate or fear the gender that they were assigned at birth. Because the effects of taking hormones are not (fully) reversible, it is imperative that all the "t"s are crossed and all the "i"s dotted, before any hormone therapy is begun. Surgery is, of course, also not reversible, and so should only ever be done AFTER a positive confirmation of a person's transgender status (essentially, after hormone therapy has begun). Surgery is strictly cosmetic, and has many drawbacks, so many transgender people do not have surgery. In fact, among the trans people I know, only one has had surgery (M to F), and that person has said that because of all the down sides, they now wish they had not done it, although it's not a nightmarish regret, just something they would have done differently had they known more about life after such surgery, and I would say that, in such cases, the surgeon could be faulted for not properly informing and educating the patient. For a truly transgender person, transitioning is not an option, it's a [psychological] necessity. Many doctors don't readily recognize the difference between gender dysphoria and [clinical] depression, which often results in the patient being over medicated for depression, while the real issue is overlooked. I came to the realization that I was trans later in life, and socially transitioned (i.e., I lived life as if I were a woman) for 6 years before starting hormone therapy. I had mental and emotional issues all my life. Although none were serious enough that I sought treatment (largely due to the stigma), they did have a significant negative impact on my life. After my social transition, most of these issues faded into insignificance, and when I started hormone therapy I finally experienced a sense of "normalcy" that I hadn't known even existed. Some people do, unfortunately, transition inappropriately, usually due to less than competent medical professionals, and sometimes due to a desire for "kinky" sex (a condition which should be flagged during the requisite psychological evaluation), but for those of us who are genuinely transgender, don't fault us, or pigeonhole us because of the mistakes of others. We are normal, everyday people just like everybody else, we just have what could be (should be) considered a birth defect. If you have read this far, thank you.
children should not be allowed to transition because SO MANY CHILDREN with lgbtq parents are being pressured to transition, only to regret it later. gender dysphoria is a mental disorder, and should be treated as such. therapists, instead of helping these children overcome their dysphoria, are affirming it. thats like affirming schizophrenic hallucinations. so many children who are transitioned develop depression, and as a result end up ending their own lives. the hormones that these people are putting into their bodies are extremely harmful. once youre an adult, fine. i dont care what you do with your body. but when you are a CHILD, putting these hormones into your body and transitioning and all of that stuff, basically RUINING your body beyond repair, that shouldn't be allowed.
i cannot stress this enough, so many people who transition end up regretting it and feeling incredibly insecure in their bodies. transitioning is extremely harmful to both mental state and physical health. people say "protect trans kids" but youre not protecting them by encouraging them to harm themselves.
Population control
Kids who think that they might be transgender MUST understand that they will be sterilized and that there is a hidden agenda behind this movement. It’s called DE POP U LATION and these kids are being EXPLOITED!!!
I’m a 56yr old bisexual woman who was a tomboy when I was a little girl. I’m so freaking glad non of this shit was happening back in the 60’s/70’s and my parents weren’t bullied into helping their child medically transition into the opposite gender. Because i definitely grew out of that phase when I started liking boys instead of wanting to be one!!
people are starving and we are forced on this crap.
How has this surgical intervention practice become so entrenched in the public health policies? Something is so wrong here. Children are simply not developed enough to understand the concept of the permanence of these decisions. I applaud everyone who is speaking out on behalf of children to keep them from making the mistake of their lives. Over 21 – you're on your own. And even that is too young, as we see many detransitioners who had the operations in their early twenties detransitioning only a few years later. So very sad for them. Could therapy have prevented them from doing this? Maybe. But for thousands – we'll never know because it is too late.
Transgender surgery is the new lobotomy. Permanently mangled.
i cant believe no one mentions the thing that's described as NOT IN YOUR OWN BODY – which is how people describe the effects OF FKN DRUGS that all these kids are on
It's just child abuse 😢
They are promoting and pushing confusion in children, and are being groomed through this agenda to consent to self-harm, which is a consent by someone of an age who is not able to make this life-changing decisions. Most boys who liked to play with dolls, and girls who did boyish things, grow up to be men and women, happy with their own sexuality. This is just a vile agenda by some clever evil people who want to destroy normal man/woman relationships; and sadly the "woke" community is completely brainwashed into this utter nonsense, because they cannot see that it is all propaganda…not reality.. Shame on all the adults supporting and celebrating this…. this society has become so evil that God has truly turned them over to a depraved mind, that they bring their own children to be scarred for life, or even eternity. Repent! Jesus is coming to judge.
When this all comes crumbling down those globalists governments need to be held accountable. Personally accountable! They’re doing this to kids with NO real research 😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡
Edit: also the doctors who were sworn to do no harm
The heritage foundation has been a paid anti LGBTQ hate group for decades. Howvmuch was this person paid to slander the transgender people and especially the children and to attack their very lives and to betray love and life at towards them for the miserable bag of silver to be the reward for the iniquity of to do so? The wrath of God from heaven upon you all at for your mercilessness against the transgender people. Let all your holdings associated to would hold the transgender people hostage to your slander and cruelty fall to ruin in the name of Yeshua the Christ. You know a full well you are an offense before the face of the Lord, and that, your judgement, is nothing. So also is your pride at in it, nothing, but if you so will at to cleave to it at onto your ruin than, so let it be so. It were the truest of abominations at even from the start not the transgender children. Let hell open its grasp under the very feet of your souls if you so wish it above the existence and lives of the transgender children.. The likeness of you have never offered them a deliverance in any genuine or adequately reaching way, only condemnations. This has nothing even to do with the transgender people. It is for your own sociopathy led judgements know of nothing genuine or honest but for to abandon and forsake and to be utterly impotent in your own judgements and mercilessness. It is for you claim to be Christians and though utterly fail at to truly behave or perform as such, and because, you are corrupt and evil. If your oppositions towards the transgender people are so justified of God why have they taken these so many decades to be of service until now? Did your sociopathy led mindedness just not wig out so much until now at the transgender people were looking too a much to would be liberated at from your oppressions? Do you think the LGBTQ people don't already know you do such things as these moral panics your sociopathy stages every 20-40 years or so at to blast hate upon the next generations of your own adulterous and evil nature you psychologically project upon them endlessly? No, it was foretold among them for even decades youd eventually snap.and make for another sociopathy led drive a likeness to the religious and political leaders and advisers in the midst of the crowds at the crucifixion of the Christ getting them to cry out "CRUCIFY HIM!" CRUCIFY HIM!, and such is the very likeness of your GOP to applaud at the words "eradicate transgenderism". They knew of your sociopathy wig out were coming even for decades it was said among them. They are fully aware of just how truly corrupt and mercilessly evil you really are abd they were prepared by even love itself in them at against you. You fools think there is still some sort of element of surprise to your cruelty and attacks. YOU HAVE LITERALLY NEVER NOT BEEN SO CORRUPT AND EVIL TOWARDS THEM. HOW COULD THEY NOT HAVE BEEN PREPARED AGAINST YOU. YOU HAVE LITERALLY NEVER NOT BEEN OPPRESSIVE AND MURDEROUS TOWARDS THEM! YOUR ATTACKS ARE OR LITERALLY ABSOLUTELY NO REAL SHOCK VALUE! They are so much stronger than you. That you would throw yourselves off of buildings at even a fraction of what you have forced them to would be able to endure. You have absolutely no hope at against them. Sooner your institutions would crumble into their basements and into hell than you'd could truly cause them to fall. Make no mistake of it, The Lord is with them, and not you. Your own test is onto yourselves, would be if you are fool enough to would try to mock him as much as them or anyone else who would dared to stand by them
A big part of why people aren't speaking up is that they are terrified of being CANCELED; i.e. by work, by their "friends", by their kids, by school admins, etc.
thank you for speaking up. Yes: It is a SPIN. Looking closer to those hyped "studies" it is easy to realise that the media spread highly speculative findings, theoretical spins, unseriouse study designs as sound empirical facts. It is a shame.
There's a special place in hell for people who promote the lie of transgenderism. We can thank Obama for opening the floodgates though his abnormal obsession with homosexuality.
I had the opposite experience. I remember almost none of my childhood, and only realized I’ve always been trans in my 30s after 2+ years of weekly therapy and trauma work. It was only when I learned to love myself that I was able to recognize my identity. I told a friend I kept having these waves of warmth wash over my body, which she then told me was happiness. Unfortunately feeling happy is a trigger because I taught myself as a young kid that anything that made me happy was bad. Im working through it now, but if I had even a little support as a young man I wouldn’t have spent my entire adult life completely dissociated.
While I had no representation, i would take that over what’s happening now. This foundation is funded heavily by the Koch brothers. I would take everything they say with a big fat grain of salt.
i cannot listen to these idiots anymore. they just make shit up. especially de-transitioners what a toxic bunch of morons.
just because thats your opinion doesn't make it true
Thank you
What tragedies. And lies that these things are reversible when they are not. Nothing irreversible should ever be done. Until someone is fully developed they do not know the ultimate outcome of their development and until they do nothing permanent/irreversible should be done. Give them a chance at THEIR life!
Even Jenner had a life and kids before later changing. And that was a very important part of their life which would never have happened with early irreversible treatment along with other accomplishments they had.
Dont all dysphoria people have some measure of autism? IS autism related to timersol in vaccines?
There are not any good intentions behind puberty blockers, hormons wnd surgery etc i am not a doctor,niether psychologist but i understand that this is wrong and I am sure that those who propagate it know it as well. But they dont care😮😢
Interesting that the person quoted ' some like it hot'. That is a film about men pretending to be women and fancying the women they are travelling with. Thus they just revealed that all this pretending to be women is a ploy to get access to women, thus real women are put at risk.
I suspect its narc and borderline parents bringing their kids to paedo butchers. Sickos.
Do the doctors have any choice really? Aren't there office and practice specific policies that they refer children to gender clinics? Are they aware that most anyone would be pushed along the conveyor belt or do they think there is real diagnosis there?
Can you imagine explaining this to someone who has been in a coma 20 years?
Where are those giant bills that give people Tylenol after major surgeries when it comes time to say no to a tween who doesn't wanna grow up?
Imagine being a dude, your parents see you like to wear pink shirts, so they give you hormone treatment and you grow up and decide to keep being a dude but now you're stuck with a tiny dick and insecure your whole life because of it, all because you showed a few "girly" signs as a kid. Or vice versa – we used to just call that a tom girl, and we didn't chop off their tits because a girl liked more "boyish" things! It's a shame what these mentally ill alphabet crew are doing to kids today.
This video is 4 years ago and still going on, I wonder how more kids are victimized with this ongoing cult.
Parents please protect your children from this corrupt and evil system at all costs. If it means taking them out of public schools to shelter them for as long as possible then by all means do whatever is in your power. Sometimes the parents who are parenting them are just as toxic as the system. Taking a small child that might be going through a “tomboy” stage and convince them they are a boy trapped in a girls body. The parent(s) then start the little girl (for example) on life altering, dangerous drugs such as hormone/ puberty blockers and testosterone that will deepen the voice, cause hair loss, severe depression in many cases and a host of all different kinds of other problems and health concerns. All Because a little girl trusted her mommy and/or daddy her life is irreversibly ruined. Oh and of course these brave progressive parents are posting their ‘journeys’ on social media for the world to see because they are clout chasing narcissists that shouldn’t even be allowed to have children in their care period. They should be jailed and charged with child abuse. This is all part of the agenda though. They have first succeeded in taking God out of schools and basically everywhere. Then it was easy to be successful in the breakdown of the household/family. #IndependentWoman cheers to single motherhood 👏. They have somehow convinced people that we don’t need men for… well anything really and that woman should be treated as equals in comparison to men in all aspects of life. A theory that blatantly goes against biblical values and principles.
We have delusional people teaching our next generations that gender is a social construct and can be changed at will, because I guess we have a cruel God that puts girls in boys body’s and vice versa just to see them suffer through life. That’s if they even believe in God. They embrace “spirituality” and praying to the universe. Manifesting and setting intentions. More satanic garbage all in the name of love and acceptance. people need to wake up and read the writing on the wall. If you can’t see there is an ongoing direct attack on our children then who’s going to protect them in an evil world that wants nothing more then to inflict trauma, pain, fear and hopelessness. Pray for the veil to be lifted from your eyes so you can see things for exactly what they are. The devil is not called the father of lies for nothing. He’s alive and well and will take you straight to hell if your not saved. The time is now. The last days are upon us. God Bless.
As a young child, i loved playing with dolls and loved lacy silk fabrics. It was such a "thing", friends of my parents sent me a dress as a christmas present (my folks never spoke to them again) There were times in my childhood when i was very confused about my gendfer and thought I wanted to be a girl. Well – as an adult, i am gay – happily so – and very happy as a man. There is no desire to be a female. I personally
think gender dysphoria is part of "learning" as a child. To allow a pre-pubescent to "choose" their gender is so alien to me. If the dysphoria continues into adulthood – yes, make the transition if you want, but there has to be an age limit.
Sounds like a pubescent ‘romper room’ dystopia where old people and fetuses are casually discarded.🤔
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