Former Union Organizing Director discusses Card Check
Rian Wathen, former Organizing Director for the UFCW Local 700, Indianapolis, discusses different tactics union organizers use to get employees to sign union authorization cards. The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) would eliminate the secret-ballot democratic election process and replace it with card check, a method that would enable union organizers to deceive, harass and threaten workers until they signed a union authorization card. Once 51% of a companys employees signed cards, EFCA would force companies to recognize a union.
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😂😂😂 and he closes by saying that right now the union can tell workers thier side but the company cannot!!! LOL!! They think us commoners are so stupid!!😅😅
What?? Heritage foundation doesnt like unions?? But they also dont like government regulations. So there should be absolutely no check on corporate power whatsoever I guess. Yeah freedom for all. Gimme a break.
This is the biggest crock of shit i have ever heard. This is a Union-busting paid piece of trash.
This is total nonsense hahahaha
Join a union. Union workers have better pay, job stability, better benefits, safer working conditions, and a democratic say in their workplace.
Former Union Organizer and Corporate Sell Out
What corporate garbage!
This is almost parody level editing, y'all some bought corrupt demons.
This guy is a fraud.
this video is propaganda TRASH
They can’t harass you and keep knocking on your door. That’s illegal. That is just a blatant lie
This guy and people like him is the garbage that is crippling the US economy. Trying to dumb down the average worker.
This guy's a twat.
Actually I was in the union with the teamsters and they're nothing but to face individuals that become buddies with the employer they go out to dinner with employers to look out for each other's interest and that's not very helpful for the employees. Back in the day when unions have it be started up to make a fair working place so you would have employers walking all over your rights and making you slaves but one thing good for the union's they gave us weekends, over time, and holidays and vacations and that's all well and good anyone treat people with respect and pay them for all the work that they do.
By the time in history in America that the American government should eliminate unions and deal with situations that harms the employees .
But one thing I have a grief about how the American government puts a nose in the workplace that they give companies tax breaks for seven years not to pay taxes or the end of the company changes their name they don't pay taxes for seven years and American taxpayers have to pay more taxes on account of businesses because the businesses are not paying nothing in taxes.
And then the government gives us the money to these corporations that came from the taxpayers just make those corporations richer and makes the common person or any one of the common person to pay more taxes to to benefit the corporations but they keep on taking from the common person to pay the bills for the nation.
Instead of giving the subsidy money to the corporations why not give it to the workers because actually their money in the first place and maybe they can afford to live in their homes in by decent vehicles and help them pay their grocery bills and medical needs but actually the American government doesn't care for the common people they're nothing but corporatist as long as the corporations give the candidates money to read loopholes for them that's all they care about and it just takes advantage of the common people America and destroying democracy of our country.
So mostly politicians corporations are the enemy of a great nation of the common people that made America great in the first place but they used a slap across the face. But one thing that would make America a much greater place is to get rid of the evil new world order of the Republican Party because they want the right to work states to make people to make less money they don't want the minimum wage to go up because the corporations would not get that subsidy money that the American taxpayers paid into. So all this propaganda talk that's in this story is nothing but a Joke.
During an "election period" the employer holds mandatory meetings that union reps aren't allowed to attend and counter the employer's claims.
Best Buy E-learnings brought me here.
Every other business that you will apply for,will also want you to watch this Vid.
best buys Elearnings brought me here
I used to be in a union, and then I took an arrow to the knee…
15 years huh? Why are you gone?
"O"FCW for 15 years?? Didn't even know it was the "U"FCW. Imagine that!!! Heritage Foundation and 'Right "to" Work' Committee been paying my bills fo soo.. long I forgot to ask.
@bwy0874 "The person I credit most with shaping my view of this country is Noam Chomsky."
Chomsky criticizes containerization. That indicates how poor his judgment of economic issues is.
Don't be fooled. Unions are in cahoots with the mob (recognize the tactics?), and Big Labor is in bed with the Democrat Party, which never met an unconstitutional Big Government intrusion it didn't like. Unions have destroyed the education system and auto industries, made us uncompetetive in the world economy, all the while claiming it's the fault of the free market and more government control is "for your own good." Get the facts! The Heritage Foundation has a a great website about this.
This guy is BS. He's trying to scare people out of unionizing, he's a fraud.
Angelboot: what part of the act attacks unions? And how? The EFCA is a rules change for forming unions making it easier.
from realodguy1969: what rights are you giving up? What constitutional right are you in referencing?
I'm not afraid of anything. Why all this hoo ha? Business, employers are afraid.
☻_ Hail Bob
Run for office. Make the changes. Many unions have to compete against illegal immigrants who are paid in cash at a low rate. The more unions, the less of a burden the illegals will be. There are 20 million in this country, all of them work daily. How many Americans are out of work? Employers don't want to pay wages or benefits for Americans.Those that do have difficulty competing.
I would never give it up!
Run for office. Make the changes. It is your right.
I agree with your comment
The Unions are not even good parasites, they try to kill their host. This card check will not allow people to vote their ideals without union screws standing over their shoulder. If the union cannot win a straight anon. majority vote, then the union should not get in. That is very simple, and fair. stacking the deck for the union is not. If employers endanger or intimidate workers they need to be charged, But what they pay in compensation for Volentary work is their lookout, workers can go.
No, I get it. what I said is that Unions by their nature have no respect for private property. Workers are hired by employers, the positions belong to the employers, not the workers. The workers' lives and safety belong to the workers, and unions Used to defend them, but most Unions have now become leeches on those workers pay and do Nothing for the dues. They are little more than Collectivist thugs(United Mine Workers being one of the few examples of what Unions should be.
Corporations like secret ballot because they have the time between when the union files the petition till the election to intimidate workers to vote no or just plain fire them if they are planning on voting yes, this new card check will stop that and hence this BS Anti-union propaganda video.
What does an imbecile like you know about unions? You are simply too stupid to know what you are writing about. Since you couldn't make a single point for me to correct, I will correct your kindergarten level English instead.
"…can't use the internet for one minute to verify yourself " == are you suggesting I use the internet to verify my existence? Ever heard about birth certificates? You are a prime example of why education is necessary.
"deceivingly" == this word does not exist fool.
Secret ballot is a basic American right. Wanting to see how someone votes is for one reason only: intimidation. What are YOU afraid of? People not wanting a union?
This is fucking ridiculous propaganda. Unions exist to help workers. Why would you be worried about joining one?
As an American worker, I am quite tired of getting trashed by so-called "Right to Work" State Laws, and by American Employers and Corporations who should know better. Workers in general benefitted historically from American Workers unionizing. We can make it happen again. Call your own U.S. Congressional Representatives and elected officials, and let them know you support Unionization, Card Check, and additional protections and labor law enhancements for American Workers NOW. Thank you.
I don't trust anything from the heritage foundation or anyone affiliated with the anti-union party (republicans). Besides, this fool is full of crap.
I met Ryan over the years, always thought "what a blow hard". Two color cards what a crock. Just goes to show how little the guys that pay his salary know about organizing. I do not think Rian ever made a homecall to sign a card, but he can sure talk about it. I notice he does not talk about how he tricked people to win organizing votes! He can not because he never won a vote. Now he talks like it was easy to trick people to win. If he won a few elections maybe he would still be a org
I am a member of a union, and would prefer to give up my union – not my job. Unfortunately, my state's dubiously named "fair share" law requires me to pay union dues – even if I choose not to be a union member. My union fails to represent it's members equally. It does not deserve my money.
Ask any, I mean any Union member if they would give up their Union represented job for a non-union job and see the response you get. That will tell you all you need to know.
I've looked all around and cannot find out where this guy now works, All I've seen is he speaks out at different functions against Unions. I wonder who is lining his pockets???
This is total BS. You do not have to do a secret ballot.
Yeah public ballots are a bad idea in general.
You definitely fit the bill of a Union thug!
This law actually could go both ways of intimidation….not just from the Union, but more importantly from the employer!
If you vote for the President secretly, so should ALL votes!