Fossil Fuels: The Greenest Energy | 5 Minute Video
To make earth cleaner, greener and safer, which energy sources should humanity rely on? Alex Epstein of the Center for Industrial Progress explains how modern societies have cleaned up our water, air and streets using the very energy sources you may not have expected–oil, coal and natural gas.
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What if I told you that someone had developed an energy source that could help us solve our biggest environmental challenges, purify our water and air, make our cities and homes more sanitary, and keep us safe from potential catastrophic climate change? What if I also told you that this energy source was cheap, plentiful, and reliable?
Well, there is such a source. You probably know it as fossil fuel. Oil. Natural gas. Coal.
But wait? Don’t fossil fuels pollute our environment and make our climate unlivable? That, of course, is what we’re told…and what our children are taught. But let’s look at the data. Here’s a graph you’ve probably never seen: the correlation between use of fossil fuels and access to clean water. More fossil fuel. More clean water. Am I saying the more we that we have used fossil fuel, the cleaner our water has become? Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.
In the developed world, we take clean water for granted. We turn on a tap and it’s there. But getting it there takes a massive amount of energy. Think of the man-made reservoirs, the purification plants, the network of pipes. In the undeveloped world, it’s a much different story. They lack the energy, so they lack clean water. More fossil fuel. More clean water.
The same is true of sanitation. By the use of cheap, plentiful, and reliable energy from fossil fuels, we have made our environment cleaner. Take a look at this graph. More fossil fuel. Better sanitation.
Okay, what about air quality? Here’s a graph of the air pollution trends in the United States over the last half century based on data from the Environmental Protection Agency. Note the dramatic downward trend in emissions, even though we use more fossil fuel than ever. How was this achieved? Above all, by using anti-pollution technology powered by…fossil fuel: oil, natural gas and coal.
But even without modern pollution control technology, fossil fuel makes our air cleaner. Indoor pollution—caused by burning a fire inside your house, cabin, hut or tent to cook and keep warm—was a deadly global problem until the late 19th century when cheap kerosene, a fossil fuel byproduct, became available in America and Europe. Indoor pollution is still a major issue in the developing world today. The best solution? Fossil fuel.
And now we come to the biggest fossil fuel concern of all—global warming. On this very sensitive topic we need to get our terms straight: There is a big difference between mild global warming and catastrophic global warming. We can all agree on that, right? The issue isn’t: does burning fossil fuel have some warming impact? It does. The issue is: is the climate warming dangerously fast?
In 1986 NASA climate scientist James Hansen—one of the world’s most prominent critics of the use of fossil fuels—predicted that “if current trends are unchanged,” temperatures would rise 2 to 4 degrees in the first decade of the 2000s. But as you can see from this graph, since 2000 the trend line is essentially flat—little or no warming in the last 15 years. That’s probably why we hear much less talk about “global warming” and much more talk about “climate change.”
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/fossil-fuels-greenest-energy

Fossil fuels?
Thomas Gold wasn't the only one who had a problem with that term.
What historians will definitely wonder about in future centuries is how deeply flawed logic, obscured by shrewd and unrelenting propaganda, actually enabled a coalition of powerful special interests to convince nearly everyone in the world that CO2 from human industry was a dangerous, planet-destroying toxin. It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world – that CO2, the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison.
There are much cheaper and cleaner sources of energy. Once they are being used globally, the oil companies are fu…ed!
Nowadays, the left calls every right winger a far-right, such titles should be limited to entities like PragerU.
I sure none of you have to worry the earth will probably have her say soon
Wow, naked propoganda!
You know when a prager u video is spot on as it gets a lot of comments from the vigilante indoctrinated left squealing about it .. carry on giving the facts please excellent work ..
Change the quality of weed you’re smoking. You are getting dumber
0:56 this graph is incredibly misleading. The y-axis is “1,000 kcal [of fossil fuels used] per person per day”. The caveat is that the population has absolutely exploded, so this is by no means a constant line like the graph shows. Fossil fuel use has absolutely exploded from 1990-2010 and we’re paying the price for it.
The barefaced self imposed ignorance is on full display. First example provided. First we are defining "clean water access" (not overall clean water, or "cleaner water") and "increase in fossil fuel use". You don't think that maybe, just maybe there's a third variable here at play? That less economically developed countries are somewhat improving their infrastructure hence clean water access is improving? By the way, the only reason that these countries have to use fossil fuel burning infrastructure is because that's all they have; there's nothing special about fossil fuels in providing clean water and renewable energy can do the job better and with orders of magnitude far less environmental impact.
Prageru being funded by fossil fuel companies will not effect how honest they are on the effects of burning coal, oil, and natural gas
All right Mr abstain let's get something straight here my information I get from geophysicist solar physicist meteorologist in a specialties like ocean and River forecast okay he's so cool greenhouse rated courses for people to die you got to remember also standard weather patterns and solar weather forecasting in meteorology okay what the follows patterns do you know if you're 200 years ago into an icee mini ice age Denny's closest to your physicist or solar about the solar Maximus and minimus we are in the solar Maximus and that is what we've been getting warmer Winters good day and God bless😊
🙄 “There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics” – Mark Twain
"Everything affects climate change" not just humans. Climate Change is going to be the biggest deflection in history to keep people from asking about the real problems in the world today. Sure, they want us to believe that 87% of scientists today believe humans are responsible for climate change when actually 100% believe we have an impact, but not to the extent the politicians and others want us to believe. It's a huge cash cow for them if they can keep us thinking it will kill us if we don't fix it. Ever notice how interviewers never ask these scientists what the ideal amount of CO2 is needed or ideal to sustain life on Earth? If we all sit in a theatre or university class, the CO2 level will be around 1500ppm to 2000ppm after 3 hours. If the CO2 level gets below 150ppm all insects die, all birds die, all animals die, all plants die, and all humans die. Does no-one notice that the Earth is getting greener because of increased CO2? A greener Earth means more crops and therefore more food to feed the World's hungry. Don't fall for this fake agenda. Climatologists are hypocrites, running around in big vehicles and flying all over the world spewing pollutants into the air we breathe. They should be sailing overseas on wooden sail ships or travelling over land on bicycles to reduce their contribution to CO2 in the atmosphere. The dinosaurs didn't kill the planet and they were much bigger than humans. The CO2 levels have gone up and down for billions of years and they will in the future. The planet will take care of itself.
I literally searched "american fossil fuel propaganda" and this was the fifth result
That's not true infact not even Solar panels are the cleanest form of energy its actually nuclear reactors. Nuclear reactors are the cleanest form of energy.
If global warming is stagnant, why have I observed significant temperature rise over the last decade. I am seeing it with my own eyes. Some of his claims are definitaely nonsense. Some of his charts are bull.
Using Fossil fuels is BAD for planet earth!
This is the dumbest video on the internet
What is with all the leftists making bad arguments in this comment section?
Bro is legitimately trying to convince us that Fossil Fuels are directly responsible for having cleaner things, as if it would get dirtier if we used solar or something.
That is the most knowingly disingenuous and dishonest argument I have ever heard in my entire life. Ya no, not like the use of fossil fuels correlates with human advancement and the development of ELECTRICITY. Maybe everything got cleaner as a result of HUMAN ADVANCEMENT due to the use of ELECTRICITY and TECHNOLOGY, and maybe fossil fuels enabled us to do that, but aren't the REASON things are cleaner.
Like really, how stupid do you think we are?
I agree 100 %
Wait you can't say that 😳 lol 😆 😂..more fossil fuel more prosperity.!! That's the word I wanted lol 😆
This is a five minute lie. Dennis Prager really needs to just shove a gas pump up his ass and get it over with.
There is methane on Titan, one of Saturn’s moons. Did they have dinosaurs there?
Would even people from Qatar fall for this?
Please go away 💩 you have no right to exist on this planet.
How come there was no global warming in the early period of the last century , when everything was reliable on fossil fuel , coal burning ships , factories, homes, they even had seasons back then, and there was no affect on the environment, why is that , maybe it’s because the governments have been lying and invented the biggest pile of utter crap , to scare monger the world into thinking for there financial gains !!!!
If anyone ever asked me to help explain correlation and causation, I would should them this video
The air quality graph you used has omitted carbon dioxide, nitrogen and methane from its statistics. So yes, perhaps some chemicals in the atmosphere have decreased in relative ppm, but the ones we are most concerned about have increased. Let's attempt to show the full picture.
nuclear energy:
Remember folks, humans will be humans. If I am the shareholder of a fossil fuel company, my goal is to get as much lingerie ( to have fun ) and fine dining and yachts as possible… Hmm how can I do this ?? Oh i have an idea ! I can find this little YouTube studio telling people my product is helping the planet, and i can sell more of it !
also nuclear and green energy when utilized are more plentiful
correlation doesn't equate to causation