Four recent events that signal a coming peace treaty | Marking the End Times with Dr. Mark Hitchcock
This week on Marking the End Times, I am discussing four major events surrounding Israel and Saudi Arabia. There have been some significant advances toward a peace treaty, as it relates to the ends times.
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Well, I’ve heard so many people say they think the AC is the Saudi Prince. Guess that fits.
I read something from a very reliable source that, they plan on confirming the 7 year agreement on 12/12/23!! We go up somewhere before then! PRAISE GOD, HALLELUYAH!
We need to be careful accepting what Nettenyahu says. He is a 33rd degree mason. At this level, they knowingly worship "Lucifer, the Lightbearer."
Seems like newspaper eschatology is failing badly? it's crazy out there with recent attacks by Hamas…Its all out war…
oops !! better not look at the news today
Mark, your video pauses every 30 seconds on my Pixel 3. I wanted to report that as it doesn't happen on unrelated videos. Is anyone else experiencing this?
I try to witness to my clients. People are so engulfed with money, lifestyle, fun, self, and more that they believe they have no need for Jesus and find it non-sense of the ignorant and feeble minded.
It makes me think that God is letting us see this so we won’t have pity on them, knowing the 7YT is a last chance mercy to wake them up if possible.
Please remember covid jab and everyone saying its the mark same with this peace deal it is not the peace deal spoken in scripture because it say,s , he will make a peace deal,, and who is he? The man to come and for him to come we need to be gone
From my friend I ask to watch this.
My only issue with this teaching is that he inserted “Israel” into Daniel 9:27 and no bible translation says “Israel”. Now we know that it will include them based on bible prophecy as a whole but he read that verse and inserted “Israel”. That’s just wrong 😑. They only other thing I disagree with is that he says Daniel 9:27 kicks off the tribulation. But actually we know that’s it’s the opening of the first seal that kicks off the tribulation. I know we aren’t perfect and none of us are ever 100% right but when someone blatantly inserts verbiage that’s not there 🤦♀️. Either way I do agree that we are on the cusp of the day of the Lord! Any moment!!! That first video spot on!!
Daniel 9:27 says he will confirm a covenant with "many." It is an assumption to say that it is a covenant with "Israel." Israel is a part of the covenant, because halfway through he will stop the sacrifices. However, a covenant with "many" could mean the United Nations, or it could mean the middle east nations and the Abraham Accords that involves Israel. But again, Daniel 9:27 says he will confirm a covenant with "many."
Saudi Crown Prince is the Antichrist, Saudi Arabia is the beast Kingdom with mystery Babylon Neom City
With the resurgence of President Trump, if he gets re-elected, that would set up as a possible example of what Rev 17 describes as the “beast that was, and is not and is”, almost a return or political resurrection. Am I going out on a limb there??
Yes, as Russia and Iran have now an alliance and will come against Israel. We as man try and to figure out the Lord one thing he has said is my thoughts are not your thoughts. I can only take away as, our Lord thinks nothing like mankind. And why we have a difficult time in understanding him. We can only follow his commandments and, using love in those commandments we are fulfilling his words. Amen and God bless. The world's ignorance and hateful post's are going to ramp up. 🙏🕊️
Same story , different day , all baloney
I believe the antichrist will make a stronger covenant that may already exist
Once again peace but, sudden destruction 😢
This is true, the 7 year covenant is to be between the Arabs and Israel,this will enable the Temple to be built.Not about the UN plan as some try to say.
Yes🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉We Soon will be Raptured Up to Meet Our LORD Jesus Christ above the Clouds!❤❤❤❤❤also All Surgical Implants will be Left behind, When We be Rapture Soon!❤❤❤
So Pastor Mark, looks like we are very close to the glorious rapture.
All hardware and gadgets will not be there when you’re changed in an instant and raptured. You’ll get a new body that is healed and perfect.
Saudis putting aside Arab Peace Initiative amid Israel normalization talks – officials
What an amazing time to be alive!
Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week;
But in the middle of the week
He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.
And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate. He makes a covenant with many. It doesn’t say with Israel.
I get Jimmy Evans 2nd part but have never found Mark Hit chocks. How do I get his?…..HELP,!
I'm appreciative of the timely updates, and the need to share exactly what is going on concerning this peace deal. I want to mention this. If this peace deal has to be in agreement before the next U.S. Elections, then that would mean that the identity of the antichrist would be revealed at that time, also it means that the rapture can happen realistically within NOW TO THE NEXT MONTHS. GOD BLESS
I don’t think we will see the 7 year covenant until there is all out war in Europe and Middle East and the people cry and beg for peace and security, and that’s when the antichrist comes on the scene these government officials have no trust in the people world wide , I believe they will have to fade away and people will demand a different kind of government. We see all these old men and women running these countries into the ground they will have to pass away before the antichrist reveals his new age way of things . And the newer generations will fall right in line for it , a new age usually the old one has to die away before that can happen.
The embrace of the jabby jab and now Ai by Bibi has caused some concern… who else???
This makes me think of Isaiah 28: 15-18, Ezekiel chapters 38:13, and chapters 38 &39, Daniel 9, Zechariah 13: 6-9. Especially Ezekiel 38: 13, Sheba and Dedan i.e. Saudi Arabia and the young lions, which are most of the countries bordering Israel. Things are lining up just as God said in a fast way. Jesus is coming very soon for His bride, to take us home to the wedding feast of The Lamb, Jesus Christ. If you haven't recieved Christ as your one and only Lord and Saviour, today is the day, tomorrow may be too late. Praise God Jesus is coming soon to take us out of this sin forsaken world, are you ready? I pray so, you don't want to be here for the tribulation, the final 7 yrs decreed to Israel, to finish out the 490 yrs. When Christ died on the cross for our sin debt, we went into the age of grace, the church age, that time is almost over. God stopped the clock of the 490 yrs at 483 yrs, 7 yrs are still left to bring Israel back to God, only 1/3 of them will be left alive at the end of the 7yrs. The whole world will face satans full wrath, along with Gods, it will be the worst time the world has ever experienced, or will again. But its mainly for Israel, the Jewish ppl, to turn back to God and accept the One they had pierced at Calvary, Jesus Christ. We that know Christ, Jew and Gentile, and are born again will be taken away in what is known as the rapture, or catching away, as explained in 1st Thessolonians chapters 3 thru 5.
May God be with you all, and give you His peace, that comes only from knowing and believing in Jesus Christ, Amen.
Like #777!
Praise Jesus Christ ❤
Let’s fly away
All glory to the Father
Pretty incredible watching the exact pegs drop into the exact holes.
Hello Dr Hitchcock, do you have a video of you counter debating post-trib? Ive studied both to understand the truth and post-trib sounds more solid than pre-trib. thank you.