Four Ways to Strengthen Your Kids’ Faith
For more information, read So the Next Generation Will Know: Training Young Christians in a Challenging World (
Four Ways to Come Alongside Your Kids to Strengthen Their Faith
Four Ways to Come Alongside Your Kids to Strengthen Their Faith
In this Cold-Case Christianity video broadcast / podcast, J. Warner reviews the statistics related to young people leaving the church and then offers four simple ways parents can help make sure their kids stay in the Christian faith. Jim also discusses the simple math behind the problem and illustrates the challenges facing young Christians. (For more information, visit
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Great advice. Thank you.
Amazing. Great job
This is very compelling. Thank you!
Jim, thanks so much for what you do. I graduated from Biola in '91 and am realizing that though I am modeling my relationship with God to my kids, they may need to more training to think logically. The Holy Spirit is pointing me in this direction.