Fox News Cites Heritage Report about Impact of Minimum Wage on Childcare Costs
Fox News featured a Heritage Foundation report about the impact of a $15 minimum wage on childcare costs.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.heritage.org/jobs-and-labor/report/the-impact-15-federal-minimum-wage-the-cost-childcare
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Fear mongering sacks of shit. Government should exist to prevent corporations from enslaving the human race. With your help, they’re doing the opposite.
Fake news 🤮🤮🤮🤮
Chris Wallace…the Mouth of Sauron.
Minimum wage is for people who have no skills. If you’re out of high school making minimum wage then $15 ain’t gonna help because you’re doing something wrong.
Love it. Elections have consequences.
chris wallace is just terrible, he is not an economist, and has little common sense.
1) The economists know raising the minimum wage will hurt the economy and lead to job losses.
2) He states "if we raise it, 900,000 people will be lifted out of poverty". The way they SHOULD lift themselves out of poverty is to keep moving ahead. And if all they can do is flip a burger, and not move ahead??? They are not worth $15 and hour, and will lose their jobs anyway.
3) Are we really lifting anyone out of poverty when 1.4 million jobs will be lost, and those will likely be on welfare (in poverty) anyway.
A new episode of the three stooges.
Child care is expensive but mostly the people using childcare can cope with it. In a total private daycare the pay is today 10 to 12 $ for a care giver. So we can easily predict the increased cost. It will be 1$ an hour. The cost for a single parent would be up to 30 $ in a week for a mother with 0 network. Hoowever for many women the increased minimum salary would easily compensate for this. They will go from in wurse case from 7 dollar to 15 dollar. That means that they in one day earns 48 $ more. Such cases are rare, most will go from 10 to 12 $ an hour to 15. This means it will take them 6 to 10 h to work for the cost increase. From simple math we can se that very many people will be very happy, at least 20% of the families in the USA will be the winners.
Chris! Shame on you! Be quite!
I can’t believe how much child care cost these days. The days of .50 to $1 an hour are long gone. I am glad my kids are grown up. I know couples that one of the parents quit work since childcare is more than they earn. What are the idiots in DC thinking or are they thinking.
legislative skills? more like graft skills
How will they be "raised from poverty"? What will happen is the poverty line will be raised!!!
If you up the person making $8/hr to $15…you now ALSO have to raise the person managing that person who was making $14/ up to $22 and so on an so. It does NOT JUST stop with making a 16 year old hourly employees at the same rate of managers. Now in the midst of this….the business expenses don't go down by 50% just because your largest cost just went up by 50%. This won't effect me as much but just to give you a idea….I own a small practice and my payroll is 70% of the TOTAL I pay for every other expense :rent, furniture leases, and all equipment. 70% for just payroll!!! Eventually the end result is simple you lay people off (demand more from fewer workers)…the price of everything in market jumps up: Especially the daily type places like fast food and the smaller high volume type products. So great…I have $15/hour now, but two of my best friend had to lose their job for it and the $6.99 combo at The Burger Shack now cost $10.99 I'm in the same freaky poverty point.
Chris Wallace is a weasel
Glad to hear it though I am done with Fox News in general. There are some specific shows I might catch like Tucker or Waters, but that’s all. Their motto which they used to espouse was we report you decide, any more it’s joined the ranks of the other MSM. Very sad.
Chris Wallace is an idiot…raising the minimum wage is the just going to raise the price of goods and services and a trillion dollars is becoming less money day after day with this printing of money
If they can convince you to believe the outrageous, then they can convince you to commit atrocities.
And China says….
Thanks Joe Biden.👍
Here in China we have NO minimum wage. We have equal opportunity.
If you are married with kids and working at a minimum wage job, you have some serious problems with a complete lack of job skills. Minimum wage jobs are entry level jobs for teenagers and 20 something young people trying to enter the wonderful world of work. If you are 40 something and working at a minimum wage job you have a serious deficit in skills and/or intelligence and you will probably be the first one fired to make room for a younger person with more potential to learn the job and move up in the organization.
Walter Williams DESTROYS the Myth that Minimum Wage Prevents Poverty: https://youtu.be/Y97UqMZvvIE
Chris Wallace…. blah, blah….
So parents can stay home and take care of your kids cause you can't afford to work.
Democrats have lost all logical reasoning capabilities. It seems they are trying to kill America, economically.
Fuck Fox News
What of those who have sacrificed time and effort to educate themselves, to improve skills to earn $15 00 an hour only to find that an untrained, ill-educated person in their workplace is earning the SAME!!!???
Wallace is human dogshit. Raising the minimum will NOT "raise people out of poverty". He should be working for North Korea.