From Vision to Reality: The 4 Stages of Starting A School Business
In this video, we’re talking about the 4 stages of starting a school business. From vision to reality, this video will teach you everything you need to know about starting a school business.
Starting a school business can seem daunting, but this video will help you go from vision to reality in no time! We’ll cover everything from business planning to marketing and everything in between. After watching this video, you’ll be ready to start your school business!
This program (if you will) is designed to be like a little course. Watch the entire video to get an understanding of how it works. Below are the links you will need:
Article: https://theldcoach.com/how-to-start-a-school/
Checklist: https://subscribe.theldcoach.com/sign-up
How to start a private school: Over 8 years ago now, I started my own school. As a special education teacher, I felt my students really had little chance of closing the academic gaps they came to high school with. Can you imagine kids who have the ability, but still was reading at an elementary level? It broke my heart, so I start my own school to do things differently.
Fast forward…Now I am sharing what I know to help other courageous teachers do the same. In how to start a private school 101: Teacher School Builders, I teach teachers and others step-by-step how to start a school from the ground up.
👉Assistive Technology for Students with Learning Disabilities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sX6ss4pos64
👉Common Types of Learning Disabilities
👉Understanding Dyscalculia
👉A Day in The Life of a Special Education Teacher
👉How I Started My Own School
I am passionate about ALL things learning differences, particularly silent disabilities. I create videos to inspire adults with disabilities as well as teachers and parents as they work to create better outcomes for those impacted by learning disabilities. Being someone who is Dyslexic puts me in the perfect position to share hope and dispel myths about learning disabilities and difficulties.
I do keep a log of video ideas and suggestions, so more videos down the pipe. Thank you so much for the support, feedback, recommendations, comments, and encouragement! Together we can inspire hope and dispel myths about those with learning disabilities.
👉FACEBOOK CindyLumpkinTheLDCoach
👉 Email: Cindy.Lumpkin.us@gmail.com
Recording Device: iPhone
Editing: iMovie
Snapseed App (Editing Pics)
GorillaPod: https://amzn.to/3aiS6gJ
New videos once a week!!
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FYI – Some links are affiliate. By clicking and/or purchasing, I will get a small percentage of commission, but it does NOT cost you a thing. Thank you for the support – you are amazing! Please be assured that I only mention and/or list products and services that I use, love, and wholeheartedly recommend. Love ya – muah!

I have a Pre-K Academy. This summer a summer camp and in fall Online school. I’m hoping within the next two years I have an actual private or charter school. That is my goal that is my dream. That is what I’m working towards. I love this post Thankyou.
I am tracking you
I’ve also started designing my websites and I created my logo
I’ve registered with the irs as a nonprofit, I’m solving for my ein and 501c3 tomorrow.I already have my business plan and have started scouting the properties
Cindy, thank you so much for these tokens of wisdom. You have certainly given me things to consider and shown me the value of dreaming…don't overlook a step.
You are a Godsend! I have butterflies at the thought of actuating what has been on my heart so heavy for the last few years. Thank you for making these videos! God bless you😊
Great information, thank you so much!!
yes…me!!!! I need all of this
Makes perfect sense
Due to my sons special needs not being met and other parents I have encountered that have had to pull their children out of school. I want to start a school for kids with special needs and learning disabilities, I do not have an educational background but have experience with homeschooling and unique ideas, a vision of what our kids need. I’d like to apply for a government grant but wanted to ask if you had to have educational background to do so?
Making lots of sense and so thankful for your expertise and sharing the knowledge! So so helpful 🙏🏽
Thank you 🙏 ❤ may you be rewarded for your knowledge
Love your show. New microphone 🙏
Very sensible
I want to dtsrt a school and I Aldo know what kind ! Please help !!
i would like to open a public school for both special education and regular education students so that i can make a great paycheck it may cost hundreds to thousands of money for my public-school business. and i love learning thank you for the videos
Dreaming stage
I love, love, love your videos! Your attitude, brains and goals inspire me immensely!! It is really helpful having someone like you sharing helpful tips to give our dreams some structure. Thank you for your great heart.
I will like to open a performing arts achool Iam just trying to figure out how
You are making sense to me
I like what you say
I have a school and built it by myself very little help! I have had so many trial and error periods even up till today. I’m looking to join your Facebook group to get more insight.
Hi Mrs. Lumpkin, I just came across your website, YouTube channel and other social media platforms! I am in the beginning stages of starting a school and love the information you offer. I’ve established the name, type, and desired curriculum, but I’m struggling with finding a community and working on the business plan. I feel frustrated with this and am worried. I’m currently a substitute teacher and do not have a job after this June – how can I get an online program started that can transition to a brick and mortar? Thank you for your advice and time. ❤
I'm somewhere between dreaming and planning right now. I'm digging into research now. I need to get some concrete ideas on paper now.
I have a non-profit tutoring program. We lost our brick n mortar location during the pandemic. We want to specialize in a program geared towards children on the autism spectrum.
Starting a Saturday school and then summer program is SO SMART! Thank you for the idea!
I had reached out to you through email to see if we can do a mentorship
hi Cindy! How can I find out what the education requirements are for my state?
Am having my school in my living room for the past 3years but want to move to owing a structure. What do I do
Do you have any videos going into depth on business licensing? My Cousin and I are going into business together. We are both teachers . We are Trying to figure out what would be the best license for us going into business together.
Great advice . That let’s go stage is the scariest stage but starting slow to build up to it makes a lot of sense . 😊and makes my goal seem more attainable .
I am so proud of you. You are really helping so many teachers who want to start their own schools.
This is so good. I can't wait until the next video. They have been so helpful.