Gender Dysphoria in Children: Understanding the Science and Medicine
As America enters what has been called the “transgender moment,” children have been placed in the crosshairs. As increasing numbers of children are diagnosed with “gender dysphoria,” parents and physicians alike face difficult questions about human identity and sexuality, as well as mounting pressure to treat children with experimental therapies such as puberty-blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones.
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Heritage foundation states their mission is officially to bring about conservative policy positions into law. Based on Washington DC.
But science and medicine aren't conservative values. Science has a left leaning bias by nature of being evidence based. The consensus of the medical and mental health professionals both seems to be pretty pro trans.
I'm bracing myself. This video is going to be bad, isn't it.?
This is nothing more then a scam to confuse and cash in. Smarten up!
2023 Update How to transition your child – Socially transition your child and you will LOCK IN the change. This is very basic behavioural therapy (think Pavlov's Dog). A study published 13 July 2022 in Pediatrics, ironically the journal of the AAP reveals the impact of social transition. The study,: “Gender Identity 5 Years After Social Transition" found that a child that socially transitions their gender (can include a name change, pronoun change, haircut, dress and how they present themself) has a 97,5% likelihood of remaining on the affirming care pathway that leads to transgender medicalization (puberty blockers, hormones). This study started with 319 children that had socially transitioned. I say children given at the start of the study the subjects were an average of eight years of age. The children socially transitioned at an average age of 6.5 years. At the end of the study period many had already moved on to medicalization and the researchers were "confident" the remainder would follow
You are ignoring the basic genetics explanation for what causes someone to have a mismatch between biology and gender identity
This is accepted by science, but not to put it. Politely politicians like yourself.
If you dont have gender dysphoria, you dont know what it's like.
Gender disphoria is a myth so that unethical doctors can experiment on childeren.
What happened to the doctors OATH , TO DO NO HARM. Any doctor that performs these operations needs to lose their licence.
When Dr Critella discusses how delusional thinking can take all forms, I remembered how some can be charming. I remember hearing about a person who became convinced they were able to have abilities (I think it was believing they were excellent at plumbing) they'd never been taught, or that they were part superhero and couldn't get hurt if they felI, or that they were Elvis or something, I can't remember precisely) that proved useful to the family.
Kinda like this guy, whose belief he was Teddy Roosevelt made him very handy digging the Panama Canal in order to bury "plague victims" in "Arsenic and Old Lace"….
HOWEVER believing you are the opposite sex is not very practical….although changing diapers or changing flat tires….well… times change and so do our opinions on things and ideas.
My daughter was on lupron depot shot at 8 yrs old bcuz she had gotten her period-
I felt very bad bcuz it was a very big needle and it always drew a pretty good amount of blood, was hard to inject and looked very sore and tender to the touch and never seemed to heal..
Even though she was incapable of taking care of herself as lets say a 12 yr old, it needed to be medically suppressed.. but I noticed a change in her behavior.. not sure if it was from her having period so young, the hormones or something i did but 6 mnths into taking it, she took the razor part of schotch tape and sliced both her legs from her ankles up to her knees over and over- I noticed she wasn't participating in family events with friends and was withdrawn and extremely depressed.. dear God she was self mutilating
I had to take her to therapy and the therapist at that time believed the hormones were depressing her that she had alot going on with developing early, no one to relate to and in her little mind she believed there was something wrong with her.. that was almost 10 yrs ago-
I don't think children should be getting on hormones just bcuz thier confused –
It not only surpresses growth in brain and body.. it also messes with thier emotions
From one concerned mother to another
1:01:51 it’s not prejudice. It’s facts.
53:00 our school board is using the trans/pride flag on their building now. It’s being forced. And it’s not factual. It’s misleading. Most of this is NOT coming from the children. Prior to pubertal ages it’s coming from the parents.
41:53 why this continues to happen.
41:06 such ignorance to ignore the reality of the situation to “remove stigma”. Work on removing stigma socially and offer the appropriate help.
Thank you. These are very validating. It’s a relief to see there are people who haven’t drank the kool aid. We have to speak up and stop letting this agenda dissolve and dismantle all advancements in psychological and medical knowledge.
Luciferously. A powerful word.
The responses (especially the 1st one from the lady) to the last question sealed it. BRILLIANT.
Tort law is a great reformer.
Is there a Trans association that can be sued once liability is proven. Tott law is a great reformer in our society.
Hello. I really encourage the Heritage Foundation to hold another similar discussion with updated research including the true percentage of detransitioners. Because those stats are being hidden from society.
@ 50:03 Re: female athletes and testosterone.
The species puts a very heavy burden on individuals of the sex designed to produce large gametes and gestate offspring. We are smaller, weaker, slower and much more vulnerable to male violence than our brothers. It sucks. Of course we would rather be bigger and stronger. Duh.
But mammals cannot change sex. Better to be a real woman than a fake “man.” To bear the children we want, we need to find men who will protect us when we are most vulnerable, without taking away our agency. I am forever grateful to the husband who did that for me.
Children's identities are still developing . Even as adults, we can grow and realize truths about ourselves. To allow a young person to choose an identity is harmful.
No one is 'born in the wrong body.' Some people – a rare amount of people – are legitimately born with a condition called Gender Dysphoria. Past case histories show that the wide majority of these people come to accept their biological sex by early adolescence, and that a large number of these people wind up realizing that they're just gay.
Radical gender/queer theory ideologues have subverted this 'process' – so to speak – by intervening and indoctrinating children with the idea that they're 'transgender.' (As if most children could even understand the turgid, obscure ideas and language of the queer academic left.)
The wide majority of past case histories also show that children with legitimate gender dysphoria also exhibit symptoms of other mental/emotional/behavioral disorders – enough to suggest that untreated gender dysphoria is not the cause but in fact a co-morbid symptom of these disorders. Conduct Disorders typically appear within this context. And what's interesting is that approximately 70% of children who present with conduct disorders outgrow these disorders by adolescence. Just like gender dysphoria.
It is an ideologically driven assumption to claim – as many ideologically driven professionals do – that untreated gender dysphoria is automatically the cause of a child's behavioral problems. It is more likely a co-morbid symptom.
MIGHT AS WELL GO TO YOUR OWN CHURCH RIGHT NOW AND LIGHT IT ON FIRE AND SUGN OVER YOUR LIFE EARNINGS TO SATAN DIRECTLY IF YOU GONNA LISTEN TO THEM!!!! THEY ARE NOTHING SHORT OF ANTICHRIST AND GENOCIDAL!! DON'T TRY TELL YESHUA TO HIS FACE YOU WEREN'T WARNED!! They are not there to help Christians politically they are there to destroy christianity and make money off your corpse while doing it. They the living nails in Yeshua's hands and feet. Those who lLIKE LED the crowds to shout "CRUCIFY HIM! CRUCIFY HIM!:
i’m 14 and its probably just a phase, but i’m experiencing very severe dysphoria, and i just want it to end. i want to be comfortable with my gender. it just came out of nowhere and i’m slowly becoming depressed
Pretty sure when I was three I was a Vampire, a Dragon and a Robot.
Wonder who’s behind the transgender movement? Biden administration is behind this because he gets a tremendous amount of money from Big Pharma. Transgender clinics have popped up most states…Doctors making money from carving confused youth.
Too bad mist these members have problems with women. Strong women. Well we know it takes a Real man to be able to be a Real man with a strong Real women. Any one who has a problem with anything aren't secure within themselves. A child that is gay is what he his. A male is only a male after the gonads extend from the body. All the wat till then your a female men are taught. Women are taught. Race is taught. Ask a kid Jesus says to cone as children. Curious asking wanting knowledge but ask why or has no reason to feel insecure or hate ir notice color
Are they FFFddd in the head .I had a hard enough time figuring out hetrosexual relationships,if they think a 2yr old can get a sex change , my Jesus it s time to come back before you have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah .
Can anyone help me find the study that shows 80-95% of transgender kids grow out of it? I’d love to give it to friends and family. I’ve heard it referred to, but I can’t find the actual study.
The suffering is real and should be taken very seriously. However that doesn't necessarily mean the cause is what the person wants it to be.
Don't get me wrong… there are lot of real problems in the world and addressing them is critical… but going to the political outhouse like the Heritage Foundation to get your science is like going to the sewage treatment plant to get your groceries… bad plan, honest, these people wouldn't know the truth if it crawled up their leg and bit something tender.
These guys have engineered the political takedown of the United States for 40 years and created new wedge issues every single day to further polarize and manipulate society into warring camps. They are hired guns for billionaires and are almost single-handedly responsible for a society today where billionaire pay no taxes… none… not a little… zip. They've been a seminal force in the moral destruction of the Republican Party and the Mental and Psychological Destruction of the Democratic Party.
The talk about the increasing number of children diagnosed with "Gender Dysphoria" is just crap, let's get specific. One estimate puts Transsexuals (this is distinct from Transgender People) at an incredibly rare 1 in 20,000 for males and 1 in 50-100,000 for females. These are the people who end up having sex changes, not the folks running around cross dressing and creating new genders every 5 minutes… that group, the Transgender Group is several hundred times larger. Most of them have no plans or interest in changing their bodies in any way. So we're only talking about several thousand kids in the entire country suffering profound gender dysphoria. Don't get me wrong, one child mistreated is too many, but a thousand times as many kids are being killed and maimed in household accidents and I don't see conservative leaders wringing their hands and crying out about the tragic loss of our precious children caused by household accidents! The needless devastation! The senseless waste…
Nearly every one of these kids is surrounded by a fleet of doctors, specially trained in precisely this condition, and following the international standards of care which include denying care to people who should not receive it. Latest national statistics tell us 0.4% of these children choose to detransition because they made a bad choice, that's less than one half of a percent… a larger percentage of people die from getting lap band surgery to lose weight. Do we need to watch this and make sure the doctors are doing their jobs?
Absolutely! Do we need to protect people from poor medicine or overzealous parents? Probably. Is this the end of western civilization as we know it?!!! For the love of all that's holy people keep your panties on, you want to know what's a threat to western civilization? Facebook… that's a threat. Jeff Bezos is going to be the world's first trillionaire and he pays no taxes… that's a threat. When he got divorced, his now ex-wife took from him a staggering $135,000,000,000. He recouped that loss, raping you and me during the height of COVID in under 90 days. Let that sink in. He recouped a one hundred and thirty five billion dollar loss in under 90 days by sucking it out of the pockets of the world at large, during the height of the COVID pandemic. You want to go after someone with torches and pitchforks… that's the guy, have at him.
Have at these douche canoes enabling clowns like Jeff. Let's leave the mentally sick children to their parents and doctors, and stop letting con artists like the Heritage Foundation distract us with bullshit like this.
Thanks to the panel of doctors. I agree completely
The presentations of each member were thought-worthy and important, and well based. Some of the time, the wording did not come across too clearly, even though I had my computer volume on high. Also, the same with those in the audience who asked questions. Perhaps more time might have been spent on ways, strategies, approaches to be carried out to resolve these very serious, certainly "unAmerican" gender policies being implemented, especially in schools. One problem that's tragically blocking the way for families to act, is the fact that so many. families are broken, divided, committed to social and business activities, and rendered incapable of consistent efforts in behalf of their children.
I don’t want to come off as a pessimist… but the day human beings spread to other planets will be a horrible day for the universe. This plague needs to stop. I don’t actively take part in its destruction, but if I heard about a moon-sized asteroid headed for us… it would truly be the best thing for our poor excuse for a species. Oh, let’s not forget cannibalism, necrophilia, torture, genocide, pedophilia, bestiality… very common human traits. Part of our world since day one. The list goes on and on and on
Lmfao. That woman tho. This is the dummest thing I’ve ever seen. How can you tell someone something they aren’t? You need your money back for your degree. Garbage
1:01:24 When the camera panned over to him, I was not surprised in the slightest by his appearance.
We need the medical community to study these issues as a priority. Right now with so many questions and concerns, how can proper interventions be recommended.
They say things like cross-sex hormones causing the increase of heart disease or cancers, but thats just what hormones do. Men with high amounts of testosterone will have increased risks of certain cancers and heart disease, or if their estrogen levels are high, they'll have an increased chance of colon cancer. This isn't a cause of the drugs specifically, this is just the effects hormones have on the human body. Should we aim to completely remove all testosterone and estrogen from everybody? Lets not act like these medications are just pure poison to the body. Anti-Androgens like Spironolactone reduces the chance of heart/liver/kidney disease, and have been used to treat prostate cancer.
Non-Transgender men and women also take hormonal supplements all the time. Women take supplementary estrogen later in their life cycles all the time, and men take testosterone as a method of increasing muscular growth. But I don't see people complaining about these, in fact its encouraged that non-transgender women take estrogen supplements. Where is all of the outrage about the side effects here?
I never see the rage about the effects of the medicine used in hormonal therapy on transgender people anywhere else. We constantly give kids far more dangerous drugs than these, and adults take hormones all the time. Yet why is there such a rage about this?
i think the good doctors would have more effect, if they were not connected to christianity in any way… sad but true, they will be dismissed as cranks by most, and i think thats a great shame, why cant we have standards as atheists too?
I believe these practices are going to set science and especially medical science back into the dark ages, and the trust of people to go with it, which at the moment is on tenuous ground for various reasons, two of the main reasons being the interference of politics an money.
That last question was a clear attack on the guests based on sketchy back alley "science" with no hard facts or long term studies. That man went in there, not to learn anything, but to present a "gotcha" moment on the presenters who then subsequently, and quite politely, put him in his place with medical, psychological, and scientific fact. Except for Dr. Cretella who didn't take any of that crap and gave it back.
My mom was a tom boy, hardcore. I'm glad no one tried to convince her she was a boy, and have her chop her bits off.
I grew up in a conservative household, but as a girl, I was a tomboy. My parents never questioned it, and let me be me. I came out to them as bisexual when I was 19, and never questioned my gender until I met people in the LGBT community. The peer pressure is toxic. I had to remove myself from that community to be okay with myself and how God created me. I can’t control who I’m sexually attracted to, nor can I control what sex I’m born as. I’m perfectly imperfect just the way I am. I wish more people my age will learn to love themselves.
He used to identify as transgender. Here’s what he wants everyone to know: https://youtu.be/qlRkLtKqSrY