Gender Identity: Does It Belong in Our Public Schools?
Children are impressionable and easily influenced. They can learn through observation alone. So does it really seem wise for educators to be feeding them controversial lessons about their sexuality and gender?
Seems there are lawmakers who think so. Many are all for children being taught such lessons — some are even pushing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) laws.
This week, Tiffany Roberts sits down with Emilie Kao, director of Heritage’s DeVos Center for Religion & Civil Society to debunk myths about teaching children about gender identity and sexual orientation.
Show Notes:
How Could Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Laws Affect You?
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Do you think a child that believes Santa Clause and the easter bunny is real has a firm understanding of what reality is and can grasp this complex issue of gender identity. How does a prepubescent child have a "gender identity". Keep your woke bullshit away from the kids.
Who is the idiot that stated “they know when they are little” these people should not have kids
Fine with SOGI on 2 conditions 1.Don’t ramm it down my throat 2. Before SOGI was established the government knew the cost of the program but failed to inform the tax payers ergo this is being rammed down my throat indeed. Supreme Court get ready!
It can only be understood when you study the Bible. All the the prophecies are coming to past as it was prophecies. Satan is the author of confusion so unless God reveals Himselt to you (which He doesn't to everyone) AND you accept the call He has on your life, only then will you become unto the knowledge of truth…
4:17 "Children, often times, are unable to distinguish what is fact and what is fiction…"
That's why you have teachers that guide and instruct them. And if children can't distinguish between the two then why do we bother teaching them math, geography, etc.? Also, if these last few years have shown me anything it's that many adults cannot distinguish between fact and fiction either.
Me as a random guy from Germany, can not believe this nonsense. This is like a bad fever dream. America, what are you doing?
Stop confusing kids
I feel like it just shouldn’t be taught in elementary school just above those grades
The only thing teachers ought to be teaching young children is reading, writing and arithmetic.
I guarantee you Asian countries aren't teaching this garbage to their children, and if we don't stop we're going to lose the battle.
Wow this whole interview is such a joke. None of what Emilie Kao, said is grounded in science (not shocking as she literally just talked out of her ass and used no evidence-based data to support her random claims and cries of children in tears haha) "There are only two sexes"… this is simply factually not true, intersex people exist and biological sex literally exists on a spectrum!
I also found it hilarious that all the people they interviewed on the street were chill/supportive of the gender-inclusive curriculum. It just goes to show the majority of people disagree with this false narrative the heritage foundation is spinning! This is obviously some sort of religious organization trying to influence anti-LGBTQ sentiment, sad lol.
All the people « interviewed » have already been indoctrinated and corrupted by this elite pervert agenda
They teach it on a unicorn. Is this a scientific lesson, or a fairy tale? Teachers must keep the identity secret from parents; seriously? These are children who still believe in the Easter bunny and Santa. This is not choosing ice-cream. Keep it at home. Ignorance. We still have issues with kids learning abc's. Waste of money, American public school.
I was trying to understand what the guest speaker was trying to say but then I checked and she was religious lol I found the problem
Ask parents. Biology teaches gender. It's not a social construct. It is biology. Hormones, neurology, anatomy, and involves spiritual and mental. Stop messy with children and dividing them with parents. Public schools do not need to focus attention on sexual orientation.
That's fine create programs for those who struggle with gender, sexual, or just struggling with something…. education should focus on math, science, and reading… our education system has some of the lowest scores to any progressive counties…. let's make our children smarter make school harder so kids dont have time to bully each other
All those people are living in sin. There is only one gender male or female. Gender identity should only be taught at home. Sex should not be allowed schools.
Home school! Hit the government where it hurts. Less children in public schools means less funding .
I think schools should have to figure out how to actually teach kids, which they are failing at miserably. I'm not used to being lectured at by people who are this terrible at their jobs.
multiple studies! LOL
Religion is considered for the same people as a social construction. For many young people, religion is important to their lives. If we teach gender identity in public school because it's important for them, we should also teach spirituality since it's also a very important social construction for them.
Gender identity does not belong in public school, but neither does public school. State run mind control as an institution is wrong, evil and anti-christ.
Everyone need to home school l there kids now. I'm sick of this ideological nonsense being forced down people throats. The world gone insane.
Playing dress up is not a validation for mutilating genitals. That's child abuse. I had two older brothers and wore some of their old clothes sometimes but I do not want a penis.
How do you teach something that doesn’t exist? It’s called mental illnesses.
Wow. This is so sick!
This entire thing has gotten waay out of hand!!
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a boy, I told my parents to call me Nikita koloff, my favorite wrestler and for Halloween, I was Superman, Batman & Mr.T. my father always said to me, I'll indulge this phase, but I won't allow you to call yourself a boy, because you're not, you're a girl & God doesn't make mistakes, when I became a teenager, i grew out of it🤷
Nutshell, teaching transgenderism to children is child abuse.
Thankfully, the American College of Pediatricians agrees with me.
Their article explains why it is child abuse better than I can.
Wth are these people doing talking to little kids about sexual orientation and "gender identity"? GROSS