Genevieve Wood: Economic Response to Coronavirus Must Be Targeted and Temporary
Genevieve Wood joined Fox Business on March 11, 2020, to discuss the coronavirus stimulus plan and explain that any emergency fiscal policy response should link directly to the coronavirus in order to address the source of the economic shock while limiting any political abuse that can develop in moments of crisis
Genevieve Wood is a leading voice for The Heritage Foundation as a senior advisor and spokesperson. Wood is a founding team member of The Daily Signal, which provides conservative opinion as well as news and analysis of policy and political matters. She produces regular commentary in text and on video, interviews elected officials and other newsmakers on camera, and makes major media appearances.
Check out her work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/genevieve-wood
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We need to have a total ban on news commentators giving an opinion. That's in my opinion.
Calm down.
More people die from the regular flu!!!! Aaaaah !! Surrounded by idiots