George Soros: I have NO GUILT for helping Nazis
In this video that George Soros and his cronies tried to hide, you can hear the Rothschild banking dynasty protege admit on camera that he felt NO GUILT about helping the National Socialist (Nazi) machine steal property from Jews. Soros is one of the big people behind the New World Order. Read www.thenewamerican.com for more great articles exposing this criminal.
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What an insane, horrible war criminal this guy is. How is he not in prison? How did he escape prosecution in the Nuremburrg Trials along with all the other Nazis?
He got his cash. Now he is spending it to fix the Nazi image
George Soros IS evil.
Satanist – globalist must be erased from the Earth surface
Wake up America this is the man who is destroying us! He wants to beat Trump and he has many Democrats on his payroll, including the Clintons, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Gates, Fauci and many, many more. He owns our courts, DA’s, Judges, Mayors, Governors, Black Lives Matters, Antifa and he is paying many of the people who are rioting in our streets. Also being paid the college professors, maybe some high school who are teaching our children if they are white they should be and feel ashamed. And teaching the black and white kids to go out & fight for Justice. Sadly the people telling them to go fight are the bad people, who are using them for their own gains. They are teaching them to be crazy terrorist! They are fighting for BLM because they have been brainwashed into believing they are doing the right thing. Also paying for 95% of our News
on TV, News Papers New York Times and Washington Post, Facebook, Google, Twitter, God only knows what else he owns. He is going all out this will be his biggest accomplishment in his eyes to destroy America. He is about to crash our $ dollar too! He knows he is old and will die any day now. Taking America down is his dream! I think but don’t know he may own the Bushes too. I do know George Bush Sr wrote us off when he made the deal for The New World Nations. I know at his funeral all of the people named above got envelopes and the camera caught their reactions as they read it. It wasn’t good they looked scared and they quickly hide them. I did also notice Jimmy Carter didn’t get an envelope. He seen Michelle Obama had one and he looked puzzled and then held his program “funeral not sure what they are called” up and kinda of shook it to see if anything was in there, but nope he didn’t get one. What was in the notes? I don’t know just seems weird it was for all the crooked Democrats. I pray people wake up and stop Soros from destroying us. Gates wants to give us those Covid19 vaccines which will kill us. Gates and Dr Fauci have patented the vaccine way before it even came out. Kinda weird right!? Yeah cause they paid for it to come out Dr Fauci wrote the check to China. They want to take Trump down put Biden in so they can take over America. Why ya think they let a man with dementia run for President? They know he has dementia and that it only gets worse and super quickly too. They need 80% of us gone for the New World Nation to work as they want. I’m pretty sure Soros is happy to fund our deaths. I wish I knew how to let people know. If only I knew what to say to make them understand I’m on America’s side all Americans. The Democratic Party no longer exist it has been hijacked! To save America Trump is our only hope! They hate Trump because George Soros can’t buy him! Do you know how lucky we are Trump won in 2016?! We would of already been destroyed if Hillary would of won! I had no clue at the time. I only know all of this from getting Covid and being in bed for 3 weeks. I had a lot of time to learn what the hell is going on. I read and learned so many crazy thing I thought I must be dreaming but when i fact check things it’s true! Please please start searching and reading you’ll see I’m telling the truth. Also please vote in person! The democrats are already making up stuff like they can have votes out pass 10 days of election, 16 year olds can vote, illegals can vote and prisoners can vote. And it’s strange they can’t go vote in person, but they can go protest, go to the grocery, hair saloon, beaches and many other places.
Soros is the biggest piece of shit who has ever walked the planet!!!!
Very insightful. Shows how inhuman he really is.
"I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do" WTF