Get Politics Out of Sports
Sports is the great unifier. It brings people of all races and backgrounds together. Or at least, it did. Podcaster and writer Jason Whitlock worries that when politics win, sports fans lose.
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Pro sports has become woke sports. And that’s a problem—not just for athletics, but for all of us.
“Sport has the power . . . to unite people in a way that little else does. . . It is more powerful than governments in breaking down racial barriers. It laughs in the face of all types of discrimination.”
Nelson Mandela spoke those words. The Nobel Peace Prize recipient understood the power of sports to bring disparate people together. There is no better example of this than the famous victory of South Africa’s mixed-race team in the 1995 Rugby World Cup. Mandela’s presentation of the winner’s trophy to team captain Francois Pienaar stands as an iconic symbol of unity in post-apartheid South Africa.
Sports have served as a powerful racial unifier in America as well. This is not new. It goes back decades.
In 1936, the great black sprinter and long jumper Jesse Owens won four gold medals at the Berlin Olympics. In 1938, the great black boxer, Joe Louis, scored a first-round knockout over German heavyweight Max Schmeling. The Owens and Louis victories punctured Hitler’s Aryan superiority myth, unified black and white Americans in pride and celebration, and established Owens and Louis as America’s first black national heroes.
Jesse Owens and Joe Louis laid the foundation for Brooklyn Dodgers General Manager Branch Rickey’s partnership with black baseball legend Jackie Robinson to integrate Major League Baseball in the late 1940s. That, in turn, inspired Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s. Barack Obama credited Robinson for his political rise. “There’s a direct line between Jackie Robinson and me standing here,” said America’s first black president.
Obama saw what Mandela saw—how sports transcends all barriers: “When you see this group of folks of different shades . . . coming from different communities . . . and then playing as one team . . . and celebrating each other and being joyous in that, that tells us . . . something about . . . America.” Sports, in other words, is the ultimate equalizer.
In competition, what matters is winning. That means excellence matters. And both are colorblind. Sports allow us to experience the power of pure meritocracy—the only way to govern sports, and the only way to govern life.
But now, all this storied history and the positive message of sports are being undone. In September 2016, NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee—that is, refused to stand—during the national anthem. His defenders say his protest wasn’t about the flag. But Kaepernick said otherwise. “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” he told the press. We all know what happened next. Players across the NFL followed Kaepernick’s lead, kneeling, locking arms, and even raising fists during the national anthem. Then athletes from other sports joined in.
Ironically, just as sports has the power to unite, we have discovered it also has equal power to divide.
On Opening Day 2021, Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred stripped Atlanta of the All Star Game as punishment for Georgia politicians’ passage of a voter integrity bill. Bowing to the political mob that casts half of America as racist, the move fractured baseball’s fan base.
The entire American sports world—a culture that celebrated victors, colorblindness, and patriotism—has immersed itself in victimization and left-wing radicalism. This immersion threatens permanent damage, both to American sports and to the larger American culture.
For the complete script as well as FACTS & SOURCES, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/get-politics-out-of-sports

Totally not good SPORTsMANShip….N⭕️‼️to politics⚠️🪳🤬
Man conservatives are soon cartonishly evil. Imagine agreeing that restricting your freedom of speech to protest in sports is good.
You must have forgotten to mention," frankie" was not interested in the late 30's accomplishment of the blacks either! No better then we understand history today that was frankie roosevelt.
"historically, sports has been great for politically unifying people against racism, and that's a good thing! it's time we stop that"
did I get your thesis right?
you really think that the national anthem at every sports isn't political? that it only becomes political when someone doesn't pay reverence to a song glorifying a country? if i were to go to a game and when the national anthem is blaring i pull out a boombox and try to over power it with the Dutch anthem would that not be a political move? if yes, why? after all, it's just the national anthem. this is just denying that what do is equally political so you can accuse others of making everything political. honestly it shows you think very little of your supporters, assuming they don't understand that you're pulling a fast on on them.
but i'm sure that this reply will also be deleted. how else will you maintain an echo chamber?
0:21 While I agree with this point, it is impossible to separate politics from sport. It is difficult to simply explain why this is without discussing the thousands of years were politics and religion played in sports and immersed in self as one. The ancient Greeks used religion in sports, the ancient Romans, use social politics in their martial athletics to entertain the masses & now in the modern era, we use politics, in sport to showcase or to prove something. I took two classes on the history of the Olympic Games at my college, and it was incredibly interesting to learn how much religion and politics intermingled with sports, especially at the global level. Yes, sport can be overwhelmed with politics, but we can also try to just see the spirit of athletics. I know I said it is impossible to separate sport from politics, but we can always try.
What are your thoughts?
who's the speaker?
Democrats have destroyed everything
oh stfu, 99.9% of people saying shit like “keep politics out of sports” wouldn’t say shit like this if most athletes were conservatives, and i love the fact that u picked the 2 most worst examples u can possibly use for “keep politics out of sports” and completely left out critical information such as jesse owens not being accepted by most white americans 💀
And now my favourite sport of hockey is woke Awful to see the community divide over politics
Sportsman should have the right to protest what they please, especially if it's a deeply hurtful event in our history. Yes, there is a leftist narrative and tons of misinformation about police brutality in black neighborhoods and that misinformation should be stopped, but we cannot blame the sportsman for us not doing our part, or for the existence of the misinformation. There were so many videos at the time circulating around that showed innocent black men and boys being manhandled and sometimes shot at by police and Colin K wanted to protest something that is wrong. That is his right. That said, I agree with the overall message of this video and think that the power of sports and music to bring us all together is being stripped away due to the craziness from leftist propaganda. I honestly don't know what the perfect solution is, but if anyone would like to expand on this topic on my podcast, let me know!
Great video Jason. I’ve always enjoyed your opinions for years on espn, back when I watched espn. Yes u put it so well. And hit on a point I never really considered. Simply sports used to be the great unifier. Bringing people of all creeds together through the shared love of the game. But when they allowed the politics to take it over sports are now divisive. I no longer watch or support any of the 3 major professional sports. My beef has never been with the players necessarily. Ball players are generally knuckleheads. But the owners and organizations let it happen and I can’t forgive that. U don’t, DO NOT bring your politics to the field, to the court, to the ring. Ali knew it. Jim Brown and Bill Russel did too.
https://youtu.be/hchG4ZCbdBU not true in russian ahtletest
Yeah! And get sports out of politics! It's ruining our country.
I hope you still support your own point here, now that the west is boycotting Russian in every sport event.
We should! That's why we should allow trans people to compete in the gender category they identify in
Now when its a war in the west ,people are wearing shirts with Ukraine on it,boycotting Russian team and everything
Isnt this politics in Sports?
Hypocrisy of the west in unbelievable.
This ages like cheese
"Politics is like football for me. Labour is my team and even if you don't like a striker you don't give up supporting the whole team. Labour is the lesser of two evils. What else should we have? Anarchy? Someone has to be responsible"
Noel Gallagher of Oasis
“Get politics out of sports” sounds an awful like “silence people and take away their rights”
Sports are the Escape from everyday divisions by the LEFTISTS and PROGRESSIVES..
What was that thing you guys always say about free speech and being canceled? Does it not count for Colin?
Looks like dark days are ahead. Kaepernick and Lebron are still the athletic political leaders of the our Nation, and people are not stopping the purchase of tickets.
Every team should be owned like Green Bay
NFL does communism. shared revenue salary caps. oops
Colin in black and white listen to an athlete talk about racism. Sports used to be segregated ffs
Conservatives: Get politics out of sports
Conservatives: LETS GO BRANDON!!
Love how they just basically admitted caring about black people is not right wing
Well this is funny now
Nelson Mandela was a socialist 😆
Why didn't they talk about the Nikka riots or what was going on in Constantinople's hippodrome?
Sadly, not so much with the Tokyo Olympics & the coming 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Simple, the evil side of China, particularly Xi Jinping's CCP. Sports in those events did not unite, but only renew or retain tensions. Don't forget the Taiwan naming.
“On opening day 2021, MLB commissioner Rob Manfred stripped Atlanta of the All-Star Game as punishment for Georgia politicians’ passage of a voter integrity bill.” Who’s here after Atlanta’s getting the World Series?
Test your crowd is okay with anti-Biden chants being sung at sports? 🤨
The premier league should watch this video
I Can't Believe That This Is Our World Now
Love how every example of politics not in sports were explicitly political
Damn, here comes PragerU with the anti-free speech rhetoric. Funny how they accuse the Left of being selective with the 1st amendment when they just do it too from the other side.
Video WARNING: This video is fascistic, it contains anti protest and anti sports propaganda.
Politics is contiuation of capital/industry in capitalist society. If you want it to promote VALUES then you need to get capital out of sports a little.
Witlogue of Prager University
Keep politics out of everything
Get prageru out of any social discourse.