Give Me Liberty or Give Me Safety? Constitutional Considerations During the COVID-19 Crisis
The COVID-19 crisis has changed the lives of all Americans. With mandated social-distancing, restrictions on in-person worship and church services, closures of most non-essential businesses in the domestic economy, and limitations on travel overseas and between states, some wonder what gives the government the ability to restrict our individual liberty and when it should stop.
Is the Constitution simply a parchment barrier in times of crisis? Or are these brief limitations on liberty necessary and beneficial in worldwide pandemic? Join us for a discussion with two constitutional law experts, Harmeet Dhillon and Eugene Volokh, as they debate how to strike the right balance of liberty and safety during the current pandemic.
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Benford's law applied to CDC data. https://youtu.be/7uhAn19V1EY
When you have nothing but inconsistent information from both WHO and CDC, its easy to see that this is something other than a pandemic crisis. I can look back at history where there were "pandemics " and NEVER has their been a global shutdown. It's a joke. Lukashenko said it best, THEY OFFERED ME 9.5 BILLION TO USE THIS FACADE TO BREAK OUR ECONOMY AND SOROS WOULD BUY IT BACK FOR PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR.
Here's why i find you ALL are committing CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
You've not done 1 thing, to prevent child trafficking through your legal child trafficking agency, CPS.
Your all cowards. Statistics should ve mattered with the mortality rates of CPS children. Which, BTW, is 10 times higher, than your covid.
You sold out your Country. Let me help you. Pope Francis, a Jesuit, made signatory agreement with UNITED NATIONS, BEZOS, ZUCKERBERG, THEIL, SACHS, SOROS, GOOGLE, GATES for this CORPORATE GLOBAL GOVERNANCE.
Nothing should be above our Constitution. For example: more people die from car accidents every year than from a flu. If someone is so afraid that they might kill themselves, someone else or be killed by someone else, they can choose to not drive. Their choice should not rule the choices of other driving Americans. People have the right to choose to assemble peaceably in this country. If a person thinks they may catch something at an assembly, they have the right to choose to not go. The people who choose to assemble, have chosen to take the risks and cannot blame anyone except themselves if they do catch an illness. People have the right to choose and face the consequences of their choices.
If someone is wearing a mask and is afraid of someone who isn't wearing one, they should not have come to a place where they know some people may not be wearing a mask. The Constitution stands. People must make their own choices and if they choose to go out, they need to expect any consequences of their choice. It's up to the individual to know the risks. Just like ignorance of the law is not an excuse for having broken a law. Ignorance of possible consequences is not an excuse to blame others or to take others ability to make their own choices away.
If someone is so afraid, they need to stay home and not violate any other persons civil rights because of how they "feel".
"Government doesn't like shut downs"… and here we are 6 months later…(hawaii). This argument fails because you fail to understand the motivations besides tax revenue and pet programs.
End social forcing now!
The interviewee in the lower left-hand corner is trying to argue for a duty to protect others from viruses 4:00. If we don't put an end to dangerous people like him and his ideologies you won't have a single Liberty left. If you feel that you may possibly get infected by any virus, you have a duty to protect yourself or a privilege to curtail your own liberties and freedom of assembly. You DO NOT have the right to curtail others rights or liberties. End this nonsense now before you're scanned, banned, questioned, tested, inspected, injected, fired, assessed or otherwise harrassed every time the season changes!
Just a thought. Distancing. If anyone has been in a Military organization. Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, A Guard Unit, Coast Guard, Reserve Unit. You know what distancing. Ever been in a formation? How did you measure Distancing? Arm extended front , Arm extended to the side. mm-mm