Global Digital ID & the Mark of the Beast | Marking the End Times with Mark Hitchcock
On today’s Marking the End Times show I discuss the Global Digital ID system that Bill Gates just gave $200M dollars to recently. This ID system is gaining momentum and is preparing us for a one-world government. I believe ultimately it sets the stage for the Antichrist to use it to control the population worldwide.
In the second part of the program I answer subscriber questions, and I know you’ll really enjoy it. Thank you for watching and God bless you.
Marking the End Times with Mark Hitchcock is a weekly YouTube show about Bible prophecy in the End Times and is a part of https://www.endtimes.com. Come back every Thursday for a new episode, and be sure to subscribe at endtimes.com for the full show as well as hundreds of other articles and videos.
Mark Hitchcock is a regular contributor to endtimes.com and has authored over thirty books related to end-time Bible prophecy that have sold over one million copies. His books have been translated into over ten languages. Mark is a frequent speaker at churches and prophecy conferences both in the United States and internationally.

God BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS you Dr. Mark Hitchcock.Thank yiu for your prophetic Preaching!!! Come quickly LORD JESUS CHRIST 🙏🙏🙏 9
GOD bless America and GOD bless you Dr. Mark Hitchcock!!! I believe it os just a first step to the mark of the Beast
It has started in Kenya
My head was unstable I was pregnant I was suspose to go to a psychiatric hospital but ended up in a community hospital they gave me a shot with out my permission or my families my head was out of it but I was aware of everything so they scanned my arm I remember and if I am not going crazy I remember seeing the numbers on my wrist and the nurses asked did it scan and they 2 guys that were there said No we marked it but it’s not scanning and while this was happening I remember thinking it was the mark of the beast but I don’t think I said anything and they kept trying but i remember them saying it didn’t stamp so then i remember they finally said it worked we scanned her and this place was vicious A very scary place to be with the nurses and doctors they were evil and even told y family they had to do thing under the book to treat me so now seeing this I don’t know what to do because I should of said chop off my head which I didn’t maybe it didn’t work at first because god gave me a chance to say chop off my head if this did happen what can I do because I have had spiritual in counter with god he has saved my life many times and I can’t imagine this being true me taking the mark
I believe the digital ID is the next step and just before the mark which will be an implant.
I believe the digital ID is the number that will be injected under peoples skin. Dont take it please 🥺
Digital id is very clearly a mark of the beast ritual!
Can’t buy or sell goods or participate in society like everyone else unless you had the mark on your body.
The principle is identical, the only difference between the way the devil controlled societies in the bible with the mark and digital ids is the fact that it’s a card instead of a mark. That’s it!
It’s very sickening.
It’s not complicated either. Keep it simple ppl. Facts are facts! It’s the same!
If you support digital i.d. You support the devil.
India is already using,the Biometric ID.
Switzerland geneva the home of satin klous is in hell and doesn,t know it 😂
Bill gates done has the mark can,t be like him and not have it.
God bless you and your ministry, in Jesus name
Great presentation! These tech companies, world governments and non-governmental organizations that are releasing & endorsing digital ID’s, CBDC’s, digital payments, etc will be relying heavily on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to manage these technologies. People in Europe are using micro chips in bedded in their hands to make payments. Also, Elon musk has developed a brain implant called Neuralink. Could the antichrist that hijacks this digital technology be artificial general intelligence (AGI)? These technologies are very similar to the description in the book of revelations.
Jesus is our only Hope for America and the World open their eyes and hearts to the Truth of God's Holy Word the Bible in Jesus name I pray 🙏 Amen 🙏
Soon and very soon I'm going to see The King.
I'm leaving like SUPERMAN & coming like the LONE RANGER. "Even so come Lord Jesus."
I accidently started the online process of filling out an online form for the digital ID, but I never completed the process when it occured to me that this could be spiritually dangerous. I stopped the process immediately. Now Im worried I accepted the mark of the beast. I hope Im not condemned. Im worried
I agree, with a digital ID being implemented, but I think something could possibly force this thing to happen faster then people expect….the Rapture. The World and Nations would scramble to account for people and grasp control of their Societies from collapse, so they would (at first), strongly encourage people to positively identify themselves (for the sake of security) with this new system, then later demand/force people to take this ID to participate in the Economy and services. Just a thought, but I think we're at a point, something is coming down the pike very soon and it's going to catch people completely off guard.
I’m a retired railroader! Just after I retired they gave everyone new radios where they can see where you are at all times!
The rapture is imminent. We shall have been raptured by the time that Mark comes out
As it is written dearly beloveds around the world.
Read the Book of Isaiah chapter 41
Fear thou not, for I am with thee, be not dismayed for I am thy God, I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my Righteousness.
The 5 permanent members with power in the United Nations
3.Russia Federation
4.United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
5.United states of America
The UN Resolution 181 is the Covenant with many as it is written. In the Book of Daniyel chapter 9 VS 27
The UN system is comprised of more than 30 affiliated organizations, programs, funds, and specialized agencies, with their own membership, leadership, and budget processes.
These entities work with and through the UN Secretariat to promote peace and prosperity.
They have 6 organs
1.The General Assembly
2.The Security Council
3.The Economic and Social Council
4.The Trustees hip Council
5.The Secretariat
6.Mark and number – Hmmmmmm? Read the book of Revelation chapter 13.
They are. Based at UN Headquarters in New York. The sixth, the International Court of Justice, is located at the Hague in the Netherlands.
The main objectives of the United Nations are the
1.Maintenance of international peace through it's almost 200 member states.
2.Security through Global technology since 1942 – Global Positioning systems, Neuralink, Space X, Glonass, INSAT, GNSS – 6 6 6
3.The promotion of the well-being of the peoples of the world
4.International co-operation to these ends
5.Promote Six official language
6.Prioriticizes Global issues and having it's own News site, Branches and Programs of the UN received the Nobel Peace Prize 11 Times.
Bill gates is the beast. Evil and wicked a hell.
King Charles is the real boss of WEF.
So to know more, you can only have to do subscribe or pay you, so for the gospel message about life how to live and all these other questions we got to pay that just doesn’t seem right to me I know a man is worthy of his hire, but that he’s days where there’s a lot of people that are not text savvy or lotta other things like that You know I’m not gonna preach the gospel to you because you’re not paying me? Just a crying shame.
This guy is a false teacher. There is no pre trib rapture. Christ returns after the tribulation on the clouds with his angles at the last trumpet. THEN THEN THEN the 1st resurrection of the righteous dead happens and those who are alive and believe will gather with them after the tribulation at the last trumpet.
No reason to fret. This is all in the bible. Remember those who are born-again and walk with Jesus Christ will not go through the tribulation. Everyone walking the fence will be left behind with the unbelievers. Jesus is coming like a thief in the night. One day You will wake up and all the Christians will gone from the earth. Those left behind will take the mark of the beast or they will kill you if you don't. Go and study the word.
That is the problem for all the NON CHristians who have ridiculed and mocked us. DO I care about their souls? YES. BUT GOD did not and I don't force things down peoples throats. They have been warned many times by many people including myself and they ignore and make light of the warnings. They should be terrified of GODs Wrath but they do not believe HE exists and the only way they will believe is if they see evidence of HIS POWER and WRATH and it will be too late because of the Weakness of their faith and yet these same people belive in UFOs Aliens and Evolution and Big Bang and That life came from Rocks and yet Modern Science HAS NEVER been able to Duplicate making Life come from Rock or Organics already existing. TRULY they are without Excuse and GOD will Judge them to HELL for Eternity for their Defiance and Self Pleasure Selfish shortsightedness.
Rev 14:9 "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark IN (same G1909) his forehead, or IN his hand." IN THE FOREHEAD. The name of JESUS or the Beast! It's your drive that makes the difference. It's not in the skin but in the brain. In Rev 20:4 "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon (same G1909) their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
We already have most of these conviences with out the human tracking.
I've thought this ever since COVID and lockdown
The sooner I'm off this planet, the better.
Canada is way ahead of the US on digital
I do not consent Jesus is coming back soon
Must be Kim jong UN is the Antichrist, because them North Korea people are stealing billions of dollars of digital currency each year…