God Has Spoken: Politics vs the Church | Stand to Reason Podcast with Greg Koukl
Greg talks about the problem with saying Christians should avoid politics, then he answers questions about morality and Bethel and Hillsong music.
0:00 Introduction
3:37 The problem with saying Christians should avoid politics
26:29 Should Christians sing Bethel and Hillsong music?
45:45 Moral relativism and moral subjectivism
#StandtoReason #Apologetics #Christianity #ChristianLiving
“Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air” by Greg Koukl and Francis Beckwith: https://www.amazon.com/Relativism-Feet-Firmly-Planted-Mid-Air/dp/0801058066/
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Hi! Just came across this video. I was expecting to have a lot of critical things to say about how you characterized relativism/subjectivism, but nope! Great job.
I study moral philosophy and psychology, and specifically study metaethics. I'm also what you might call an evangelist for moral antirealism: I don't think there are any credible accounts of moral realism, and I love discussing this with moral realists. it'd be great to call in to your show or write a question or something. If there's anywhere you've discussed metaethics previously, I'd love to check that out, too.
the drinking songs remind me of the song canticle of the turning which was based on star of the county down
I so much appreciate you all standing up and standing on God's Word and addressing these tough issues. You have helped me so much. God Bless your ministry!
Is this Vatican or US Constitution speak. The founders were principally masonic diests who studied and gave $ to many religions. But for a jew like Jesus, named Hym Solomon, the Colonists would have lost the War. The freedom of religion clause is to protect religions and avoid religious wars like Catholicism v. Protestantism. Religions often cause war. God does not. I am a Christian and this is just my opinion. So discard what I said if it is of no use the reader. No offense is intended.
When I got a letter from Greg after a donation, he offered how to answer someone who calls you a racist! Clearly, this remark was directed to his white Christian brothers and sisters. I have never heard Greg offer advice on how non-whites should react when someone uses a racial slur directed at them. Clearly, Greg looks at Christianity through the lens of his race. Praise God, Christ transcended race and politics in his teachings.
Strongly disagree with Dr Koukl's premise that he's not morally responsible for what those you're doing business with use your patronage for. While we don't have to go mad with boycotts, etc I think it's wrong to do business with an organisation that will use their earnings to expand their harmful/immoral enterprise. Definitely no excuse when their product is one of many alternatives. It's not like paying taxes to an immoral government…
Love this!
I agree with your take on this, but while I think it is a powerful principle to apply to ideas so you should be able to echo the thoughts of anyone regardless who said it first or their successes and failures, I see an unfortunate limit to this liberty. Notice as a designer the shape that happens to have been used in nazi swastika is now off limits because it cant be removed from the association in cultures mind at least for thousands of years now. It was also used in native american symbols with a vastly different definition but it has now been stained by germany. Like you said with songs if the author is plastered on it drawing people away then it could be harmful.
This is excellent teaching brother 🤍
Where are you going to be in Minneapolis? I live in Minneapolis and used to listen to you back in Los Angeles in the early '90s.
Politics is nothing more than how people interact in the public sphere. If we remove ourself from public interaction we are really not speaking truth. Evangelism itself can be seen as a political action and many current evangelists have been persecuted under the law of the current regimes.