God Protects Hagar and Ishmael l Voddie Baucham
God Protects Hagar and Ishmael l Voddie Baucham
Genesis 21:8-21
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Christianity is a dangerous, man-made garbage religion deeply rooted in Paganism, asserted by pedos and shameless hypocrites…
Thank you beloved brother in Christ. I very much appreciated your thorough and complete study of the text. I especially found helpful hearing about the ancient laws regarding inheritance and slavery.
Bless you and your family ❤
This is beautiful, this man of God makes me feel like I don’t know my Bible. Every time he teaches he reads passages I read before but he pulls out a different message each time
Really blessed.
stay away from Sara i knew everything Sara laugh or not laugh non of ur business
Joseph is Lucifer
This story is a contradiction . Ismael was either a baby or a teenage man
But why would she carry a teenager around in a desert ?Unless Ishmeal was a baby ? But then again if he was a baby , Isaac couldn't have been born . Then the whole story in the bible is false
I REALLY WISH there were no ads! Totally throws focus and is a total distraction!
Wonderful lesson. I never understood Hagar and Ishmael’s role. I’ve mapped out the lineages and kept Hagar & Ishmael off to the side without additional detail. I now have a better understanding. Thank you.
Very good!
Bro the Lord really likes you. You just dont like him as much but more like Peter. (if true tell him daily – Kurio su i-doo hotee fileho – which is interpreted – "Lord you know I like you and you are my friend") I am telling you as a Watchman set by the Godhead you have no knowledge of God or the Lord. Not only that says Abba Patyr' Whom you keep calling God (ppl that dont know Him calls Him god but He never called himself God nor did anyone until after the 6th Century) but you HAVE NO INCLINATIONS TO FIND OUT OR TAKE HEED TO hIS wORDS THAT DECLARE MY PPL PERISH FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE.(of God) And bc you have no clue what it is frankly is your speeches bore me to tears.
But it appears to me (as Teacher and Prophet of the Lord and Seer of Abba Patyr') that you and that Jenkins guy are two individuals who are in the pride of life being in your sins still (yeah He sees you) but he (the Lord) is calling you to make your calling and election sure. The key is him being the finisher of your faith. But as long as you are judging everyone else proclaiming to have the right speech you are as bad as the ones you are correcting. That is the sign that what you say in whatever you say is for you first!
You have never fulfilled righteousness which is the graduation from your faith you have added virtue to. Only by the adding of the virtue can Abba Patyr' declare you holy to be in His Sight. These things are of the knowledge of God that reveal His Will. You are clueless of the knowledge of God. (Isa.28:9-13.) BTW this passage is the 'true weaning', holmes. By the authority of Mal.3:16-18. I have delivered it to you. Abba patyr' says you will not hear. The Lord says you will if can get you to call out!
Voddie is a great servant of our Lord. God bless your mission turning the lost and broken to eternal salvation through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This message did alot for me today. Me and my girlfriend are new followers in christ. Alot of her friends have been saying they are super Christians and she's been getting discouraged. I told her ask them what makes them super Christians and if all you hear is i…i….i…i…i… we got our answer.
I enjoy your lessons , but we differ on salvation. I believe in God's plan not man's plan.
Mind blown and my spirit has been fed. Thank you Lord 🙏🏾 bless this man of God.
Amen, Amen, hallelujah
It's possible that Ishmael had delayed puberty and if that's the case then he's still a child biologically regardless of his age and so the description would fit. A modern day example would be someone like Ralph macchio. Also they lived much longer in those days so it makes sense if they aged slower
What an outstanding powerful teaching! Thank you Dr. Baucham.
You should be informed that i, Rochelle caffee, am not, nor have i ever agreed to being married, as though i were Hagar, to a Muslim man, and producing a son named Ishmael. This is your imagination.
Random question can someone explain the differences between Southern Baptists and Protestants?
This message made the story make so much more sense. It is a very good point that Ishmael was a good bit older than Isaac and the potential for disaster there. God is wise beyond our understanding and emotions.
Wow Amen for such wonderful preach
By God's grace He saved me.
Thank you, God.
Thank you, Rev Baucham.
Very good.
I dont understand why God Allowed Males 2 have more than just one Wife @ Adultery !.
..👼 Amen! 👼..
I’ve listened to this over and over, so much knowledge dropped 😮. Thank you 🙏🏽
The mercy of God…
WOW!!!! That was so right!!