God vs. Atheism: Which is More Rational? | 5 Minute Video
Belief in God, according to atheists, is irrational, illogical, and dumb. Belief that the universe created itself is, they say, intelligent, rational, and based in science. This is simply false. Nothing can create itself. Everything has a cause–including the universe. That cause, argues Peter Kreeft, professor of philosophy at Boston College, is God, the “unmoved mover.” Belief in God, as Kreeft shows, is more rational than belief in nothing. Logic, science, and reason, support God. Atheism, as you’ll see, is far more steeped in blind faith than is belief.
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Is it rational to believe in God?
Many people think that faith and reason are opposites; that belief in God and tough-minded logical reasoning are like oil and water. They are wrong. Belief in God is far more rational than atheism.
Logic can show that there is a God. If you look at the universe with common sense and an open mind, you’ll find that it’s full of God’s fingerprints.
A good place to start is with an argument by Thomas Aquinas, the great 13th century philosopher and theologian.
The argument starts with the not very startling observation that things move. But nothing moves for no reason. Something must cause that movement. And whatever caused that, must be caused by something else, and so on. But this causal chain cannot go backwards forever. It must have a beginning. There must be an Unmoved Mover to begin all the motion in the universe: a first domino to start the whole chain moving, since mere matter never moves itself.
A modern objection to this argument is that some movements things in quantum mechanics — radioactive decay, for example — have no discernible cause, but hang on a second. Just because scientists don’t see a cause, doesn’t mean there isn’t one. It just means science hasn’t found it yet. Maybe some day they will. But then there will have to be a new cause to explain that one. And so on and so on. But science will never find the first cause. That’s no knock on science. It simply means that a first cause lies outside the realm of science.
Another way to explain this argument is that everything that begins must have a cause. Nothing can come from nothing. So if there is no first cause, there can’t be second causes. Or anything at all. In other words, if there’s no creator, there can’t be a universe.
But, what if the universe were infinitely old, you might ask? Well, all scientists today agree that the universe is not infinitely old, that it had a beginning in the Big Bang.
If the universe had a beginning, then it didn’t have to exist. And things which don’t have to exist, must have a cause.
There’s confirmation of this argument from Big Bang Cosmology. We now know that all matter, that is, the whole universe, came into existence some 13.7 billion years ago and it’s been expanding and cooling ever since. No scientist doubts that anymore, even though before it was scientifically proved, atheists called it “creationism in disguise.”
Now add to this premise, a very logical second premise — the principal of causality that nothing begins without an adequate cause. And you get the conclusion that since there was a Big Bang, there must be a Big Banger.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/god-vs-atheism-which-more-rational

Getting something from nothing goes against the tenets of science , the very science that atheists cling to. What a dichotomy.
Ya but which god??? Man has worshipped 3000.
You could drive yourself insane looking for an answer to a question for which there is no answer. Seems the more we learn the more we realize how little we know much less understand. If there's a creator who created the creator? And who created that one? And who…There's no sense in trying to figure that out. One theory is that God exists outside of time, space and matter. Something in the Bible that says the mind of God is beyond knowing. If that's so then all we have to go on is theories based on what we can see. Scientific discoveries have shown just how complex life is. If Darwin had had the use of equipment we have now what would he have believed? I've had discussions with people who argue that evolution is the most tested and peer reviewed theory so that has to be true. There's the word theory. It's not fact. It takes faith to believe in one theory over another. At one time people believed the earth was flat and the center of the solar system. Some still believe it's flat. Me? I don't know if it's flat or like a ball. I lean towards the latter. I'm not going to spend too much time pondering the existence of God much less arguing about it. I have an open mind enough to believe there's a lot we don't know and may never know. I'll discuss it a little but that's all.
baseless assertion, baseless assertion, baseless assertion, baseless assertion, "therefore believing in god is rational, and atheists need faith while I don't"
this is a clown show
Who/what created God then? What created a being so powerful that it exhibits the ability to create something from nothing. Faith is not blind, but adopting faith as objective truth is blind.
Reasons to believe that god is uncreated and that their is a god:
1. A god is a being that is different from a human being and any other being in the entire universe because he is the supreme ruler and no one is beside him. He is the one who created us.
2. You cannot have an infinite regress of dependant things. You need to stop at one logical point where it all makes sense.
For example, Let's say that a baker baked cupcakes and bread.
The illogical question is: Who baked the baker? It doesn't make any sense.
God created the universe and all living beings with it.
The illogical question is: Who created god? It doesn't make any sense.
If you can agree that there is evil it is not to much of a leap to believe there must be an opposing force.
What you're calling "God" here, i.e. the effect that caused the big bang (that we don't understand by the way) is very different from what most monotheists mean by the word "God", i.e. a human-like being who authored a book, tinkers in human affairs, and cares supremely whether or not a given human believes in him alone as the one true god.
It seems to me that the logical thing to do is rather to simply admit: "we don't know what caused the big bang". What sequence of logic can build on that claim to arrive at all the doctrines of one of our mutually incompatible religions?
I guess I'll look into Krishna. After all, you didn't give an argument for belief in your god. Smug bastard. Hey Peter, what was the first cause of the first cause?
It takes faith to believe everything came from nothing, it takes reason to believe everything came from a Creator. Powerful statement.
What created god?
Religion damns science with the ultimate insult: it's based on FAITH. And, yes, that IS the ultimate insult. Nothing could be more irrational, nonsensical, false, and evil than faith. Faith, supernaturalism, and god.
Going by the logic displayed in the video, who created god then?
Hi. In fact scientists DO assert that something can come from nothing. Quantum fluctuations in the vacuum energy of space create "virtual particles" which pop in and out of existence. This happens in (+) (-) pairs. If one of the virtual particles then falls down a black hole, the remaining virtual particle becomes a REAL particle. Creation is happening everywhere just as Fred Hoyle (Steady State theory) claimed. NOTE: this doesn't prove S.S. theory, even Hoyle gave up on it, but it certainly gives it a "dead cat bounce". (Schrodinger's cat I presume). Cheers, P.R.
"It takes faith to believe that everything came from nothing."
Correct. And that's why theists believe in a magical genie that can poof stuff out of nothing and atheists don't. Quit projecting your misconceptions onto us.
Both believers in god, and those who aren’t believers, require faith in this sense, it’s funny to me that many atheists don’t even think about this. To dismiss god so assuredly, don’t you think that you’d need to figure out what this initial cause was?
Ridiculous! You cannot simply fill in the gaps in your knowledge with 'God did it'.
When you don't know something, say so instead of making shit up.
Anyone who says that the world needed a creator therefore that proves God tell me does God need a creator and if God does not need a creator that’s proof that the universe does not need a creator if God does not need a creator then you can say well everything needs a beginning therefore it has to be God even more so just because something needs a beginning doesn’t mean it has to be God
Professor of philosophy for such a bunch of approximative shits …
That's Pure Miracle !