God's Name Has Changed?! (Learn Its Interesting Biblical History)
Yahweh, Adonai, LORD, Jehovah… God seems to have a lot of names, what exactly am I supposed to call Him? We invite you into the fascinating journey behind all the different names Jews and Christians have referred to their creator throughout the centuries, and more importantly, why! Check out our second installment in a six-part exploration of the ancient biblical prayer called “The Shema.”
#Yahweh #BibleProject #Lord
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Amazing! I really enjoyed learning about this in the Bible App Shema plan so much that I had to come over to Youtube to give it a like and comment 👏🏾
NICE. But I wonder why its so hard to teach everyone the real name of God and Jesus
YHWH. Not hard to say rather than simply using proper nouns.
Didn’t the Jews stop saying Gods name in the second century because of a Roman law prohibiting it under penalty of death? Wasn’t it, therefore, commonly pronounced in the first century by Jews and Christians and Jesus Himself? References?
Just because they've stopped saying it, doesn't mean his name as changed.
God only wants us to be as his sons and daughters and call him Abba (my father)….
So what you're saying is that God is only subject to grammar?
Walker Jeffrey Thompson Amy Robinson Nancy
Amen 🙏🏾….Thank you for this Rhema word! ❤
Does this also apply to Jesus because he is our Lord and Savior right? And in Revelation it says He was the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end who was who is and who is to come 3:35
Yahwah = Demiurge
The fact that someone would be bold enough to change his original name tells me that person had a very close communication with the devil.
The vocalisation "Yahweh" (יַהְוֶה) is in the Hiphil stem, and means "He causes to be", not "He will be". To get the meaning "He will be", we have to use Qal stem, and the word would be "Yihweh" (יִהְוֶה).
Doyle Rapids
3981 Kim Manors
AMEN 🙏♥️
Johnny View
Wait what
18883 Hauck Street
Neil Ports
Johnston Mills
Huel Knolls
ATTRIBUTES OF YAHWEH AND JESUS CHRIST (Isaiah 44:6, Jeremiah 10:10, and Exodus 3:14)
1. Everlasting King (2 Samuel 7:16)
2. Savior (Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 1:1)
3. Almighty (Revelation 1:7-8)
4. Alpha and Omega or The Beginning and the End Revelation 1:17-18, 21:5-7, 22:12-13.)
5. True God (1 John 5:20-21)
6. Living God (Mark 16:16)
7. Creator (Jeremias 10:12, John 1:3,10. 17:5, Colossians 1:15-16, Hebrew 1:10,)
8. The great "I am" ( John 8:24,58, 13:19)
Jakubowski Junction
There is no word yahweh in the bible hahaha…
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