GOP Whip Eric Cantor on How Gov’t Can Help Job Growth
Whip Cantor (R-Va) presented his seven step commonsense job plan that creates an environment in which businesses large and small would feel comfortable hiring new workers. Ending the uncertainty of new Washington regulatory and tax legislation would go a long way towards fostering job growth.
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@MrMindfucker Ohhh man I mis-read your comment you said corporatism, not capitalism.
@MrMindfucker Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard
You're missing the forest for the trees, here.
He's explaining why a larger government isn't going to help the economy, whether it's liberal or conservative. Less government, redistribution, and taxes would help business, and it would allow companies to create jobs.
Great video. I like the idea of sending messages to Congress but with people like Pelosi, Reid, and Obama in power, our messages will only be ignored. We should focus on winning seats in 2010 if we want to help cut down on government recklessness.