Gospel of Matthew Summary: A Complete Animated Overview (Part 1)
Watch our overview video on Matthew 1-13, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In Matthew, Jesus brings God’s heavenly kingdom to earth and invites his disciples into a new way of life through his death and resurrection.
#Matthew #BibleProject #BibleVideo
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I’ve read through Matthew 4 times since last February and for me, it’s the hardest book in the Bible to understand. And chapter 28 is especially difficult
I disagree with the premise lol
These videos have changed my life and help me understand the bible. They have strengthen my relationship with the Lord Jesus. I was so lost before, and now Jesus saved me and has given me a beautiful life. It all started with me being able to understand the bible better ❤🙏✝️
One of THE best parts in The Bible that links the Old Testament and the New Testament is when Jesus said "Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I AM!" (John 8:58)
And in (Exodus 3:14) "God replied to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. Say this to the people of Israel: I AM has sent me to you."
I was in shock when I first heard of this.
Thank God for Jesus, the word in Bible project to break it down I appreciate you guys so much
Thank you! This helps so much.
Heavenly Father, millions of Your children are in desperate need of miracles, healing, being set free from addictions, mending broken relationships, finding lost children, needing jobs… that the chains be broken in Jesus’ mighty name. Please bless us with miracles. Thank You Heavenly Father, thank You Jesus Christ and thank You Holy Spirit. 🙏✝💜🦋
God promise bat lhem it's not the meaning
Tax collector from her we no who mathew
Give me nomber
Amen thank you for the work you guys do ❤ blessings
Very interesting ❤❤❤❤❤❤
good for you
Hi thank you so much for making these😊
Thank you.
Matthew 2 – I didn't realize how many times an angel of The Lord gave Joseph instructions in a dream as to direction as to where to take Jesus (& Mary) to live
Thanks and love you man
Just thanks GOD about your wonderful work.
May GOD guide you
Why do you think he says John the Baptist was neutral in responding to Jesus? Because he questioned who Jesus was towards the end of his life? Seems odd he would think John the Baptist was neutral when he was the one proclaiming the way for Jesus!
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