Hamilton: The Man Who Invented America|5 Minute Video
Alexander Hamilton: You understand the name, but what do you understand about the guy? Joseph Tartakovsky, senior fellow at the Claremont Institute, details how Hamilton took a nation without any past and envisioned its future.
This video was made in collaboration with the American Battlefield Trust. Discover more about the Alexander Hamilton and America’s Battlefields at Battlefields.org. http://bit.ly/2D7qivy
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It would be just a minor exaggeration to state that Alexander Hamilton created the United States of America.
George Washington was the guiding star; Thomas Jefferson, the visionary; and Benjamin Franklin, the sage. But Hamilton was the pragmatist, the man who got it done.
This most self-made of self-made guys took a country without any past and planned its future.
He was born on January 11, 1755 on the island of Nevis. This was not the Caribbean of your cruise fantasy– quite the contrary. As Ron Chernow composes in his biography of Hamilton, “While other starting daddies were reared in neat New England towns or cosseted on baronial Virginia estates, [Hamilton] grew up in a tropical hellhole …”.
Sugar plantation servant auctions were a routine function of island life. The phenomenon– purchasers swinging branding irons as they surveyed the human “merchandise”– made a long-term impression on Hamilton: He was a fierce abolitionist his entire life.
Abandoned by his dad at an early age, his mom died of yellow fever when he was 14, leaving the teenage boy destitute. A regional judge needed to buy him shoes so that he might attend her funeral.
He soon took a task as clerk for a regional merchant. Soon, he was running the business– coordinating shipments of mules and codfish, calculating currency exchanges, and encouraging sea captains on how to handle pirates. It was an unmatchable apprenticeship in credit, commerce, and trade.
In 1773, he arrived in New York to participate in King’s College, the leader of today’s Columbia University. Swept up in the advanced eagerness of his adopted nation, he dropped out to join the Continental Army.
He quickly came to the attention of George Washington, who made him a personnel officer. The sonless Washington called the fatherless Hamilton “my kid.” Fellow officers later on remembered “Call Colonel Hamilton” as Washington’s instinctive utterance when crucial news got here.
As Washington’s trusted aide, he was involved in every aspect of running the war, consisting of actual battling, where he identified himself on numerous events. But more than anything, it was his transactions with the weak and indecisive Continental Congress that shaped his political views.
The issue with the Congress, in Hamilton’s view, was that too few members took the idea of nationhood seriously. They quarreled over their narrow interests rather than unifying over the nationwide interest.
As the war was unwinding, Hamilton set out the choice before the nation in an extensively checked out six-part essay. We might become a “splendid and honorable” federal republic, he wrote, “closely linked in the pursuit of a common interest …” or we might stumble ahead as a “variety of petty states, with the look just of union …”.
It was clear where Hamilton stood.
For the complete script, go to https://www.hamilton-man-who-invented-america.
Alexander Hamilton: You understand the name, however what do you know about the man? Joseph Tartakovsky, senior fellow at the Claremont Institute, details how Hamilton took a nation with no past and pictured its future.
Discover more about the Alexander Hamilton and America’s Battlefields at Battlefields.org. He quickly came to the attention of George Washington, who made him a staff officer. Fellow officers later kept in mind “Call Colonel Hamilton” as Washington’s instinctive utterance when crucial news arrived.