Happening Now featuring Charlie Kirk (December 2019)
In this special episode of Happening Now, Pastor Jack Hibbs interviews one of the leading voices in young, conservative America: Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA. Watch as they discuss college education, the importance of the 2020 election, hope for the future of America, and more.
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Shalom to you both! You both are lamp stands for Jesus, I wish I could spread the Word the way your able to! TY Lord for these Godly men you have brought up for this time🤗❤🙏
Could you speak to my grandchildren?
About not supporting is lam….Check everything what you buy and make sure it is not halal certified…even barley green and yoghurt…cheese…marsbars…vegemite etc etc…money from certification goes to is karmic organizations….the certification symbol is very small on the packaging!
This is the second time I've watched this, and it's just as awesome as the first. I pray God raises up more young men like Charlie Kirk. What a Blessing he is for the youth of this great country!!
Thank you Father God for giving us Pastor Jack. Even the Coronavirus can't hold back the passion he has to teach us the Prophetic Word of God! He has been a true Blessing for me and my family. ✝️✡❤
Kirk is an admirable young man. I just have a question. He is quoted as saying, “Finally we have a president that understands the seven mountains of cultural influence.” How does this not smack of NAR and the 7 Mountain Mandate? I find that concerning.
I would like to thank you for this message. I am one of the parents who has complained to my 27 year old daughter about her not wanting to go to college. I had to ask the Lord for forgiveness. She has said to me many times the same reasons that Charlie had just said. What an eye opening this video has been to me. Thank you once again and God Bless you both.
Pastor Jack you are a true blessing and is Charlie, but my concern is that you are preaching to the choir. The people who need to hear your blessed message are NOT the ones listening to these shows
Charlie is getting really intense… I hope he can take some time and relax himself a little. He is doing great things for the country and the country needs him, and for that reason, he needs to look after himself.
Read II Thessalonians 3:10. If you don’t work you don’t eat.
Charlie never mentioned the five colleges per the question asked. Hillsday and Liberty only mentioned.
Bloomberg thinks farmers are beneath.him
excellent! God bless you all!
Wow! What a smart man! It would be a losing battle to argue with this guy!
"Involving government was a mistake." 501c3 is the issue.
The church can't print money out of thin air ….so the corporate/government crony capitalism that has created a blank check uncountable economy. ..has given Americans a standard of living that is unsustainable. I agree the church can step in and make a great difference it can't generate trillions and trillions of uncountable money spent to cover up America's unsustainable lifestyle.
Not trying to be arbitrary here just want to be clear on the facts so I don’t get slammed- 6mil off Gov assistance now. Did they come off voluntarily or were they taken off by new laws or a combination there of?
Yes all these people that dont appreciate this country are people that never lived anywhere else to know the difference on how this country is the best country to live in. I came to this country thanks to my parents for a better life and we got one but it wasn't easy but we made it. I'm 45 years old now and all my 3 brothers have great careers and my sister too. We love this country and it's our country now because we are all citizens of the United States of America. You get opportunities in this country and people that complain are just ignorant snobby people that are lazy. Sorry to sound so mean. I love God and I am grateful that he has always been with my family. God bless
I’m so thankful for your boldness! And Charlie Kirk, don’t stop what you’re doing! I pray you are able to change so many minds in high schools and colleges!!! I’m so thankful for you and your ministry! ❤️❤️
I am a college educated grandmother with an autistic grandchild and because we needed help (and couldn't get it, except food stamps, which is NOT THE HELP WE NEEDED) the state has TAKEN OVER and removed my grandson…. why? Because my grandsons medical team recommended a school that would have meant all the federal funds that currently go to the public school system would have gone to pay the tuition for this school. The public school system and the state decided to take that choice away from my daughter, they illegally (and I mean BROKE LAW AFTER LAW to do it) removed him and he's been gone TWO YEARS in March of this year!!!!
They stole my grandson and are forcing him to remain in a substandard public school system that cannot possibly meet his true educational needs and potential!!! Why???MONEY AND ABUSE OF POWER!!!!
I will be suing the state of a Colorado and every associated agency along with Cherry Creek Public school system back to the dark ages for what they've done to my grandson and family!!
Oh, and the kicker here??
My grandson was injured not once not twice but THREE TIMES due to their negligence and deliberate disregard of his IEP and his physical, mental, emotional disabilities, not to mention his autism…. they deliberately denied him a paraprofessional, a one on one person he needed to safely navigate school grounds!!!!
God bless these men and their vision!!!
I don't know if it was photoshopped, but grindall61 on YouTube just showed a photo of Charlie Kirk with a guy in drag wearing a MAGA hat, shirt and and crazy makeup.
This guy is Awesome. Smart. We need more like him. Pastor Jack Thank You .
Very impressed by this young man! Great future leadership from the youth. Love it! Stay strong . Thank you
loved that last answer from Charlie. What wisdom from someone so young!
It’s called voter fraud in California!
So Christians, start calling your Congress people and tell them we the people do not agree with the direction they are trying to take our country. Pray Christians, Pray!
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ! May God continue to bless you, keep you and make his face to shine on you Charlie Kirk! I have to say I am a very shy person, until the Glory of God's spirit overshadow me. I then, become bold in him. It's amazing. I am only 4'10, 100 lbs. But, I feel 10 feet tall! when my Abba is with me. Glory to God! He blesses me in so many supernatural ways, that all I can do is Praise him over and over again! To God be the GLORY! Before every situation that comes my way, I always go to him in prayer. The word of the Lord is a lamp into my feet and a light into my path! Hallelujah! I pray for our President, his family, and America every day!
Amazing young man, I felt a tremendous amount of encouragement and wisdom radiating from him during his talks! God bless!