Happening Now featuring Charlie Kirk (March 2022)
Join Charlie Kirk, Founder and President of Turning Point USA, and Pastor Jack as they discuss the Great Reset and the coming New World Order as it relates to Bible prophecy and modern-day politics!
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Amen and amen
How do I see Charlie right now? Only the chat is showing up
Excellent Pastor Jack and Charlie. I hope people all around the world will wake up and see what's going on still God is in control. God bless you both.
I am wanting to know if after the millennial reign of our Lord Jesus Christ will the people who have come to Jesus Christ get their new bodies? I heard they don’t but I don’t know. Can you please help me? Thank you
So thankful for you two men of God
Push for universal vouchers and parents can control their children’s education.
Thank you Lord for immense favor on these two men!❤
Hallelujah for these men Lord
Thank guys for bringing awareness to the WEF and Schwab's evil agenda. These elitists and globalists want to kill billions and keep us all poor and eating bugs. They are not hiding their intentions, they say these things openly. "You will own nothing and be happy"
Yikes. Starting with the Bible?
This is what it looks like when the church goes to WAR!!
Approximately 1800 tears ago Marcus Aurelius' grandfather told him to beware of public education your treasures belong at home. Nearly 2000 years ago home schooling was the way to go. Why hasn't that been pointed out? Get a copy of "Marcus Aurelius , Meditations" it's worth reading. Resist the reset.
Biden is communism but China paid Hunter.
True message
Democrats hate freedom because they want to be God. Democrats want to control your lives.
I aprouve this message!
-from Massachusetts
Sooo, could America be the “restrained”? Hmmm….
You can lead them to the water but they have to want to drink. It’s amazing to see people deny what is happening directly in front of their face. Let’s just look at the basic levels of this. If you think that this is all normal. That the Plandemic was normal. That our medical industry enforcing an experimental shot and working with the govt. to tell lies is normal. That tyrannical leftist govt. control is normal. That losing your freedom of speech, losing your religious freedom, losing your right to protect you and your family is normal. That everything the media tells you is the truth. That a centralized world govt. that controls everything is normal. Then I can’t help you and you are exactly what the global elitists are hoping for.
The mid term elections have played out since this was first aired and showed Republicans were arrogant and lost the red wave. Republicans politicians should remember they tend to represent conservative Christians who don't believe in arrogance. Who believe we can turn away wrath with a soft word and setting the example! Otherwise we need to find a new party to back!
Awesome 👍
Oil was labelled as a “Fossil Fuel” decades ago, so they could put a “price” on it.
Oil,, IS NOT a fossil fuel! It produces faster in this earth than it can possibly be consumed!!! EVERYONE DO YOUR RESEARCH AND STOP LIVING THAT LIE. ❤️🙏
I love you two. So intelligent and descent people. Jack you glow with the Holy Spirit. Kirk you are an amazing young man.
I love that AOC & others think cow gas is horrendous & we should get rid of cows 😂 What about people?? PLUS a while ago methane gas was going to be used for POWER.
Similar to how the introduction of calculators enabled people to NEVER learn the skills necessary to perform math, the introduction of computers, cell phones, internet placed all of human knowledge at everyone's fingertips and enabled people to never have to problem solve, think critically, and lots more. They're how increasingly dependant on a computer to perform their jobs and soon it'll be living life itself. This is the time Jesus will return. H¢ll on earth is approaching. God bless you all.
As much as I love these guys why does Charlie Kirk keep referring to Schwab as German. More important to recognize all these NWO people are mostly Zionists. Don’t forget the Germans were trying to save the world from these people so it’s kind of an oxymoron to address it the way he is.
Conspiracies or not?
JackHibbs, why are you trusting Charlie Kirk and not God !
do u think God put Biden in charge to wake up the population
(Climate change) as the magnetic north (not true north) continues to move this is what causes changes in the climate and jet streams. It continues to move and will continue.
I get the importance of oil and natural gas still in the global and US economy… but not everything is black or white. There’s reason why so many people are trying to transition out and away from fracking and the use of the keystone pipeline. One reason is not because of “climate change” per se, it’s environmental pollution and destruction. The leakage of crude oil from spills into the environment destroys the surrounding ecology, the soil, and leaches into water supplies. So keep that in mind when you consider extracting oil over the pristine wildlife that is America. Just sayin, these things can be a little complex and/or nuanced. 🇺🇸
Love this truth.
I love how Charlie looks back on all that we have done in the past year. How citizens are standing up and fighting back ❤️🇺🇸
So let’s put “Covid masks” over cows buttholes to help filter the methane gas since they work so well 🤣
Cattle owners have a lot of land that is unfarmable because of lack of access to water and would lose their property without the ability to raise and market cattle
This is so informative and a great reminder of where we are to stand in our faith and walk in our freedom authority and more….
Mr. Charlie Kerk: Note on methane gas: Check the science, please… Hey, it is true that CFO-raised (meat) cows are a huge cause of climate and health issues, more than all the cars in the world, yet Grass-Fed organic pasture-raised meat (including pork and chicken) as God had intended for them, is not only healthy but could reverse the negative outcome of our health and the health of the planet in short order. We can eat plenty of meat and live.
Making the US seem even close to Israel is so wrong biblically.
I've watched this live and keep rewatching. Pure Gospel truth from wise men (who are less angry than me. ) I've spent 2 yrs salvaging my 30 yr old business that the government has tried to destroy. I've been discouraged, and but churches shut down it was the best to open my eyes to those worshipping a false Jesus (99% of them- 75% took PPP money, then re-opened woke. But they never missed asking you weekly for your offering, did they???)
Thank you!!! Finally someone says it
We know God will bring this crooked and perverse world to its knees in judgment, ushering in His kingdom at the appearing of Jesus Christ. But the main thing Christians need to be concerned about is preaching the saving Gospel. Yes, we are to be active in bringing positive change within society, but we must not lose focus as to our primary mission in this world, and we must not allow ourselves to be driven by a steady diet of bad news which robs us of the "good cheer" Jesus promised His church. I know of so many Christians that are living in agitation and fear. They are doing exactly what Jesus said not to do, by "marveling" over the corrupt and twisted state of the world. At one Point Pastor Jack made the statement that the Trump re-election loss may involve "the most prolific deception in the history of man thus far." Um, Pastor Jack, let's stop with all the exaggeration and sensationalism, and stick with preaching the Gospel. Trump lost the election because of his Pride, big mouth, lack of people skills. And, of course, God gives the throne to whomsoever He wishes, according to the book of Daniel.
Thank you.
Thank you Lord and thank you Pastor Jack / Charlie Kirk
I have My Pillow too!
I must admit for the first time I have really enjoyed a program you’ve given. You still are pushing an agenda that I disapprove of and is not biblical and that is one of nationalism. America is not going to be saved and it is not special according to scripture. All that is special are the bride of Christ and the remnant as we were taught that new Jerusalem will come down from heaven. The evangelical movement follows this false teaching along with this idea that Trump was some type of messiah and the reality is that all of our politicians are crooked, some more than others and some are what we could best described as “controlled opposition” it is unscriptural for you to teach that if we come together maybe God will post pone or hold off anything as this is not the truth. We are in the end times and everything else that you have said with regards to the World economic forum it’s literally the truth and putting a face to what revelation tells us. I hope that we will continue to be bold and stick to scripture. Acknowledge that people like Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari are among the two people that fit the leader ship that the entire global community including the United States and Israel are following. Get rid of the nationalism thing, all you’re trying to do is tickle peoples funny bones with something that is not true. We were told that not only is the world going to change but that most of Israel will be destroyed as well and for you to state that if we come together perhaps God will save is “ False”. The Lord will deliver his bride as depicted in revelation 3:10 and remove them from the earth in the hour of temptation that will judge those that remain on earth. Stop the nationalism thing because you’re building false hope instead of trusting fully in Yahushua. Other than that this was an excellent program and I hope you that you continue to go in this direction as it is giving people the truth. The World economic forum and it’s allies are the face of the beast system. Also by the way agenda 2030 was moved to the desire to have things in place by 2023. So we are right at the precipice of the implementation of the beast system so people need to hear pure truth and not false hope
Let's get back to Jubilee Tradition! Every person deserves a slice of land!!
Bless the Lord oh my soul
Forget not all His benefits!!
The Lord our God is with us He is
Don't lose hope, prophecy is on the move,
His righteous justice is riding it!!
Don't fear bros and sis!
The Lord Jesus is with us!
Albert Pike was a 33rd degree mason, and he wrote: "We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
^ That was written in the mid 1800s. The same time when Darwin came out with his mythology book of evolutionism. Mere 'random coincidence'? Of course not. This 'theory' of evolutionism is exactly what would help them create the nihilists and atheists.
This cult has been at work to destroy us for centuries, not just decades.